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Solo Flashpoints (3 companions)


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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


Sounds good to me.The more content the better.No afks no rage quitters.Except Fess.I think he sneaks out for a smoke now and then.

Edited by well
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the reason theyre bored @ 50 is because its hard and take a long time to find a group for any flashpoints, or heroic flashpoints



This is going to be fixed, now that we know the cries of millions of people has been heard by bioware and theyre working on a cross server LFD finder (YAY!!)


and to you fanboys who are against it, Check out my sig.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


I actually started a thread exactly like this in the suggestion box a little while back, 98% of respondants were in favour with 4 dissenters. Their main concern was solo players getting gear they they had to group to obtain, if it wasnt so sad I would have laughed.


Thread reach 14 pages if I recollect so many people were in favour of it, lets hope BW hears our pleas because in a few months when I have several characters at cap I suppose that will be it.


You have my full support for this idea.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=210135 my post in suggestion box, pls add your support.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I actually started a thread exactly like this in the suggestion box a little while back, 98% of respondants were in favour with 4 dissenters. Their main concern was solo players getting gear they they had to group to obtain, if it wasnt so sad I would have laughed.


Thread reach 14 pages if I recollect so many people were in favour of it, lets hope BW hears our pleas because in a few months when I have several characters at cap I suppose that will be it.


You have my full support for this idea.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=210135 my post in suggestion box, pls add your support.


You could make the solo dungeon gear be exactly like their group counterparts but scaled down like 20%?

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the reason theyre bored @ 50 is because its hard and take a long time to find a group for any flashpoints, or heroic flashpoints



This is going to be fixed, now that we know the cries of millions of people has been heard by bioware and theyre working on a cross server LFD finder (YAY!!)


and to you fanboys who are against it, Check out my sig.


That's not the reason they're bored. The reason is there is absolutely nothing else to do at 50 but wz's/fp's/operations...There should be extra fun stuff to do when you have done all those dozens of times already and bored of them already.

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I'd love this to happen.


It would definitely increase the longevity of the game for me.


No matter how devs of whatever MMO push us into *having* to group it never works on me (and I suspect I'm not alone).


Anything that can give the solo player more to do at max level cap has to be a good thing. Those that want to group can still do so.

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I actually started a thread exactly like this in the suggestion box a little while back, 98% of respondants were in favour with 4 dissenters. Their main concern was solo players getting gear they they had to group to obtain, if it wasnt so sad I would have laughed.


Thread reach 14 pages if I recollect so many people were in favour of it, lets hope BW hears our pleas because in a few months when I have several characters at cap I suppose that will be it.


You have my full support for this idea.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=210135 my post in suggestion box, pls add your support.


I added a post to your thread, had no idea that this was already brought up. Here I thought I was on to something new haha

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This sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm totally onboard with this, provided that it gives worse rewards then if you group togeather with other players. There should still be an incentive for coopertive play, but still an oppertunity to experience the story even if you want to avoid grouping :)
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I'm sorry but your idea sounds great for an offline game. Creating more soloable content would further ruin the already shaky community in servers. group playing would be for Warzones and OPs only, and gesh, imagine OP groups made of people that never relied on another player. No coordination needed, egoistical objectives...


Sounds great, but I don't think it's a great idea.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?



Hmm,freakin brilliant :D



BW,get on this asap...

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While were at it, why not have PvP planets and RvR that lets us use companions?


If any of you have ever played Mount&Blade:By Fire and Sword, there is a game option where you are the leader of a squad of AI and you can customize their gear and weapons and troop type and then lead them against other players of the same thing.


It makes it into a massive war and it takes skill and squad commands to be good at.


Why not let us do this in PvP in Star Wars? You would finally be adding that RTS factor into it, I think it would be a lot of fun anyway.

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