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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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It's difficult to explain. Those of us that experienced its implementation in WoW probably make up the bulk of those not wanting it here. There are plenty of threads here and over at WoW that have discussed it to death. My quick take, it promotes ***-hatery and the killing of the zones. 99% of the WoW population are in the two faction capital cities, the zones are a ghost town.


So basically just like swtor lmao.


ALL fp's are already at fleet.... so everyone doing anythign pvp or fp's is already there.... the only people not there are people that are leveling and questing just like gasp... in wow.


Only difference is we have to spam LFG's hoping that someone joins inbetween people trolling and GASP being ***hats as you say.


This community is already sitting in one area for groups this community is not spread out on planets hanging out in different city's lmao.


What fantasy world do you guys that dont want CS LFD live on I mean honestly.


Whats the difference between a LFD making your group and you spamming in fleet for an hour+?


Is it more social to spam the same message in fleet over and over? Nope

Is it gonna make the group more social by spamming to get them in fleet? Nope

Is it gonna make sure you dont get dbags in your group that dont ninja and do things to hurt the group? Nope


I have experienced plenty of dbags in swtor groups already.... only difference is if you run into one in swtor your group is screwed because not only do you have to leave the fp you have to sit there and spam for a replacement....


So you tell me how on earth swtor not having a LFD is better you tell me how it prevents people from being d*cks in groups you tell me how it builds community because from my experience it does none of these things.


I never once had a bad experience in wow where LFD was just people being *****s and ruining groups I am sorry but that is not the majority experience with the tool.... that is a few bitter wow players that had a bad experience in wow and are bringing it over to swtor.


Its 100% biased and there are no hard facts that LFD ruins community's only some bitter players pov due to wow. Which is not a fact nor is it the majority.

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Cross server is a good thing. This whole 'community building' is a load of crap. Play on a server which went from FULL to LIGHT. I get at best 40 people on the Imperial Fleet and they're behavior is no different without cross server in place. They spam and say the most immature things and /quit whenever things don't go there way.


Also I can really care less to spam:


LF1M <insert role here> for <insert flashpoint here> pst!


I like to run flashpoints with people but when I'm done I leave. We don't need to be best of friends, share facebook or gamertags. Just have a nice chat, get stuff done and get out.

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The last ounce of joy I was having in SWTOR was getting to know allies and rivals in Warzones. Now, Bioware is going to take that away and turn it into another faceless grind. Solidifies my decision to leave SWTOR and never come back. Amazing how Bioware turned a good, satisfied customer like me into one hating the game and company in the span of a week. And people claim the developers aren't good at anything...
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The last ounce of joy I was having in SWTOR was getting to know allies and rivals in Warzones. Now, Bioware is going to take that away and turn it into another faceless grind. Solidifies my decision to leave SWTOR and never come back. Amazing how Bioware turned a good, satisfied customer like me into one hating the game and company in the span of a week. And people claim the developers aren't good at anything...


If that was the only joy you found in this game then I suspect you were pretty much on your way to unsubbing anyways.

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The last ounce of joy I was having in SWTOR was getting to know allies and rivals in Warzones. Now, Bioware is going to take that away and turn it into another faceless grind. Solidifies my decision to leave SWTOR and never come back. Amazing how Bioware turned a good, satisfied customer like me into one hating the game and company in the span of a week. And people claim the developers aren't good at anything...


The announcement that BW is now going to do cross server lfg and pvp has added more joy for the game for me! i was close to quitting before i heard of these changes

It is amazing how bioware has turns a me a dissatisfied customer into a happy one now that is hopeful for the future of the game!

I now know the devs are open to common sense and are working to improve the game!



BTW good luck on finding a game with out cross server!

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The announcement that BW is now going to do cross server lfg and pvp has added more joy for the game for me! i was close to quitting before i heard of these changes

It is amazing how bioware has turns a me a dissatisfied customer into a happy one now that is hopeful for the future of the game!

I now know the devs are open to common sense and are working to improve the game!



BTW good luck on finding a game with out cross server!


Just because other games have cross realm, doesn't mean TOR needs it. They really need to merge servers before implementing this tool imo.

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Why do servers exist?


Does anyone ever ask them selves this question?


Servers exist due to hardware and software limitations. There is no other reason for separate servers but logistics. Breaking down those barriers slowly is not going to destroy the game or it's so called community.

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Just because other games have cross realm, doesn't mean TOR needs it. They really need to merge servers before implementing this tool imo.


merging server everytime to make sure ppl can play with other to do stuff is a terrible way to fix the issue and im glad you are not working at Bioware. a Server merger is usually the last option a MMO will use.

