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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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And your experience in the matter applies to everyone right? What about the people with a different work schedule? The people who can't play on prime time? Those who play on lowly populated servers?


His anecdotal evidence is far better then yours of course. The same could be said of ours, only bioware knows for sure but given how fast they flip flopped on the issue I can be fairly sure ours are more accurate.

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Yeah. We see how that works. Only that your argument, unlike his, made no sense whatsoever.


Cross-Server-LFG will decrease the waiting time for everyone. That's a fact - plus it's fully automated so you can do other stuff while being in the queue.


What was your point again?




And your experience in the matter applies to everyone right? What about the people with a different work schedule? The people who can't play on prime time? Those who play on lowly populated servers?


And your experience in the matter applies to everyone right?


Thought so...


Typical of the "this doesn't suit me so demand its changed even though that will impact everyone else who is currently not having a problem grouping..."


Rather than tackle the actual problem of YOUR server pop, you demand a sledgehammer to crack a nut....and all of the negatives that come with xsvr LFD.


Thats ok though, everyone will be forced to use it eventually whether they want to or not but thats ok, as long as the game serves the needs of a select few and no one elses....


Perhaps community really is a thing of the past...



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Thats ok though, everyone will be forced to use it eventually whether they want to or not but thats ok, as long as the game serves the needs of a select few and no one elses....


Don't expect you to get it, but for everyone else: this^ is the definition of irony.

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Yeah. We see how that works. Only that your argument, unlike his, made no sense whatsoever.


Cross-Server-LFG will decrease the waiting time for everyone. That's a fact - plus it's fully automated so you can do other stuff while being in the queue.


What was your point again?




And your experience in the matter applies to everyone right? What about the people with a different work schedule? The people who can't play on prime time? Those who play on lowly populated servers?

it reflects mine. i work 12 hour shifts on midnight shift and the only days i play in prime time are my days off.


but when i LFG i dont sit silently by myself idle and claim im LFG.

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And your experience in the matter applies to everyone right?


Thought so...


Where and when did I say that my experience in the matter applies to everyone?


Cross-Server-LFG will decrease the waiting time for everyone. That's a fact - plus it's fully automated so you can do other stuff while being in the queue.


That's what I said - and it's the truth.


Typical of the "this doesn't suit me so I demand it's changed even though that will impact everyone else who is currently not having a problem grouping..."


Rather than tackle the actual problem of YOUR server pop, you demand a sledgehammer to crack a nut....and all of the negatives that come with xsvr LFD.


I'll be honest here with you. Lowly populated servers and different playtimes aren't my only concerns. I also just like the LFG-tool better.


I lost enough time looking for groups in general chat and /who back in the day when I was playing classic and TBC WoW. I'm sick and tired of it - it's a thing of the past. The difficult part of the group content was finding a group - not the group content itself. And that's not the way it should be. I shouldn't spend more time looking for a group than playing the actual game.


Thats ok though, everyone will be forced to use it eventually whether they want to or not but thats ok, as long as the game serves the needs of a select few and no one elses....


... A select few? What are you even talking about? People who want to spend their time playing instead of standing around are not just a select few - they are the majority. Casuals are the majority. So the casuals are where the money is at. Activision Blizzard recognized that and look where World of Warcraft is now - it's the single most revenue generating game of all time. EA would like a slice of that cake.


Perhaps community really is a thing of the past...


Repeat that all you want. It's not going to make it any more true.

Edited by Heretiq
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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.



When I first started playing, I was highly against this. My server always had 100 people on fleet and it seemed there were tons of people forming groups non stop. Now, there are 20-30 people on fleet and it's damn near impossible to find a flashpoint group when you want to. I've played two characters up to 30 and My trooper is now level 22. I don't want to do the same side quests again, so I decided to level him up via warzones and flashpoints. The warzones part is working out well... because there's a queue. But flashpoints? Good luck finding a group most of the time. And even then, the best I can normally hope for is having to heal through one with no tank, which can be very difficult.



So yeah, please implement this ASAP. I hate having to miss out on a fun part of the game due to how difficult it can be to find a group. Also, Heroic quests are getting to the point were I just have to over level them and then come back to that planet and solo them if I want to try for that moddable piece you get as a quest reward.

