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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why X-SERVER anything is a BAD IDEA


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what are you talking about?


That just cause you have so many friends or play on non dead servers or are in big guild or can play at peak times doenst mean that everyone else has that option. BW will cater to majority of players sicne subs is all that matters and with implenting cross server features for dungeons and WZs will increase participation rates a lot. If you dont have problems atm doesnt mean that some others have. Just like people who said that people are talking smack with fps lag and ability delay cause someone said he doesnt have any problems.

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Just because you dont have any friends doesnt mean everyone else are lonely. :rolleyes:
I don't play video games to make friends you weirdo, I play them to pass the time when I'm not hanging out with my real life friends. Yeah, real life. That **** exists.


Regardless, what does having ***** little e-buddies have to do with my original post?

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[*]X-server queues create an anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as carrick station and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Players level their characters through anonymous queues without experiencing either their storyline or class quests.


This already happens right now.



[*]Upon entering the warzone or flashpoint, many players use the anonymity offered by the anonymous x-server pug groups to engage in the worst kind of behavior. They insult, demean and degrade players from other servers, knowing there will be no consequences from the community on their own server or even their own guild.


This already happens right now. My own faction trash talks each other in the most profane and vile way as possible; this won't change thing.



[*]X-server qeues encourage exploiting, power leveling, valor and gear farming, account swapping, afk-botting and ultimately real money trading. Players with extra money pay power leveling services to farm the best pve and pvp gear. This has happened in every game I have played with x-server queues.


This already happens now! Every game I played with no xserver Q did the SAME thing.




[*]X-server queues ultimately destroy communities by bypassing the self-policing nature of closed server communities. Players who engage in bad behavior such as trolling and griefing are ostracized and punished on closed server communities. In an x-server environment they disappear behind the cloud of anonymity. Players are prevented from getting to know others from the opposite or same faction and engaging in friendly competition. There is a lot to be said for knowing your enemies and your friends.


If they ever offer name changing + server/faction transfers same thing will happen. And btw some the biggest guilds on the most popular server troll chat, demean others, and act like 4 year olds already so please tell me how x-server ques will even change that.


If the purpose of x-server queues is to allow players on low pop servers access to content, there is a simple solution, allow free transfers off of low pop servers. Problem solved.


They will never offer free transfers, bud. This is EA after all; expect to pay for it. But thats ok, you won't mind when everyone and thier mother suddenly decides to play on YOUR server giving a nice yummy que to get in, right?


Now here's thing....X-server PvE I don't agree on since there is LOOT involved thus people will ninja and act like twits. But X-server PvP? YES PLEASE, THANKS. I mean it's real awsome to play Sorcball 90% of the time against the same couple dozen players and all but ya know....it would be real nice to fight in different WZ against more people...

Edited by fixit
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Why X-Server is a good idea:


People get to play the game.


That's why it gets my vote. I like fast queue times. I like instant pops even better. That, and quite frankly, from what I've seen of my server, at least Empire side, they're mostly medal farming idiots, I have no respect for them, I certainly don't feel a sense of community with them, and I'd be fine with some fresh faces.

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This already happens right now.





This already happens right now. My own faction trash talks each other in the most profane and vile way as possible; this won't change thing.





This already happens now! Every game I played with no xserver Q did the SAME thing.






If they ever offer name changing + server/faction transfers same thing will happen. And btw some the biggest guilds on the most popular server troll chat, demean others, and act like 4 year olds already so please tell me how x-server ques will even change that.




They will never offer free transfers, bud. This is EA after all; expect to pay for it. But thats ok, you won't mind when everyone and thier mother suddenly decides to play on YOUR server giving a nice yummy que to get in, right?


Now here's thing....X-server PvE I don't agree on since there is LOOT involved thus people will ninja and act like twits. But X-server PvP? YES PLEASE, THANKS. I mean it's real awsome to play Sorcball 90% of the time against the same couple dozen players and all but ya know....it would be real nice to fight in different WZ against more people...


Agreed with all except the last part.(Involving pve, but I agree on all of your points with pvp) I mean, yeah.... people WOULD ninja more, but Bioware *COULD* put a system in place which would fix that.