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Edited by Aleeha
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It's difficult to explain. Those of us that experienced its implementation in WoW probably make up the bulk of those not wanting it here. There are plenty of threads here and over at WoW that have discussed it to death. My quick take, it promotes ***-hatery and the killing of the zones. 99% of the WoW population are in the two faction capital cities, the zones are a ghost town.


I think the differance is that WoW has an active and social population while SWTOR so far does not. Spamming LFG for an hour isnt fun. I support LFG and cross server groups.

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Is it gonna make sure you dont get dbags in your group that dont ninja and do things to hurt the group? Nope

To an extent it does. Just add competent players who are not nijas or jerks to your friends list and the next time you need to fill a spot send whispers to people that you already know you would like to group with again instead of spamming general for a random, possibly bad, player. You can't really do this if most groups are forming cross server, though if they gave us the tools to form our own cross server FP groups it would be fine IMO.

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To an extent it does. Just add competent players who are not nijas or jerks to your friends list and the next time you need to fill a spot send whispers to people that you already know you would like to group with again instead of spamming general for a random, possibly bad, player. You can't really do this if most groups are forming cross server, though if they gave us the tools to form our own cross server FP groups it would be fine IMO.


Nice idea, but I add everyone I run FP's with to my friends list and I never see them online again.

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It's difficult to explain. Those of us that experienced its implementation in WoW probably make up the bulk of those not wanting it here. There are plenty of threads here and over at WoW that have discussed it to death. My quick take, it promotes ***-hatery and the killing of the zones. 99% of the WoW population are in the two faction capital cities, the zones are a ghost town.



...and that was not the case in Wrath when we all had to spam trade for a group from inside the towns?


You people have some funny memories.

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Here is why I'd NOT want to see this:


Server rep is the only measure we have for players who behave badly in pick-up groups. Once cross-server LFG is put into play, a player's rep ceases to be any concern, and all manner of ******tery ensues.


We saw it with WoW, I'd much rather NOT see it in SWTOR.




People are already quite bad with the it is for my companion excuse.


I for one support the LFG tool , i ignore /who , really what were they thinking spam LFg is better than /who.


Hope they add it soon , be it cross server or not , maybe then i will run Hms not only with my guild mates.

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Look what **** blizz got with LFD/LFR these days..


special roll system


attitude of peeps

etc etc etc


The forums are full of complains.


Look how simple it is now in Tor...no special this and that.


If there must be a LFG system, keep it please server only..otherwise dont.

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Please differentiate if you are anti x-server LFF or x-server LFO...


Cross realm LFG came in two different stages in WoW, and BW has not confirmed which they are inclined towards in SWTOR.


I see no issue with cross server LFF...


Glad you have no issues with it. I know i dont. I am very happy Swtor has changed their stance on cross server!


BTW Here is SR stating that they plan on a cross server lfg in swtor!


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.



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I am asking this as a sincere question. What community?


ToR does not have one to ruin. Everyone is basically playing ToR as a single player game, locked away in their own story lines and easily solo-able instances.


No, YOU'RE running around locked in your own storyline. I'm making groups constantly for heroic quests, flashpoints, pvp and even normal quests and my friend list grows all the time.


You know what would make this game a "single player game"? Cross server queueing. As soon a people can login, join a random group WITHOUT COMMUNICATING, they cease to be part of the community and just as you say, start playing a single player game where others turn into npcs who they expect to "do their job" in whatever group.


Cross server? NO THANKS!

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In my opinion it's not that of a problem to allow cross-server groups. With one more addition though: a new system that doesn't allow players to NEED gear for other classes.

That should be the highest priority. Then they should add the option to trade items between group members for some minutes. Or add a third "NEED FOR COMPANION" button.


They can implement a lot of solutions for this. It's not that hard and we all win in the end.

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That system failed miserably because it was much easier for people to spam Trade in Shattrath or Dalaran instead of using it.


In my opinion it's not that of a problem to allow cross-server groups. With one more addition though: a new system that doesn't allow players to NEED gear for other classes.

That should be the highest priority. Then they should add the option to trade items between group members for some minutes. Or add a third "NEED FOR COMPANION" button.


They can implement a lot of solutions for this. It's not that hard and we all win in the end.


What Bioware could do since day one, is to add two systems to prevent any lack of accountability and ninja looting:


1. Internal Player behavior points system, much like the one used on driver licenses in some countries and US states. This way reported or kicked players will have less to no chances to group up with the same people again, eventually preventing them from doing any group Flashpoint/Warzone content until their restrictions are lifted.


2. Proper gear looting restrictions based on item level, queued role, spec, stats, type of armor, selected companion (yellow in Crew Skills) in case no one needs the gear and a companion could use it.

Edited by Orisai
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