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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo Flashpoints (3 companions)


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I totally agree with this idea, one flash point for ALL player styles (individual or group, kinda like shopping, individual or group or watching movies, television, and the list goes on)...


In the long run it's a smart move, it's a paradigm shift and it's the future of all MMO gaming I think - who ever gets it first will score big time.


I also think it could be designed easily with a rubic of boss abilities that would be enabled or disabled depending on how many people were in your group.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


Its already a single player game. I will just play skyrim if want to play alone full time. the future for MMO's looks bleak in all honesty very grim. If this is the best BW could do with 120 million in devolpment im pretty much done with any new releases.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


Where is Jamus, So I can tell him I told you so. :(


Whats next 4 man operations so you can solo them also. Why did you start playing an MMO when you want to play solo all the time.


Also notice that you said they would have to be easier. Of coarse they do because if not then you would actually have to do some work. Let me guess they should also drop the same look as if you did it with 3 other people right.


So lets see you have the choice of doing it by yourself and having all the loot for yourself and have it much easier, or you can do it with 3 other people and have a lower chance at loot and have it harder. What one do you really think everyone is going to pick.


Like I say the new meaning of MMO is Me, Myself and Only me.

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As for the gear-drop concerns, couldn't it just be companion specific gear, like a lot of quests are? No need to worry about it being "unfair" then, right?


Also, just because it's am idea for solo content doesn't mean it's a bad idea. People keep ripping on how TOR isn't really a multiplayer game, which I don't understand. I've never had any trouble finding other players to group with, either short term or running together over a period of days. Get your head out of your asses and stop whining about what you think an MMO should be. Adapt or get out of the way, this galaxy doesn't revolve around you haters.

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Where is Jamus, So I can tell him I told you so. :(


Whats next 4 man operations so you can solo them also. Why did you start playing an MMO when you want to play solo all the time.


Also notice that you said they would have to be easier. Of coarse they do because if not then you would actually have to do some work. Let me guess they should also drop the same look as if you did it with 3 other people right.


So lets see you have the choice of doing it by yourself and having all the loot for yourself and have it much easier, or you can do it with 3 other people and have a lower chance at loot and have it harder. What one do you really think everyone is going to pick.


Like I say the new meaning of MMO is Me, Myself and Only me.


Where did I say I want to do them all the time? I don't work a 9-5 like most people so on my days off I'm often playing at night when many people aren't around. This could be a nice alternative to grouping. I would still be grouping with friends until they go to sleep.


They have to be easier because of AI limitations not because I want hand outs. Your condescending tone is uncalled for.

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Its already a single player game. I will just play skyrim if want to play alone full time. the future for MMO's looks bleak in all honesty very grim. If this is the best BW could do with 120 million in devolpment im pretty much done with any new releases.



Really single player? Every game is single player if you don't have any friends. But I can see why no one wants to group with you.

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You could make the solo dungeon gear be exactly like their group counterparts but scaled down like 20%?


Wait a second. No they cant. The gear has to be exactly the same. Yes I know they say its so they can have things to do but it still has to drop the same gear.


They might accept the 20% loss right now but once they get their solo instance you know for a fact that they will demand the gear be the same again.


Just look at WoW with 10 and 25 mans if you dont think so. First it was I want it to be the same difficulty (so they add 10 man wrath heroics) then it was it should drop the same gear and be the same difficulty (so they do that in Cata). Then all the QQ about its so much harder because of comp or because I play with only a few friends and cant have 7 mages etc so they nerf it so its easier.


Basically they will say that they will give up certain features to get something added to the game and then once it is they will start making up reasons to get those features added also. So in the end they got everything they wanted in the beginning which is something easier that gets the the same items as the harder version.


Its like there are 10 cookies so you say lets share them and we each get 10. You eat 8 of yours while I go get a get a napkin. When you come back you cry that I have 10 cookies and you only have 2 so "MoM" says share them so you both have the same and now we both have 6 cookies. Then I go answer the door and you eat 4 of your cookies and 2 of mine. Then when I get back to complain that I have 4 cookies and you only have 2 so "DaD" says share and we both have 3 cookies.


In the end you end up having 17 cookies and I end up having only 3 but you make it look like I am the bad person that wants to hog everything while all you want is it to be equal. What you actually want is everything for yourself and I am the one that wants to to be equal.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


I like that idea. Would be fun to do a all-companion run in some flashpoints or maybe story relevant flashpoints. Hmm class only solo flashpoints with story elements, more than one and hard modes available :D. That would be awesome with maybe 2-3 of those available per class. Excellent alternative to doing the normal dailies/flashpoints/missions.

Edited by Seeiphiel
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Sounds great to me but the suggestion of making the gear drops be 20% less effective stats wise (big no on that) would make doing them pointless.


Quite. Thats stage 2. Lets first get solo flashpoints then we can complain that its pointless to do them if they dont drop the same gear. Even though the point to get them in the first place was so you had something to do and not for the gear.

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Really single player? Every game is single player if you don't have any friends. But I can see why no one wants to group with you.


Lol the only reason i log on is to group with guildies who need FP's run other then that when i have game time i just sit in Team speak and BS with my friends. sorry my opinon offends you but its how i feel. If you look at my join date you can see i was a fanatic about this game. though im outspoken about some of the design decisions everything i had concenrs about are the biggest complaints.