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It's difficult to explain. Those of us that experienced its implementation in WoW probably make up the bulk of those not wanting it here. There are plenty of threads here and over at WoW that have discussed it to death. My quick take, it promotes ***-hatery and the killing of the zones. 99% of the WoW population are in the two faction capital cities, the zones are a ghost town.


How is that different from what we have here? Oh wait, I know...instead of Capital Cities we have Fleet Stations. Your point is mute because of the limitation of the chat system....people have to stand around on the fleet and spam LFG avery two seconds to get a group. If anything....an LFG tool would allow us to branch out and get off the damn station every now and then, thus populating the worlds while at the same time queuing for groups.

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How is that different from what we have here? Oh wait, I know...instead of Capital Cities we have Fleet Stations. Your point is mute because of the limitation of the chat system....people have to stand around on the fleet and spam LFG avery two seconds to get a group. If anything....an LFG tool would allow us to branch out and get off the damn station every now and then, thus populating the worlds while at the same time queuing for groups.




Exactly. The fact that there's no global chat in this game makes it impossible NOT to try to sit in the "capital city", aka fleet in this game when you're looking for a group. I mean, how many times have you been out in the world, used your fleet pass with hopes of running a flashpoint or two, spammed fleet for 30-1 hour and then had to abandon the idea with frustration and make your way back to the quest area? All the while wasting over an hour or more play time?


It's happening on my server more and more and it's getting to be very frustrating. I love 4/5 person group game play. It's the main reason I played WOW so long. I love tanking and I love healing. As is, I do both out of DPS specs because grouping is so hard to come by most of the time. If they're really going to introduce dual speccing, they need to introduce a cross realm LFG tool as well so we can take full advantage of it. It's not like you couldn't still do guild runs or go to fleet to spam if you wanted to run with your server.



In the very least, they need to make a server wide LFG queue. Having to fly to all of the zones that might have a player or two willing to group with you wastes tons of time as well, but I find myself trying that trick more and more as well.

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I'm all for a tool to make the grouping process easier and something we can turn on and forget about until such time as a group is found, but I'm equally in support of server communities which I feel will be damaged by cross-server grouping.


Many guilds have a rule insisting their members treat others with respect, in order to not sully the reputation of the guild. Keeping Flashpoint/Operation groups limited to your server alone allows for you to report any misbehavings to the guild leaders of the offending player, or worse the whole server, which can act as a suitable deterrent to disrespectful behaviour. Word of mouth is a very powerful thing, particularly when broadcasting negatively about something/someone and I believe that where grouping is limited to your own server it will likely maintain a healthier community.


Cross-server grouping allows players to be disrespectful to others with little to no repercussions from their guild. Whilst you can report abuse through the games ticket system I feel that the threat of getting a ban or a slap on the wrist email is far less of a deterrent than being berated by your peers and possibly losing your place within your guild.




This was a great system and would work well in the SWTOR setting for getting groups together for Operations, Flashpoints, Planetary Group Quests or PvP Ops groups for Ilum. It was better than the current one implimented in WoW, in my opinion, as it allowed you to be more selective over the groups you joined as well as finding groups for Zone Quests instead of just dungeons.

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as much as EA cares about money i am surprised they didnt have a cross server LFD/PvP tool in at launch. a cross server LFD/PvP tool gives more people access to more content and gives them a reason to play longer.


there are more people in the world who have less than 2 hours a day to play a game than those who have more. so why would any of those people play a game where they have to sit in one place spamming for a group for 25-50% of the free time they have to play? the reason WoW is so successful is that very reason. players could log in and within minutes be in a group doing something.



as for the "community killer" argument... nothing kills a community faster than not having anyone to play with. ask people who played WAR about that.

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To be fair, I would absolutely agree that crossserver queuing prevents a familiarity with the community on your server. It's great to do Black Talon/ with a good group, then continue to seek them out for future flashpoints.

Some of my worst memories of WoW came from terrible groups I got randomly grouped with.


However, I have a limited amount of time to play, due to RL constraints. I can't spam LFG for half an hour then play a hour long Flashpoint. I have to get a quick group, then get a good run in. They are absolutely necessary for people who have time constraints.


I guess if you hate the cross-server queuing so much...don't use it. Keep spamming general chat to find a group, just like you do now.

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Oh and I love the "just merge the servers" argument.


It just really drives home the delusional state the counter-argument seems to be in.


