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Screw this, I'm rolling a healer.


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Is it just me, or are you basically condemned to the worst healers in the game when you PvP without a premade? I'll be running the Huttball as a Jugg, and the healer standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME is trying to kill some non-factor Assassin or something in the pit!


So... anyone got some things for me to look out for as a healer Merc in PvP?

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You'd see more and better healers, if Bioware didn't design the medal system to specifically screw over healer classes.


I love healing and I know what I'm doing. I don't care about medals. Why should I? I made massive differences to games as a fresh 50 with 4 centurion pieces when I was heals.


Gear is nice, and titles are nice, and they'll come. But the real fun is seeing how much of an impact I've made on the game.

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I love healing and I know what I'm doing. I don't care about medals. Why should I? I made massive differences to games as a fresh 50 with 4 centurion pieces when I was heals.


Gear is nice, and titles are nice, and they'll come. But the real fun is seeing how much of an impact I've made on the game.



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Medals dont win warzones.... Teamwork and communication win warzones...


LOL, where is this rampant idealism coming from all of the sudden? Is the PvP community now concerned with winning WZs and their fellow teammates over medals and valor for themselves only?


Watch out... I think he1l is freezing over. And there may be flying pigs involved.

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We all get to play with clueless healers but it only makes it even more special when a great one comes along. Like in my last Huttball game, that guy, or girl, was single handedly responsible for the win. He/she didnt carry any balls but he/she made sure that those of us who did were covered at all times. I told everyone on the team to give this healer MVP because he/she deserved it. I wouldnt have passed the first ramp if it hadnt been for the heals.
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I decided to roll heals as well, there's not enough pvp healers overall in my experience, perhaps it's just my server though (Firkrann Crystal)


Things to watch out for though? I wouldn't say there's really anything to keep yours eyes on that you wouldn't figure out on your own. Make sure that you keep Kolto Shell up on whomever you're healing at all times and other than that, the rest of the healing skills are really self-explanitory.


I will note however, that Super Charged Gas is great for the fact it adds a shield effect to your Kolto Missle, but I often find that saving the 30 stacks and using Super Charged Gas to be able to spam some Healing Scans off real quick is a great way to keep people up because Healing Scan doesn't use that much heat.


You should have a lot more fun pvp'ing as merc heals as well. People love healers that actually pay attention and it's nice to not be labeled a "tracer spammer" for a change lol.

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If you roll a healer you'll begin to hate the dps and tanks on your teams who aren't guarding you or not helping you by peeling those random dps's that seem to have a grudge against you off and still give out that they're not getting healed enough while you're standing beside them spam healing yourself trying to stay alive against some marauder/operative duo..


complaints go both ways, there's some bad healers but there's also alot of bad dps/tanks that can make a decent healer look bad by not supporting

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If you roll a healer you'll begin to hate the dps and tanks on your teams who aren't guarding you or not helping you by peeling those random dps's that seem to have a grudge against you off and still give out that they're not getting healed enough while you're standing beside them spam healing yourself trying to stay alive against some marauder/operative duo..


complaints go both ways, there's some bad healers but there's also alot of bad dps/tanks that can make a decent healer look bad by not supporting


I don't hate dps on my team who don't peel, I hate dps on my team who don't hurt them hard enough. I'll happily distract enemy dps if it means getting a cap.

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Is it just me, or are you basically condemned to the worst healers in the game when you PvP without a premade? I'll be running the Huttball as a Jugg, and the healer standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME is trying to kill some non-factor Assassin or something in the pit!


So... anyone got some things for me to look out for as a healer Merc in PvP?

I did the same thing as you. My main is a Guardian, my alt is a now 50 and PvP geared Commando Combat Medic. Enjoy being an unkillable one man winning machine. You won't even need peels and guard, so bad tanks won't impact you too much.


The only real possible problem you will run in to is that your team may have such low DPS that no enemy will ever die unless you help focus them with Power Shots.

Edited by vrok-
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As a healer i get about 7-11 medals, as dps 8-13. So not that much a difference.


Depends what class and how the game goes. Healers are typically less, but not always.


For example, no healing sage can ever get 2.5k single-hit, but their spammable aoe on objectives and their ability to DOT to soften enemies gets them lots of kill tags,

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Is it just me, or are you basically condemned to the worst healers in the game when you PvP without a premade? I'll be running the Huttball as a Jugg, and the healer standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME is trying to kill some non-factor Assassin or something in the pit!


So... anyone got some things for me to look out for as a healer Merc in PvP?



Dude, why would you want to be merc healer, if you can be sage/sorc with tons of better healing, survivability and a whole lot more utility?!

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Dude, why would you want to be merc healer, if you can be sage/sorc with tons of better healing, survivability and a whole lot more utility?!


I lol'd.


Commandos/Bounty Hunters have FAR better survivability.


Sage/Sorcs better healing? If both are left alone, yeah, Sage > Commando. But Sages cannot deal with pressure as well as COmmandos can.

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Medals dont win warzones.... Teamwork and communication win warzones...


Winning a warzone is not worth doing. You get more from getting as much medals as you can.

50 WZ commandation for each medal. Get your medals then try winning. Anything ells is stupid.


...... i dont agree with this idea but that is the way it works. With a win of hutball with 4 medals in Hutball you get less then one who lost and got 8-10 medals.

It is simply stupid. You dont even get anything for scoring a goal even.

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