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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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Are we talking years here, or months from you bio tubbies?

I mean given what the game design here brings at its core. The VO, the story focus etc. Imagine that a few months from now they got it all sorted technically, and the game runs smooth as silk. Can you find a long term home at the republic or the empire fleets?


/Droidlife. Proud two month game card holder.


Honestly.. beta testing Tera right now.. and while it might not have voice overs and amazing cutscenes or lightsabers.. it's quickly drawing me away from SWTOR. The combat system, customizable UI, graphics, ect.... all are like lightyears ahead of what Bioware launched and this game isn't even out for another 3 months in the western hemisphere.


So I dunno.. If Bioware doesn't get their act together and start adding new features and stop brekaing **** that doesn't need to be fixed by May first I'm probably going to Tera.


Either way I'm playing Tera, what bioware does in the mean time determines if I keep both subs or drop SWTOR.

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As a Star Wars fan who has played the KotOR games and read the literature related to the area, I'm interested in seeing how some of the character storylines play out (the Jedi Knight one in particular).


That's my primary reason for staying with the game in the short term.


So another 2-3 months seems about right for what I'm currently looking for out of the game.


TOR, as it currently stands, just does not have the features, endgame options, and "little things" that for me make it a fun place to spend my time in the log run (such as the three years I had active raiding characters in WoW). I know some things will be added down the road, in which case if I'm not seriously involved in another game I would be open to coming back to check out TOR again.

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Tera looks like a more polished WoW then anything. Prob stick out with TOR until it dies if it ever dies it has it's fan base. I loved WoW when it only had about 3 mill players then it just got flooded with whiners. I'm also digging my guns and space combat I will be patient and see end game on top of end game PvP which to me is fun even with all the bugs.




because you have to dodge/block/move out of the way in WoW when you fight mobs.


because you also have to AIM your abilities in WoW, which includes spells and healing.


because you don't have auto-attack in WoW


because there's a polical system in WoW


because you can dye armor in WoW


because WoW has a collision detection system


I can keep going







Tera just has prettier graphics.




Dude SWTOR is much more the "WoW Clone" than Tera will ever be.

Edited by HavenAE
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because you have to dodge/block/move out of the way in WoW when you fight mobs.


because you also have to AIM your abilities in WoW, which includes spells and healing.


because you don't have auto-attack in WoW


because there's a polical system in WoW


because you can dye armor in WoW


because WoW has a collision detection system


I can keep going







Tera just has prettier graphics.




Dude SWTOR is much more the "WoW Clone" than Tera will ever be.


Man I have to read up more on Tera. The political system is what first made me interested.

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If they dont fix the Operative healing tree...some talents dont work at all...then I cant see the point of subbing again.

I can put up with the odd bug and im happy to wait for more end game content but if you cant trust your talents are doing what they say they are doing everything else is secondary.

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I'll play until it's not fun, then I'll leave w/o a QQ rage quit thread saying this game sux and everyone should hate it. I'll just stop being interested and leave.


But that day has yet to come.



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Sadly i've already grown rather bored with SWToR as it was far to easy to progress through all the content rather quickly even without being in a fulltime raiding guild. I've unofficially quit for the most part to play Everquest on the Project 1999 servers which is Original and Kunark only atm with plans for Velious eventually but no more xpacs after that. With word of xserver LFG tools in the future though I think I'm now officially done. I've been having far more fun with Project 1999 anyways lately as its back to when things were actually challenging and your accomplishments more meaningful not to mention even some of the most minor activities can turn into rather epic adventures. As fun as other games were since I quit live EQ 7yrs ago no game has done that for me on the same scale since but I've been getting that again on these oldschool servers.
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Provided I don't have any account fiascos here I can see myself sticking around for a while. I like the story driven nature of the game, the social system works fabulously for my boyfriend and I since we tend to play as a pair, I actually enjoy the PVP on my sniper (which is shocking -- I normally hate PVP) and getting to explore in a world created all around Star Wars is pretty awesome since I'm a pretty big fan.


As someone else mentioned, I must admit that I can be the type to flitter from one game to another if I need a change of pace or scenery, but even when I do take a break I tend to keep an ear out for news about the other games that I play.


So I can't give you an exact estimate, but I can tell you that for now I am quite content here.

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Four, maybe five more days. Yesterday was the first day since EGA (December!) that I didn't play. I had intended to get my level 47 Gunslinger to 50 this weekend, but last Friday evening I decided I'd had enough. Alas! Once the 'new' wore off - and it wore off pretty quickly - it became painfully clear that underneath all the innovative voice acting and cut scenes and story, SWTOR just isn't the game I had hoped it would be.
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I quit already.

Feel like a idiot for buying DDE and paying with GTC for this game.

Now I have 30 days of play and I only use forums expecting a miracle.


This game is my biggest flop when it comes to games. It really feels that rushed, dead, linear that is not worth playing.

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Tbh with the positive press on Tera and with GW2 on the way AND with the impending threat of a cross server LFD tool i'd say not very long


Lots of things to like about this game but they seem intent on ruining those and nerf classes/destroy communities rather than fixing bugs like talents not working, wz wins not counting etc


If they do shape up i'd love to play it for a long time

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My future in SWTOR (current state) quite clear:


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Depends on what my friends do. Some have already quit because of bugs, class imbalance, lack of quality of life features like Dual-spec/LFG Tool.

I have not experienced a lot of endgame content and am still leveling a few toons, but that gets stale quickly, because it's too linear to encourage mulitple toons.


But if enough of my rl friends stick around for a couple of months to try out the operations and stuff that will be added then I think I'd play at least untill summer. Otherwise I'll decide from month to month, if there are enough friends around to group with. But for now I think I'll stay at least untill March which is when I will have capped the classes I want to play.

Edited by Turkman
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