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As for the gear-drop concerns, couldn't it just be companion specific gear, like a lot of quests are? No need to worry about it being "unfair" then, right?


Also, just because it's am idea for solo content doesn't mean it's a bad idea. People keep ripping on how TOR isn't really a multiplayer game, which I don't understand. I've never had any trouble finding other players to group with, either short term or running together over a period of days. Get your head out of your asses and stop whining about what you think an MMO should be. Adapt or get out of the way, this galaxy doesn't revolve around you haters.


So why do we need solo instances again? Didnt you just say you have no problems getting groups.


Maybe you should adapt to the game or get away instead of making other people adapt to what you want and telling them if they dont like it they should leave.

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Wait a second. No they cant. The gear has to be exactly the same. Yes I know they say its so they can have things to do but it still has to drop the same gear.


They might accept the 20% loss right now but once they get their solo instance you know for a fact that they will demand the gear be the same again.


Just look at WoW with 10 and 25 mans if you dont think so. First it was I want it to be the same difficulty (so they add 10 man wrath heroics) then it was it should drop the same gear and be the same difficulty (so they do that in Cata). Then all the QQ about its so much harder because of comp or because I play with only a few friends and cant have 7 mages etc so they nerf it so its easier.


Basically they will say that they will give up certain features to get something added to the game and then once it is they will start making up reasons to get those features added also. So in the end they got everything they wanted in the beginning which is something easier that gets the the same items as the harder version.


Its like there are 10 cookies so you say lets share them and we each get 10. You eat 8 of yours while I go get a get a napkin. When you come back you cry that I have 10 cookies and you only have 2 so "MoM" says share them so you both have the same and now we both have 6 cookies. Then I go answer the door and you eat 4 of your cookies and 2 of mine. Then when I get back to complain that I have 4 cookies and you only have 2 so "DaD" says share and we both have 3 cookies.


In the end you end up having 17 cookies and I end up having only 3 but you make it look like I am the bad person that wants to hog everything while all you want is it to be equal. What you actually want is everything for yourself and I am the one that wants to to be equal.


Then whats the point of doing group content? you could just do it alone.


I was thinking it would be like get to 50-> do solo dungeons or dailies to gear up-> group up and get gear-> do operations

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Lol the only reason i log on is to group with guildies who need FP's run other then that when i have game time i just sit in Team speak and BS with my friends. sorry my opinon offends you but its how i feel. If you look at my join date you can see i was a fanatic about this game. though im outspoken about some of the design decisions everything i had concenrs about are the biggest complaints.


I could care less about how fanatic you were. I could care less about your opinion. you spew BS every time you speak. Be constructive about what you don't like. you're just wasting space now

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Then whats the point of doing group content? you could just do it alone.


I was thinking it would be like get to 50-> do solo dungeons or dailies to gear up-> group up and get gear-> do operations


Dont try to act like you care about group content. You can say it now but one of your boys just ruined it for you by already complaining about your 20% loot difference.


You will say whatever you want just so you get it in place then once it is you will go after the other stuff.


Again you dont care one bit about group play and only want solo play and Bioware like Blizzard only care about money so they will give you what you want so you keep subbing even though you would still sub even if they didnt.

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Dont try to act like you care about group content. You can say it now but one of your boys just ruined it for you by already complaining about your 20% loot difference.


You will say whatever you want just so you get it in place then once it is you will go after the other stuff.


Again you dont care one bit about group play and only want solo play and Bioware like Blizzard only care about money so they will give you what you want so you keep subbing even though you would still sub even if they didnt.


Sorry I think there was a miscommunication somewhere. I thought you wanted to have the loot the same. I just want something to get me ready for HM besides those darn dailies. Also I don't consider anyone here my boys. I don't like 90% of these people.


But I do see where you're coming from with gear eventually being made the same in both group and solo instances from people complaining, but thats not what I want.

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I think this is a wonderful idea! And no, the gear shouldn't be 20% less effective. Instead, all types of gear should drop, according to your "party" grouping, as it does when you're actually in a real group. That way, the companions could actually get some decent gear.


Since I have 1 of each class, I could spend all day gearing up companions this way :D

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I think this is a wonderful idea! And no, the gear shouldn't be 20% less effective. Instead, all types of gear should drop, according to your "party" grouping, as it does when you're actually in a real group. That way, the companions could actually get some decent gear.


Since I have 1 of each class, I could spend all day gearing up companions this way :D


Well you see the problem with this is no one would end up grouping for the content cause you could just do it by yourself. I can see it being equal to daily gear as an alternative to actually doing dailies.


Besides you're companions in gear equal to what you could get from dailies would be pretty decent

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Dont try to act like you care about group content. You can say it now but one of your boys just ruined it for you by already complaining about your 20% loot difference.


You will say whatever you want just so you get it in place then once it is you will go after the other stuff.


Again you dont care one bit about group play and only want solo play and Bioware like Blizzard only care about money so they will give you what you want so you keep subbing even though you would still sub even if they didnt.


Then give a different reward for running it solo, not drops. Encourage people to do it both ways for different rewards. Solo, standard, hard mode.

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I don't know how you're going to control all your companions to get them to CC or off tank the right targets. Unfortunately they are programmed smart enough to not aoe with CCd targets nearby. Therefore, I have to turn off all AoE, including EMP.
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