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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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I have a 6 month sub and great guildies. I like that positive changes seem to be coming from developers. I just turned 50 and leveled slow on purpose. Right now there are still things for me to do and I anticipate more content in a couple of months. Also, I expect technical improvements.


I know there is a group who say they are coming back in a few months. If it is technically better I think these people will stay. There are new titles coming out. GW2 is the most exciting but I am burnt out on elf Orc variations and although I think technically better developed not going to GW 2. Although I really hope Bioware steals ideas from them. Dynamic world and better combat and PVP.



I do like the combat visuals in this game I just want it to be more responsive.

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Yeah this game definitely wasn't ready for release, that much should be clear to everyone by now, this was rushed for the holiday season and we are playing an unfinished game. It should get better in a few months but we'll see.


I disagree,I think this game would have still been **** if it had taken another 12mnths to release,the problem is its tried to copy every bad thing wow did and tried to cover it with mass effect.

Edited by Karraway
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I am day to day with ToR. Some days i kinda like it while other days not so much.

Every patch kills it for me a little as well.


About Tera, any of the beta people know about the end game PVP? Is it a carrot on a stick gear progression with PVP stat based game or is it skill based?

Edited by Razot
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Have you played TERA, sir? It is far from a grindfeat. Not even the Korean version was.


And yeah the Elins are a little ambiguous. But most of the races are serious :D


Idd with the rest of your post.


I've come to realize that most people who complain about "grindfest" have never even played a game where you actually have to grind.


They think doing quests is grinding, they don't have a clue about MMOs where the only way to advance was/is camping a spawn site and literally grinding mobs for levels with no reasoning or variety just constant pull kill, pull kill.


Game like FFXI, even Everquest were bad about this. THAT is grinding.

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I am day to day with ToR. Some days i kinda like it while other days not so much.

Every patch kills it for me a little as well.


About Tera, any of the beta people know about the end game PVP? Is it a carrot on a stick gear progression with PVP stat based game or is it skill based?


What I've pulled together is they're going to have RvR.


then there's death matches and something else.



And also from what I understand there isn't rewards in the form of gear

Edited by HavenAE
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Oh I see another apologist. Really you can give up the 'DEFEND TILL DEATH' schtick. You just posted how GW2 is going to fail and WoW is outdated yet this game is the next coming of Jesus lol.


WoW at seven years old looks well above AND performs well above this game from '12. This game can't handle more than 10 people in an area without convulsing. Have you looked at the speeders? Where's the night/day cycles? How about having NPCs that you know....do something? Can we get something besides wallpaper graphics? How about incredibly long load times? How about swimming? Ability delay? Is it me or does it look like my characters chest piece is smeared in mud? Where's the high res textures? Planets that are empty and lifeless? Why does my client freeze up when I open and close the character pane more than a couple of times?


As I've said before this game is a step backwards :


HeroEngine directx9 single threaded vs. WoW multithreaded engine, directx11, IPv6 support and 64bit client. Ya hate more.


Dude...I dont know what you smoke when you play wow, but wow looks like crap brah. Even when all the details are set to max...its still a cartoony crap fest. I am not saying the Hero engine is great awesome and superior, I am saying that even with all that tech behind it...wow still looks like crap. TOR looks better. I do agree that hi res textures, ability delay, no night day cycle, and instanced planets suck. Has me worried on the long term viability of this game.

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You need a new guild. There is a TON of endgame content. Between raiding 3 times a week and doing flashpoints everyday, I am never bored.


Umm, what? I PUGed both OPs in about 4 hours. How are there 3x a night worth of content for a half decent guild?

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Subbed for 6 months... so if GW2 is out by then, that's about how long. I will definitely be back once more chapters are added though, I love the stories too much to ever say I would quit and walk away totally from SWTOR.


Right now I have only done the agent story totally, so 7 to go. I figure it will take me 6 months to go through them.

