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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.



Thats a really selfish point of view you got there :(


What about people on low population servers ?


What about unguilded casual ?


Just because your server might be good , please respect others arent so good

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to be clear SR said in response to the lfg question


There are definitely some improvements going in the lfg side. On the longer term there are other thoughts on potentially cross server flash point or some thing similar. so its being looked at and some thing we defiantly want to do. Speaking very personally i like to see those lfg messages scrolling across. It shows there are other people on the server and shows you there are people willing to get together and group up. but we know there are other ways to improve that and its some thing that is being looked at for sure.

So he did in fact say

What we have being quoting. it was just condensed down and cut to the main point.


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


No where in there does SR every say he dislikes the idea of cross server lfg.


And thats my point just posting "Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do" is very misleading in context of everything that was said.


Anyway bioware need to make a post and be clear about what there plans are as there are people like me that dont want to waste any more time playing this game if they are going to add a x server lfg tool.

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I never said anything about socializing. I said performance. If you want to rebuke someone and argue, try to at least read what they say and respond to it, fail.


Cool, I mashed the other socializing rant in with yours. Oops.


The problem that LFG tool introduced was apathy toward performance. What I mean is (since this guy apparently has never used a LFG tool and doesn't know) that people using LFG tool don't care as much about their performance in a group, be it dpsing, tanking, healing (the latter of which are essential to care for the most part) and so make the rest of the group suffer.


Not everyone is in this to be a awesome tank/dps/healer. Some just wanna play the content, badly if that's how they play. If you're so worried about player performance, make groups from within your Guild. To say everyone has to give a crap about their "performance" in order to experience content in a game they pay for, is silly. In my opinion.

How many times using LFG have I been paired with a Ret Pally in full epics pulling 13k dps, or a rogue doing 10, or even a mage below 15 ? Many many times. LFG lets Bads be bads, and that is bad for the entire game.

People playing badly makes the entire game bad. Grandiose much?


Again, I'm not totally against it, because lets face it, without bads (read:casuals) the game probably wouldn't stay alive very long. WoW proved that casuals were important when they made hard mode dungeons in TBC (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't bother responding) and started handing out welfare epics. Now it is the norm.


I'm sorry catering to "casuals" and "bad" players made the game less enjoyable for you. May I suggest joining some Leaderboard so you and all the other "leets" can compare ingame accomplishments like they deserve some sort of special recognition.

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I'm sorry catering to "casuals" and "bad" players made the game less enjoyable for you. May I suggest joining some Leaderboard so you and all the other "leets" can compare ingame accomplishments like they deserve some sort of special recognition.


Aww you have to respond point by point now to, ahem, get your point across ?



Yes, people playing badly in the groups that I was in using the LFG tool made the game less enjoyable for me, and dozens of other people I know.


It has not a single thing to do with "leetness." You are just assuming, because you have no other argument or option.


"Don't agree with him, call him elite"


Have you ever played a team sport - ever ? Probably not, save maybe baseball. And there is that one guy on the team who is so unbelievably bad, but his parents paid too so he gets to play and bring down the whole team. It isn't just bad for the team, it is bad for him too, because he gets destroyed when there is real competition. He gets destroyed when he tries to show people his skills. He gets destroyed when it really matters.


If the rest of this team is good enough, they can overcome the fact that he is bad and still win. Thus, LFG tool. People carrying bads.


Pre- LFG tool, if someone was bad, they didn't get invited back. Then, the person went online and did some research to learn how to play his class, practiced on some lower level mobs, improved, and came back a much better player !


With LFG......there is no reason to improve your skills because you just play casually and can get in groups just fine being bad.


I didn't come here to debate with a person about their points, you could have just let it be. I said I wasn't against LFG, just that the real problem with is wasn't that is destroys server communities - most people, like myself, will continue to do guild groups and parties with people I have played with and were quality. The real problem is that it gives ZERO incentive for a bad player to improve his/her skills.


Whether you want to argue that point or not is irrelevant because WoW (and other MMOs) have already proven this much to be true.

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I loved that thing so hard, just wished they allowed more than 3 options.


Blizzard tried that, but it failed miserably because people preferred to spam Trade chat in Shattrath and later Dalaran which was way easier than using that tool. SWTOR would be no way different than what WoW was by that time, because most of it's players come from WoW.

