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Everything posted by LethalBlade

  1. This. It's not that there are too few hotbars, but too many abilities. They do need to look into some consolidation.
  2. I read that article. When I saw the title, I thought they were talking about Ewan McGregor.
  3. I absolutely want cross-server LFG. Cross-server PvP too. The sooner the better.
  4. They absolutely need to expand space combat into much more than it is now. Firstly, take it off rails and allow free flight. Tighten up the controls, and, most importantly... PVP! How awesome would it be to have PVP space battles?
  5. It's typical server and infrastructure maintenance, not a game patch.
  6. Do you people have nothing better to do than argue semantics? You know damn well what the OP was talking about. It was a simple enough question.
  7. Absolutely. BW... please hurry up with it.
  8. Totally this. Making characters for both factions on the same server should absolutely not be allowed.
  9. Macs = overpriced paperweights. Most mac fans are people who are not too PC tech savvy, so they believe all that "macs do xxx better" crap. Don't believe the hype. PCs are the better (and cheaper) solution, especially for gaming.
  10. It's also a way to prevent people from flooding the AH with junk. You wanna post an item, you pay for it.
  11. EA is a member of the ESA (Entertainment Software Association), which is in full support of SOPA/PIPA. So, by default, they support it too.
  12. And what about when that server community no longer exists? What about players on very underpopulated servers (they do exist in WoW). A cross-server LFD tool solves this problem.
  13. I love it when people say "free" month. Perhaps they forgot, but the game costs $60 or more. That price includes the out-of-box game time. It is not free.
  14. I had a 45 minute queue, got in, took too long creating my character, and got booted. Now I'm in another 45 min queue. Now that's some ******** right there.
  15. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=SWTOR+early+access Seriously, dude? I can only hope you're not.
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