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Of course I will subb for at least a year...well at least until the 1st April


* the game world is so full of life and worth to explore it

* the immersion sucks me totally in

* Iam not playing any alts just from beeing bored

* Illum is the best pvp expirience in my life

* We have countless Battleground types

* I love StarWars thats why I love playing ball

* Crafting is superior over any game I played before

* The Space Missions offer amazing pvp

* When you hit lvl 50 there is so much endgame content, it is amazing

* I love to crash doors with bombs...did I say that already

* I dont need any driveable AT-ST, combined ground and air in pvp would be boring

* World pvp is fantastic and it reminds of good ol Tarren Mill, we have even pvp raids

* Alterac Valley is small and boring in comparison to the pvp we have in swtor

* Group pvp is great, all the complainers are just whining

* Classes are all balanced otherwise you would see masses of just one or two class types

* Pure Shockfrozen Water owns


I think It is really obvious that Swtor is that tasty and great that I will swallow my game DVD.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Dude...I dont know what you smoke when you play wow, but wow looks like crap brah. Even when all the details are set to max...its still a cartoony crap fest. I am not saying the Hero engine is great awesome and superior, I am saying that even with all that tech behind it...wow still looks like crap. TOR looks better. I do agree that hi res textures, ability delay, no night day cycle, and instanced planets suck. Has me worried on the long term viability of this game.


I don't know what you smoke when you play TOR, but TOR looks liek crap brah. Even when all the details are to max (max right)...it's still a cartoony crap fest. I'm not saying WoW's engine is awesome and superior, I am saying even with all the years on it Blizzard has managed to keep the game looking good an tweaked it by adding DX11 and other such features.

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I don't know what you smoke when you play TOR, but TOR looks liek crap brah. Even when all the details are to max (max right)...it's still a cartoony crap fest. I'm not saying WoW's engine is awesome and superior, I am saying even with all the years on it Blizzard has managed to keep the game looking good an tweaked it by adding DX11 and other such features.


cartoony crap fest?


video games and animations were built around cartoons, show some respect kid

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I have cancelled. Technically I still have over a week, but I haven't logged in since a couple days after I paid for the extra month. I just really can't make myself play the game. I may come back in 6 months or so to see if things change.


Until then, back to Rift. I had just started playing that game in Oct of last year as a time filler waiting on TOR. Turns out I much prefer it to this one. For all you guys that love TOR....good for you. Continue to enjoy it and have a great gaming experience.

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At least until GW2.




SWTOR is great while leveling up. The story is pretty nice (the SW one is at least, dont get me started on the inquisitor story). But once you hit 50, thats pretty much it. Your forced into an endless daily grind, Flashpoints are a pain in the *** to get a group for, OPs and HM need gear to do. Where do you get this gear? Dailies and FPs....


But these are minor gripes that are to be expected of new MMOs. Some of the things that bothered me the most are merely aesthetic:


- Race choices: We have none. Of the dozens and dozens of species that exist in the star wars universe, were stuck with the most basic, bland choices possible. BW's reason: because it would be annoying listening to ATRRAWEWWAAAAAAA as a wookie in every conversation. Solution: don't use the races native tongues (this would make wookies unplayable as they cant speak basic). Almost every star wars race is capable of speaking basic. Look at the Kel'Dor for example. They are in the game, they speak both basic and their native tongue.


- Armor Design: I dont know who they hired to make the armor in this game but it looks horrible. Advanced classes are suppose to be completely separate from each other, yet all of the armor models on this game reflect only one of each classes AC. For example, 90% of the marauder gear is designed to look like heavy Juggernaut armor. I have found maybe 2 or 3 different robes that actually look like marauder armor should.


Another problem with the armor is that its just plain ugly. Look at jedi consular armor. The PVP set makes you look like a druid, the PVE set makes you look like a banana tree/queen amidala hybrid. If i were a shadow i would have rerolled already if that was the armor i had to look forward to at 50.


Assassins have the same issue, All of the assassin gear are just sorc robes. This might not be as bad if we were able to wear a hood with our masks but we cant, so were stuck in purple robes. Dont even get me started on the K-K-K robes that they get from PVE.



I just dont see my self playing this game for much longer. Im just getting sick of queueing for PVP to see that every match im paired with the same freaking pre made guild over and over and being stomped into dust. Im sick of waiting in the imperial fleet for an hour to get one FP run.


I really hope bioware has plans to implement many of this games missing features in the near future.

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