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Aww you have to respond point by point now to, ahem, get your point across ?


Just making sure I don't loose you or mistake your argument with one of the other silly arguments in this thread. Sorry if this bothers you.


Yes, people playing badly in the groups that I was in using the LFG tool made the game less enjoyable for me, and dozens of other people I know.


It has not a single thing to do with "leetness." You are just assuming, because you have no other argument or option.


"Don't agree with him, call him elite"



The problem that LFG tool introduced was apathy toward performance. What I mean is (since this guy apparently has never used a LFG tool and doesn't know) that people using LFG tool don't care as much about their performance in a group, be it dpsing, tanking, healing (the latter of which are essential to care for the most part) and so make the rest of the group suffer.


How many times using LFG have I been paired with a Ret Pally in full epics pulling 13k dps, or a rogue doing 10, or even a mage below 15 ? Many many times. LFG lets Bads be bads, and that is bad for the entire game.


Again, I'm not totally against it, because lets face it, without bads (read:casuals) the game probably wouldn't stay alive very long. WoW proved that casuals were important when they made hard mode dungeons in TBC (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't bother responding) and started handing out welfare epics. Now it is the norm


Statements like this is what I base my label of you as "leet" on. You thinking you're the judge of player X's abilities and further what player X's abilities should allow them to do in a video game.


Have you ever played a team sport - ever ? Probably not, save maybe baseball. And there is that one guy on the team who is so unbelievably bad, but his parents paid too so he gets to play and bring down the whole team. It isn't just bad for the team, it is bad for him too, because he gets destroyed when there is real competition. He gets destroyed when he tries to show people his skills. He gets destroyed when it really matters.


Video games aren't a sport, nor is it a team competition for everyone that plays.


If the rest of this team is good enough, they can overcome the fact that he is bad and still win. Thus, LFG tool. People carrying bads.


Just play with people you know and meet your "standards", leave the LFG to the rest of us "bad casuals". Problem solved.


Pre- LFG tool, if someone was bad, they didn't get invited back. Then, the person went online and did some research to learn how to play his class, practiced on some lower level mobs, improved, and came back a much better player !

Sure they did.


With LFG......there is no reason to improve your skills because you just play casually and can get in groups just fine being bad.


Sounds great.


I didn't come here to debate with a person about their points, you could have just let it be. I said I wasn't against LFG, just that the real problem with is wasn't that is destroys server communities - most people, like myself, will continue to do guild groups and parties with people I have played with and were quality. The real problem is that it gives ZERO incentive for a bad player to improve his/her skills.

Again your use of "bad players" and their skills/lack of skills. Glad you're the authority on this. Sorry Bioware doesn't bar the purchasing of their product based on how well the customer can play it.


Whether you want to argue that point or not is irrelevant because WoW (and other MMOs) have already proven this much to be true.


Opinion stated as fact. Fun.



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Now you're just trolling. Good luck getting your point across when you can't stay on topic, or reply to direct arguments.


IF you have a reply that doesn't assume anything, I'd be happy to hear it.


Oh and when you say "judging if a player is bad or not..." etc. When you have a class capable of doing X amount of damage, and said player is doing 1/2 or less of X damage. They are bad.


You have fun getting in groups with bads, and enjoy it, But I won't be :-)

Edited by justregularjoe
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Sry but don't have time to sit around all day shouting for a group - would rather be able to actually run a dungeon when i log on and maybe get my loot rolled on 1 out of 10 times by a ninja or whatever you guys are talking about happened in wow your bow got taken or whatnot who cares rather have the chance to PLAY the game and DO teh content
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Sry but don't have time to sit around all day shouting for a group - would rather be able to actually run a dungeon when i log on and maybe get my loot rolled on 1 out of 10 times by a ninja or whatever you guys are talking about happened in wow your bow got taken or whatnot who cares rather have the chance to PLAY the game and DO teh content


No we are talking about people like you. An mister malign is directly feeding my point with every response he makes. Carry on.

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No we are talking about people like you. An mister malign is directly feeding my point with every response he makes. Carry on.

All you've stated are opinions and personal experiences. When your problem can be fixed simply by not grouping outside of your guild. Sorry this bothers ya Leety. Guess you'll just have to live with "sub-par/bad/casual/yaddayadda" players playing the same video game as you.

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My experience in SWTOR is that getting groups for FPs is a very slow process and often ends in the failure to find even one interested player.