Edited by SithEBM
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That's why it gets my vote. I like fast queue times. I like instant pops even better. That, and quite frankly, from what I've seen of my server, at least Empire side, they're mostly medal farming idiots, I have no respect for them, I certainly don't feel a sense of community with them, and I'd be fine with some fresh faces.


I am with you on this issue. One day we may face each other on the field of honour ;)

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For pvp, cross server war zones are mandatory. They instantly make the game experience better and they allow for devs to do more long term.



That is your opinion.


Not a mathmetician or statistician eh?


Sarcasm doesn't carry well over the internet I hear.

Edited by Darth_Acherus
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I don't play video games to make friends you weirdo, I play them to pass the time when I'm not hanging out with my real life friends. Yeah, real life. That **** exists.


#Regardless, what does having ***** little e-buddies have to do with my original post?


You play online games to be social.


You play singleplayer games to play with yourself.


You cant have the cake and eat it too. Choose.



If not World of warcraft allready created your ideal game :)



#because Im tired of people saying this game does not have any community. It does, and its the reason I can talk to people outside guild without feeling the need to knock my head against the wall several times in a row.

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You play online games to be social.


You play singleplayer games to play with yourself.


You cant have the cake and eat it too. Choose.



If not World of warcraft allready created your ideal game :)



#because Im tired of people saying this game does not have any community. It does, and its the reason I can talk to people outside guild without feeling the need to knock my head against the wall several times in a row.

No, I'm not a PvEer so I don't need to socialize with people in this game and that's good because 90% of the people who play online games are socially retarded basement dwellers anyway. I play online games to compete with other players in PvP and because I can't beat online games in 6 hours like you can with most single player games. Half of this game is single player anyway.
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No, I'm not a PvEer so I don't need to socialize with people in this game and that's good because 90% of the people who play online games are socially retarded basement dwellers anyway. I play online games to compete with other players in PvP and because I can't beat online games in 6 hours like you can with most single player games. Half of this game is single player anyway.


Actually the average Gamer is far from that.


Source: http://www.theaveragegamer.com/averagegamers/


If this source does not suit you, google it and do some research yourself.


2 years ago I read about a thread stating the average gamer was roughly mid 30s with family.


Me personally? Im waiting for my education to begin as Navy officer. Just finished College and im a very social member who spends time online socializing with all kinds of different people, because MMORPGs is the only place on earth were your background and your social bagage does not matter. a 18 year old can have fun on same terms as a 36 year old lawyer, you dont see that in IRL.


Finally, I would suggest playing 1 of the billion of other genres not listed as MMORPG as MMO genres are all about community (until Blizzard decided to reinvent the term and change the meaning of MMO in their own so called MMORPG.).



Edited by Zlashie
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Actually the average Gamer is far from that.


Source: http://www.theaveragegamer.com/averagegamers/


If this source does not suit you, google it and do some research yourself.


2 years ago I read about a thread stating the average gamer was roughly mid 30s with family.


Me personally? Im waiting for my education to begin as Navy officer. Just finished College and im a very social member who spends time online socializing with all kinds of different people, because MMORPGs is the only place on earth were your background and your social bagage does not matter. a 18 year old can have fun on same terms as a 36 year old lawyer, you dont see that in IRL.


Finally, I would suggest playing 1 of the billion of other genres not listed as MMORPG as MMO genres are all about community (until Blizzard decided to reinvent the term and change the meaning of MMO).



People always pull that article out of their *** but you know damn well it's not true. 40% of gamers are women? Yeah ok, maybe if you're only looking at the fanbase of the sims and iphone games.


Look, you play this game to "socialize" with your little e-buddies (nothing more social than sitting in your room for hours apparently) and I play this game to **** on people in pvp. I'll ******** in general chat but the only reason I'll actually form friendships in a video game is for something like arena, otherwise it's just annoying to have to talk to a ton of people every time I log on when I'm already talking to multiple people on facebook.

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the ONLY x server queue that makes any sense is rated wzs. it is premade versus premade and you will need more variety than the premades on your own server.


other than that, i really enjoy pvping in ormal wzs and seeing allies and enemies in the open world and remembering the, from prevus wz matches.