Do you have any idea how negative a message that sends to gamers? how on every game sight on the internet will display it how much of an outcry of "dieing game!" go's up?


Ask warhammer how much it helped them.


Bioware would rather collectively stab themselves in the foot then take that route, I suppose I should thank you all for proposing it really as it drives home how much better an option the lfg tool is and how little logical concerns you can bring to the table.


I love how this thead took on 10 pages overnight of mainly the same 2-4 people that are for the lfg system only apparenly and they spent most of the time battering other people that didn't agree with them.


It sends a negative impact to gamers? Are you a gamer and does it send a negative impact to you? Should it, or you just saying that because it does it's delusional, not delusional though for companies to cut the dead weight and bring players closer together and expect players to understand that? Now you are making an argument for the company instead of the players. I am a gamer and I care nothing about what is percieved by the merging of servers.


I look at it like this, with the launch of any game there will be a massive influx of players, this is backed up by the fact that the servers were packed day 1 and more needed to be put online, even those put online later had decent populations(I was on a later one). But people will quit, it's just the way it works, and more times than not those servers that were needed at launch are no longer needed to hold the leftovers. My server that I started on is one of these, the population dropped off quite a bit after the first few weeks. This happens everywhere, rift same thing happened to them, aion same thing, even wow has servers that are very low population or very low on one faction or another. This is just as big of a problem as finding a group for dungeons if not a bigger one. Bigger because it affects all aspects of the play balanced around the assumption of having actual players on your server. GTN activity, Ilum and other pvp area activity, group quest/missions, or just randomly going out to kill stuff with friends.


All of these can be fixed with both, merge servers AND add a lfg xserver tool. This fixes all those problems listed or at least attempts to fix all of them. My problems and yours will both be addressed you see? Is it so delusional to think it is possible to get what can help everyone? I don't think so but hell I am just a gamer and not afraid of the "outcry of forum trolls" So again from my earlier posts.


1. Allow free xfers that are restricted, dont allow the xfers to further cause issue to already over populated factions/servers. Do this until March to give people choice in where they want to go at least.


2. Merge servers AND implement the lfg cross server tool. Do it in a way that attempts to balance where balance is needed, put rep heavy servers with imp heavy servers. Don't stick bonus rewards on the lfg tool, otherwise it's no longer optional. Alot are saying the tool will be completely optional, if it has extra rewards tied to it then it's not anymore optional than wearing gear during combat.


3. Game won for all.



For those saying the lfg is coming, tell me where. It's like your argument is based on trying to just cause everyone else to stop being against it. Tell them its already in the works and they will just shup up right? The weekly questions did not show this, it referred directly to pvp in the xserver answer. Not anything to do with pve.


For those that say the tool will make it easier to find a group, yes it will. I agree there, you go from having to spam chat to just hitting a button, this is a good thing. But it doesn't fix enough.


For those saying it will make finding a group faster, most likely it won't. It will be quick for a while until people had their fill then it will settle in to the long term. This if other games are any proof happen within a month. After that the only return to any speed will be with the release of new flashpoints. After the initial influx, much like the servers themselves it will drop off in speed. As a dps you will wait just as long as you would spamming chat in a server with a health population. The tool doesn't make players out of thin air.



easier grouping for flashpoints?

better prices, more selection on the gtn, both selling and buying?

easier group finding for group missions?

more balanced and active pvp lakes?


If so then merging servers+lfg xserver has the change to do just that.



easier grouping for flashpoints only?



If yes then xserver is all you want, and you want to give up the other things.If forum posts scare you then I guess merging isn't for you, neither is reading the forums though. But if you argue only for xserver only, you will get just that, you will still be on empty servers with reduced chances to do anything except queue for flashpoints, and after you have had your fill of them you are back to sitting in that same empty server. I'm done in this thread, I am pretty sure I have made my point even though it's logic is lost on some that can't see we all want the same thing, I simply want the fix to be complete, and not just cosmetic. Thanks to all that have read, had a good back and forth with some of you.

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Actually i would say and in lack of better word i will call it "Automatic"


And under that word i will assemble every thing that people want automated will list the most common


1.LFD .

Two press of a button to be able to play a Flashpoint join LFG Join the Group and Auto teleportation there and that is it


2. X-server same as one just faster.


3. Respeccs (Dual,triple,AC)


one button press while no travel time while costing no money



1 button teleport choose location



And here is my thoughts on all this


When things gets to automatic alot of people seem to stop caring about playing the game.

