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Everything posted by derrytest

  1. Is there really such a huge difference between pubs and imps on this server? was thinking of leveling my combat medic next for pvp, but this is kinda putting me off it
  2. You'll need to buy it to do the Shadow of Revan content, which is 55+, so before level 55 you wont need it.
  3. Merc/Commando would be a good choice, its strong throughout the leveling process, where sniper/slinger only really gets strong at higher levels when you get skills to manage your energy. Sage/sorc is decent, but i found them kinda boring
  4. because come 1.2 its a nessesary part of our rotation to keep our ammo up. it wasnt needed as much before but in pvp especially it should be given.. we'll be spending most of our time out of ammo
  5. If you roll a healer you'll begin to hate the dps and tanks on your teams who aren't guarding you or not helping you by peeling those random dps's that seem to have a grudge against you off and still give out that they're not getting healed enough while you're standing beside them spam healing yourself trying to stay alive against some marauder/operative duo.. complaints go both ways, there's some bad healers but there's also alot of bad dps/tanks that can make a decent healer look bad by not supporting
  6. Me at 40 http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a84/atonalbass/Screenshot_2012-01-23_23_09_03_508329.jpg
  7. I'm a commando healer and proud of it, and proud that i'm not a dress wearing pansy with a lightup stick. If you're a commando/merc healer and proud show your support.
  8. Play a healer in some WZ's. look at the dismal ammount of medals healers get and then complain
  9. Talkin pve only here.. So about 30 is the general concences for effective solo healing of fp's ect?
  10. Hi, i'm just curious. Leveling a Combat medic atm, i rerolled from my 50 sage healer as i just couldnt stand the ammount of sages around, the sage armor and that my guild has 6 sage healers and one combat medic. I'm around level 16 now, leveling in corauscant, ive been doing some HC quests with people, granted not optimal setups but nothing i woulda had a problem with as a sage and found myself struggling on some of the bigger pulls, running out of ammo fast when hammer shot was a waste of a gcd. I only have two heals atm, hammer shot :/, and medical probe. I understand that advanced medical probe talented is great and helps alot but thats much further down the tree. So, TLDR; When does healing HC quests and flashpoints become easier and when do commandos feel like a proper healer able to heal through anything with smart heal usage? I'm not looking for easymode, i made commando to have a challenge, but having one heal and hammer shot is a bit crappy. Not sure itll be enough for Flashpoints. Thanks
  11. Thanks for the reccomendation, but the fatman's a us server. It would make raiding awkward if i was playing on a different timezone like that. Though if a pvp server's better i would be willing to consider it, thanks.
  12. Hi, could anyone help with this. I want to play republic but on a pve server with a good republic population. Currently playing on hydian way and it seems pretty quiet sometimes.. Anyone had experiences of high republic pop on a eu pve server?
  13. I'd swap my sage for a commando in a heartbeat.. Sage looks crap, has a boring story, very monotonous healing and is so overpopulated I can't stand it. Doing hm's with 3 sages and a shadow sucks. And commandos are due a buff, the healing will be balanced. The only thing putting me off is that I cant be assed levelling again and I've already levelled a vanguard so know the story. I wish I had made a commando instead.
  14. I think its more fun tbh. Lightside is so boring, real goody goody. dialogue is like a robot. and when you play darkside relics are cheaper... got Dark V on my 39 sage today, this is what it looks like. In hoth so it takes away from the evil look a bit. but the slightly red glowing eyes are pretty cool in chat scenes. http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a84/atonalbass/Screenshot_2012-01-23_23_11_15_646329.jpg
  15. Hi, sorry if this is already posted but was there a fix on the double half cost belevilance from conveyance proc?. i believe if you get conveyance and cast benevilance twice in quick succession you get the 50% reduced cost for both. i was checking ingame today and noticed that only the first one gets the reduced cost. i know its not a lag issue as it was working on my sorc last week.. can anyone else check this out and see if its right?. and if so will that change our healing style at all?. i know it was a bug, and shouldnt be there in the first place.
  16. Def is dodge yes, but dont discount it. Shield absorbs dont trigger when you get crit, crits completly go through your shield so having a nice bit of def is good to avoid some of those
  17. Armortech has bracers and a belt craftable from the trainer at 50 which are bop and i suspect are better than the average epic to give you more stats
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