I agree with this. As on smaller servers, a group of 8 hardcore PvPers is likely ALL the hardcore PvPers on the server.


What I don't like about crossserver tech is that it's an excuse for devs to ignore low pop servers. Sure, people get quick queues now. But they're still on a dead server, playing through deserted planets. The biggest reason why I quit WoW.

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I support this thread.


It was very fun to get to slowly get to know people in pre-x-server WoW and it's very fun to do the same now in SWTOR. I've fitnessed firsthand what happened to server communities when x-server bg and lfg kicked in and I really wouldn't like the same to happen again.


Meeting people on a daily basis, playing with them and against them, is what develops the community. The moment x-server wz go live, all that will be gone since unless you gimp yourself by choosing to only queue with people from your server (you can bet queues will be significantly faster with x-server grouping), you will rarely if ever see the guy you just played with outside of fleet.


Right now it's like this:


X is grouped up with y. He sees that y plays well. Next day, he also groups up with y and sees that yesterday's game wasn't luck. After the game x starts to chat with y, trade strategies, maybe gets invited to a guild etc. Thus, the community is being developed


When x-server wz is implemented it will go like this:


X enters wz and first thing he sees is a wave of "WHAT THE **** R U DOING. OMG U R SO BAD" which is a direct result of the annonymity such tool provides. However, he sees that there is a pretty good guy from the same server playing in the same match but it doesn't make a difference since it's 1 game, he can't tell if y is actually any good or just got lucky in this game and isn't sure if pming him and exchanging views would actually be a good idea. After this gane, x and y never meet each other again in a wz. 0 community.


Honestly, merging low pop servers and allowing x-server queues ONLY for rated wz would be so much better. Implementing x-server queues looks like an "easy" way to deal with low pop servers and their queue times but since BW seems fixed on releasing them anyway, I'm really hoping that people playing on higher pop servers will decide to stick to their server queues only.

Edited by Paralassa
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Here's why it's a GOOD IDEA:


Currently, the Empire players outnumber the Republic players across the board. Now, some servers may have a closer (but not totally equal) balance; but that's only a small few. Implementing a cross-server LFD/G tool will help Republic players by:

  1. Queue'ing for the WZ they want.
  2. Queue's "popping faster" (instead of having to wait forever it seems, at times)
  3. Creating a "sense" of balance on population


Don't kid yourself.


1. Some servers DO have decent population balance. My server is awesome. Huttball is not something I see a lot of, and when I do, I often get to play against the opposite faction. Cross-server queues will probably mean that I will end up getting a lot more Huttball, thanks to the alleged wide-spread population imbalance. We have a great community on our server, and I will be very resentful if cross-server queues are implemented and our great community goes down the toilet as a result. The whole reason I am playing this game is that I love my closed server.


2. Did you ever play WoW? Do you remember the faction imbalance that caused extremely long queues for Horde players....and instant queues for Alliance? Why do you think that it would be any different here? So, what we'll get is Huttball in random queues for all Imperials....and really long queues for Imperials for everything else.




I resent being penalized because some people apparently didn't know how to choose a good server. Just allow free transfers off low population servers or merge them. Don't ruin it for those of us who picked a good one.

Edited by belialle
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All Bioware is doing is putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Merge low pop servers or offer transfers. This fixes a majority of the problems.




GregMD just because you think your Gods gift to PVP doesn't mean your are. You are the type of person everyone in this thread is talking about that is against x-server ques.

90% non social basement dwellers? Seriously? Your too good to talk to your Guildmates because they want to say hello? Do us all a favor stay on facebook.

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No, I'm not a PvEer so I don't need to socialize with people in this game and that's good because 90% of the people who play online games are socially retarded basement dwellers anyway.


Community is one of the distinguishing characteristics of an MMO. What is the point of playing if they aren't going to even give us the opportunity to build communities?


Go play TF2 or something. League of Legends. Counter-Strike. SC2. There are lots of PvP games available to cynical, anti-social types like yourself. Why bother playing a social game with people you clearly don't like, particularly when you're clearly not even willing to give them half a chance?


People with this attitude are toxic to the community. Just leave. Go ruin some other community.

Edited by belialle
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