In a way it seems that for every one player that can handle it there are one player that can't.


And this is just in my opinion it is here things go wrong that person that cant handle it turns into a digital leech figuring out how to play the convinience to the fullest.


Using every possible way for him not playing the game as much as possible but while getting the most reward out from it (path of less resistance).


And it is here that X-server LFD fail instead of having a group dynamic choice

(which basicly means the majority rules)

That have to make way for the single player.


Just take a look at WoW atleast in early Cata and in Wotlk they have had to implement ways to protect singe players from getting abused by other players.


You know things like kick before boss on the boss group of friends forces the alone guy from another server not to roll and so on <list can be endless>




Then they gave the power to protect the single player instead kick timers, 15 min safety and alot more .

But then single players started taking advantage of that and maybe if someone still playing have they fixed the Join as Tank and go AFK / refuse tanking and wait until a DPS leaves to take that ones place?


Another thing that X-server LFD brings are easier content.

When you have no way to do a good gear check then you must start doing content easier/nerfing it instead .

One bad player while protected (as he much be in a X-LFD ) can aswell ruin the game for 3 other people by just being an *** without consequenses.


So you have to choices


Protect the Majority!

Which means single players will get abused by RL friends person that can make them leave the game


Protect the single player

Which instead leads to 1 person can ruin it all without consequenses


And there are no middleway / golden way


Or do actually WOW finally succeded with that now on preventing people taking advantage of the system?


(they can have done that but havent played that after went Wotlk play all over again)

Edited by Varghjerta
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Here is why I'd NOT want to see this:


Server rep is the only measure we have for players who behave badly in pick-up groups. Once cross-server LFG is put into play, a player's rep ceases to be any concern, and all manner of ******tery ensues.


We saw it with WoW, I'd much rather NOT see it in SWTOR.




This is not true. I played FFXI before WoW, arguably a game with a bigger sense of community per server than WoW ever had. On my server there was one person who was constantly being talked about not grouping with, ignoring, etc... Not only did this not make any difference, this person had an active linkshell and often was allowed to do events/HNMS with the larger linkshells. This sense of 'server rep' did nothing. Also, many people even stuck up for this person cause you see, it's all about perception. This person rubbed someone the wrong way and so they had to try to trash them, got their friends in on the act. Then someone invariably had a very different experience than the person calling this person out in chat. If I recall correctly, there was a whole series of videos on the web of epic ninjas from vanilla and not so much from LFG era and beyond. I have never once considered /ignoring someone in FFXI or WoW based on general chat.


You only ran into more jerks because before LFG you ran what, one, two, three dungeons a day and usually with the same group. With LFG you ran what 5-10 with a different group each time, you're naturally going to come into contact with more jerks just because of the sheer number of new people you are encountering in such a short amount of time.

Edited by Meiyana
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Don't you think you already commited a big mistake in the blueprint stage of the game, when you decided to aim the game for the lowest common denominator playerbase?? Didn't you granma teach you that it's important to focus, didn't your granpa tell you that you cannot bite more than you can chew?? A lot of problems, improvisations and lack of basic MMORPG features that we are suffering, i have no doubt that come from a disastrous definition of the project in its initial "blueprint" stage. In particular, they failed to properly define their target public, and now they are roaming in a no-man's-land.


EA/BW: you made that bed, now you have to sleep in it.


Only if you completely ignore a gaming company's ability to change its game whenever it wants... :rolleyes:

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my /ignore list stops me from having to group with dbags in pugs.
That doesn't actually stop the douchbaggery (such as it is). That just stops you from having to group with them a second time.


how is this fantasy? if someones on ignore, i dont group with them....
The same could be said about xserver groups...
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Why would you be opposed to cross server LFG?


IF you do not want to group with people across other server your not required to do it. you are perfectly free to LFG the old fassioned way.


It in no way shape or form destroys the "community" on the server you love so much. if the "community" was so great to begin with then there would be no need for a cross server LFG system.


So basically your complaining about nothing.

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Just allow people to choose whether they want their que to extend beyond their server or not. Those who care about only playing with people on their server can endure longer wait times if they want to.


For those of us who don't care, give us a box that says Cross- server.


MMO 101: Options are good.

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