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I have completed the game, what now?


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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Edit: Some casuals are saying I have "burnt through content too fast". Rubbish. I play as much as the majority of players and I play it well enough and with good enough players to have actually done what this game offered me. Nightmare modes, battlemaster etc.


One problem is, is that this game is too easy, that I can go to EV and clear it in an hour when Molten Core would take 4 hours in WoW if you weren't bad.


The long-lasting players will be the most important market for TOR and they are the ones who require more content. Not the casuals who make 20 alts and keep dying at level 10 in WZs. They will not be around for long.


And FYI, vanilla WoW had far more content than this game at launch. Far more.


Edit 2: Some people, seemingly crazed fanboys are proclaiming I am lying about being BM or doing NM modes. Sadly, many players have done this already, and 2 months casual pvping gets you the former easily.


WoW still had far more content on release, I also hear it had less investment into it too and less manhours put in. They spent 7 years allegedly working on this and their miscellainous thing to do was get an epic enhancement for every recipe and change the music on the fleet? Poor.

Edited by Taramriel
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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


They spent what 7 years on this game? Look at how much content they generated with how much time they had. It would have taken them another year to get their heads on straight with this title. Would you rather this have released the game in Dec 2011 or Dec 2013?

Edited by Aisar
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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Or your too fast burning through the content.... I am just half way through my second character and I play about 4 to 5 hours a day....


So shouldnt blame Bioware because your too fast on content.



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What other MMO offers you more relevant content? I'm curious. Once you clear the one relevant raid, hard modes, and gear up in pvp in say, World of Warcraft, you reach the same barrier. Honestly it only takes a little longer to do it in WoW, and they release content patches much, much slower.
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This game is pretty linear in its content. You really only have purpose while leveling through your story.


There is no achievement system

You can't really go "gang busters" on crafting

You can't really collect anything (i.e. mounts)

You can't really explore

You can't really level anywhere you want

You can't really work the GTN

There is no faction rep to gain


Those are just a few of the things that keep people interested in a game past leveling... none of which work in SW.


That's part of the problem.

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dang this poster has 8 lvl 50, cleared all HM raid, level 100 in pvp , full BM and rank 50 legacy.


on a serious note; yes the content of this game is easy and anyone can clear it fast.

Edited by Asurai
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Name One MMO that produces content fast enough




GW2 HAS! It is the miracle MMO. Gonna shatter WoW and TOR like the angry fist of god. It has EVERYTHING! Same gender romance arcs, skilled PvP that is in world events, they are supposedly even sending you a towel to wipe the sweat off your face from all the content!





ALL FOR FREE!!!!1111

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You finished it? Quit then.


Sadly that is what a lot of people are doing lol. When I think about it I could just resub because frankly 15 bucks is pretty much nothing to me but why? Sitting on the Fleet staring at the screen and supporting a mediocre game and company are not much fun.


It kind of makes me sad but it's the logical choice. I may end up just staying subbed so the option to play is there but at this point I am just flushing money down the drain to a company that does not deserve my business :(.

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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


mmmm.......5/10....maybe 6/10



Not sure yet.


You know, after considering....




Well played

Edited by terminova
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GW2 HAS! It is the miracle MMO. Gonna shatter WoW and TOR like the angry fist of god. It has EVERYTHING! Same gender romance arcs, skilled PvP that is in world events, they are supposedly even sending you a towel to wipe the sweat off your face from all the content!





ALL FOR FREE!!!!1111

I dont know if you're trolling but.

A, Its not out yet

B, You've Never played it

C, Theres no Beta

D, Everything is Hype, Just like Tera, It will fall flat on its ***.

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GW2 HAS! It is the miracle MMO. Gonna shatter WoW and TOR like the angry fist of god. It has EVERYTHING! Same gender romance arcs, skilled PvP that is in world events, they are supposedly even sending you a towel to wipe the sweat off your face from all the content!





ALL FOR FREE!!!!1111



Three things about GW2.


1) VERY experienced MMO company


2) Building off an existing playerbase from a previous game for a SEQUEL.


3) The sequel has taken more than the time it takes for a player to do "everything" in probably multiples of a hundred or a thousand.

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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Game not for you so it's time for you to move on. Find another game. If you just bought the standard game, you only spent around $75 for 2 months. Just a little more than a new xbox game. Not that bad so ......


exit .. that a way -------------------------->


Thank you for the time with us.



Edited by JansanRuno
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Slow down, you move too fast.

You got to make the morning last.

Just kicking down the cobble stones.

Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.


Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, Ba da...Feelin' Groovy.


Hello lamp-post,

What cha knowin'?

I've come to watch your flowers growin'.

Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?

Doot-in' doo-doo,

Feelin' groovy.


I've got no deeds to do,

No promises to keep.

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.

Let the morning time drop all it's petals on me.

Life, I love you,

All is groovy.

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Slow down, you move too fast.

You got to make the morning last.

Just kicking down the cobble stones.

Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.


Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, Ba da...Feelin' Groovy.


Hello lamp-post,

What cha knowin'?

I've come to watch your flowers growin'.

Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?

Doot-in' doo-doo,

Feelin' groovy.


I've got no deeds to do,

No promises to keep.

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.

Let the morning time drop all it's petals on me.

Life, I love you,

All is groovy.


I need you on my team for my next big MMO. Interested?

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Three things about GW2.


1) VERY experienced MMO company


2) Building off an existing playerbase from a previous game for a SEQUEL.


3) The sequel has taken more than the time it takes for a player to do "everything" in probably multiples of a hundred or a thousand.


Now from where does this sound familiar? lol...

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This game is pretty linear in its content. You really only have purpose while leveling through your story.


There is no achievement system

You can't really go "gang busters" on crafting

You can't really collect anything (i.e. mounts)

You can't really explore

You can't really level anywhere you want

You can't really work the GTN

There is no faction rep to gain


Those are just a few of the things that keep people interested in a game past leveling... none of which work in SW.


That's part of the problem.


Why would I want to collect mount? Do you have to have a achievement system in place to collect the mounts? Can't you award yourself? To level in SWTOR is a lot more fun than to level in generic mmo #56 due to the voice over. Do you like the grind that rep is? Or do you just the remember the "rep grind" a'la wotlk and not vanilla wow?


I would rather have something else than a stupid rep grind that does nothing than waste my time on useless things than maybe one item that I would want. There is a lot of things to do in SWTOR, do another class and enjoy its story. It is much more engaging than random mmo #56.

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