On every planet after the starter planets I don't get the opportunity to do more than one or two FPs. Chat is silent 99% of the time outside of the fleet and seeing more than five players per hour on a planet is rare outside of the early planets.


LFD in WoW - there are two sides to this debate and both have valid points. LFD can make it a lot easier to find groups but it does have a fragmenting effect on a server's community.


SWTOR needs an LFD tool to allow more people to do more FPs when they need to do them. The negative side of LFD's introduction in WoW won't have an impact in SWTOR because there is very little sense of community (at least on the server I play on) and what little community there is is already fragmented because the population is busy with their own class story lines (the element that makes SWTOR compelling) and distributed across different planets with no means of communicating with the general population.

Edited by Hzakalwe
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my guess is that mainly the imp players are against a cross-server dungeon finder. try playing pub side and deal with the frustration of not being able to find a group for flashpoints, then reassess. it really sucks not being able to play some of the more fun content because there aren't enough players pub side. i would gladly risk playing with the occasional ****** to be able to see more of the group content.
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And the reason you can't just ignore a function to do it another way is?...


Because then "bad" players that don't know how to "play" their class will have to much free reign to enjoy the game without approval from those that know how to play. I hear this is a precursor to the Apocalypse.

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


I agree. Totally agree. But sadly the kids need their daily fix and are tooooooooo idle to play each and every game created without it. What they should do is give massive benefits to those that don't log in rinse repeat and then log out with their new shiny. They destroy games, always have. Dalaran was awash with them, all thinking they were contributing. Just give em a button to push that chucks out the sweets and they will be pleased as punch. This does nothing to build RPG and game communities. So hey.. Give em a lounge to sit in. Give them their own trivial linear path to their goodies. And let those that don't want to do this earn the better gear, better weapons and the crazier ships. If the none LFG brigade ruled the game and were allowed to progress you may just see a super player develop beyond the quick fix gear chasing kiddies that populate modern MMOS. .... So give em their LFG. For goodness sake give them their LFG. Please, so we can dump their whines from the forums. But please reflect on those that want to use the FORCE as it was intended. And let those that do benefit way more from their efforts. Two paths.. two paths. Seems a good game theme.


Sad really. Very very very destructive. And thats the tumblewead and crickets... An empty world and only a 'one armed-bandit' to play with. Very interesting... NOT.

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I agree. Totally agree. But sadly the kids need their daily fix and are tooooooooo idle to play each and every game created without it. What they should do is give massive benefits to those that don't log in rinse repeat and then log out with their new shiny. They destroy games, always have. Dalaran was awash with them, all thinking they were contributing. Just give em a button to push that chucks out the sweets and they will be pleased as punch. This does nothing to build RPG and game communities. So hey.. Give em a lounge to sit in. Give them their own trivial linear path to their goodies. And let those that don't want to do this earn the better gear, better weapons and the crazier ships. If the none LFG brigade ruled the game and were allowed to progress you may just see a super player develop beyond the quick fix gear chasing kiddies that populate modern MMOS. .... So give em their LFG. For goodness sake give them their LFG. Please, so we can dump their whines from the forums. But please reflect on those that want to use the FORCE as it was intended. And let those that do benefit way more from their efforts. Two paths.. two paths. Seems a good game theme.


Sad really. Very very very destructive. And thats the tumblewead and crickets... An empty world and only a 'one armed-bandit' to play with. Very interesting... NOT.

Another opinion with delusions of grandeur. People don't want to play a video game the way you subscribe to and are automatically "whining kids". Sorry, but your post seems pretty QQing.

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Ever do Warzones?


This is something I don't understand... They have no problems with the automated and insta-teleport PvP grouping, yet they hate the LFD when it applies to PvE. They'll have to play the game and focus on their role in both aspects, instead of sheet chatting all the time about their personal lives like in General Chat.


I'll create a thread on how easy and instant gratifying the game is on PvP, and demand groups to be formed manually, spamming General in the Fleet so everyone in the Warzone can talk about their life in the school and job while being roflstomped by rival players.

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If you are a player that is always LFG with randoms why would you want to see there forever not finding people you need to do content? If you have friends/guildmates that you always do group content with, what differemce does it make to you?


The people complaining (like the OP) dont seem like the people that are always solo looking for randoms to do group content...

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