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For all the "Can't find group" people

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I'm going to give some advice for you.


Don't sit in the fleet looking for people to join you for FPs, most people who are in the fleet are there for other reasons, training crafting skills and the like. Not to mention that most of the people there are, most likely, not at the correct lvl for the FP you want to do.


Instead, check who's online on the planet/planets that are the correct lvl for the FP you're looking to do. Why not just spend the few minutes it takes to get to that planet and start asking there instead?


General chat isn't the best way of getting people to join a group, alot of people doesn't like writing in a chat that everyone can see. Instead try to whisper people, and don't just say "LFM DPS Athiss" for example. Instead you could ask "Hi, how are you doing? I'm trying to put together a group for Athiss, would you be intressted in joining?", the worst they can do is say "No", unless they're idiots, in which case you wouldn't want them in your group anyways.

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Im going to disagree with this "send people tells". This can be annoying especially if you are in the middle of a conversation with someone else via tells. If people arent joining your group it is because there just isnt anyone available. General chat is the easiest way to fill a group. Unless you play during off hours there really shouldnt be much of an issue filling a group unless you are doing a flashpoint people do not want to do.
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The OP's method worked out OK when the level 50 population was relatively small back in December and all the 50s knew each other. Now? Good luck. You have a better chance of being put on the ignore list than a positive answer to join your group. Never had it work for anything higher than Esseles/Black Talon for the lower level FPs, either.


Honestly, if you don't have an active guild, you're just going to have to wait for the LFD system that Bioware said they're currently working on.

Edited by Exertim
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General chat isn't the best way of getting people to join a group, alot of people doesn't like writing in a chat that everyone can see. Instead try to whisper people, and don't just say "LFM DPS Athiss" for example. Instead you could ask "Hi, how are you doing? I'm trying to put together a group for Athiss, would you be intressted in joining?", the worst they can do is say "No", unless they're idiots, in which case you wouldn't want them in your group anyways.


I had a job in telemarketing once. Never again.

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First of all, I for myself have absolutely no problems finding groups and as the discussion goes on about LFG-Tools etc i liked to see what this guy suggest our poor people who can't find groups.


Why not just spend the few minutes it takes to get to that planet and start asking there instead?


Soooooooooooooooo, all the posts i see about not finding a group is about people who game casual and say they take too long time finding a group.


Don't get me wrong, i despise that argument...i can't understand people who say they take long to find a group and don't have the time for that. I take maximum 10 mins to form a decent group.


A tip from me: Add people who you enjoyed grouping with to your friend list. Then later if you like to go to a flashpoint whisper those people. Believe me socialising helps with finding groups but shhhhhhhhhh its a secret...


Ofc if you perform bad then those people probably don't want to group with you again and that's the key about people screaming for LFD/G, i believe they are bad/selfish players and can't find groups on their own server since they either play poorly, ninjaloot, afk or whatever makes you hate people in your groups.


I never had problems finding a group and i probably never will since i know how to behave in a group:


General chat isn't the best way of getting people to join a group, alot of people doesn't like writing in a chat that everyone can see.


I vote for a LFG-Chat!

Besides that, what is general chat for? to ****chat?

to ask stupid questions you could find out by typing the "word" into google?

or my personal favorite to annoy people in some gosh darn language nobody else then your compatriotes of whatever 3rd world country you come from understands...?



Instead try to whisper people, and don't just say "LFM DPS Athiss" for example. Instead you could ask "Hi, how are you doing? I'm trying to put together a group for Athiss, would you be intressted in joining?"


You could also say: JOIN OR DIE!!

Nah, i just try to be funny. Nothing wrong with this tip.



the worst they can do is say "No", unless they're idiots, in which case you wouldn't want them in your group anyways.


This is probably the reason people can't find groups:

They usually get the answer:" Well, aren't you that guy who aggroed the whole flashpoint a several times, always broke crowdcontrol and ninjalooted an item for his companion after 2 hours of hard work to get your retarded butt trough that flashpoint? If it is so, i gladly join, i loved grouping with you!!

Edited by dondiwayne
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Your suggestion is that we all act like telemarketers?


Dude it's not hard at all to find groups for flashpoints! All you have to do is put more work into finding your group than you'll put into running the actual instance, and then it's a piece of cake!

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Are you guys for real? Being put on an ignore list?....


Using the WHO list is THE fastest way to get groups period. You ctrl+c ctrl+v a message like "hello would you like to come to x?" being randomly nice. Why is that annoying? all you have to do is make sure you don't spam someone twice. I have never had a person get mad/ put me on ignore.

Oh.. and among those that say no, 80% are like "no ty not right now" , "ty but not right now" "sry but i have to leave soon" actually writing more than a monosylabic answer.


But hey... wanna spam the fleet chat 24h a day and complain on forums u can't find a group in less than 5 minutes be my guest.


PS. If you find it annoying to get a random whisper from someone(single and polite) asking nicely to join a flashpoint of your level, you my dear sir have a problem.

Edited by chnima
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I'm going to give some advice for you.


Don't sit in the fleet looking for people to join you for FPs, most people who are in the fleet are there for other reasons, training crafting skills and the like. Not to mention that most of the people there are, most likely, not at the correct lvl for the FP you want to do.


Instead, check who's online on the planet/planets that are the correct lvl for the FP you're looking to do. Why not just spend the few minutes it takes to get to that planet and start asking there instead?


General chat isn't the best way of getting people to join a group, alot of people doesn't like writing in a chat that everyone can see. Instead try to whisper people, and don't just say "LFM DPS Athiss" for example. Instead you could ask "Hi, how are you doing? I'm trying to put together a group for Athiss, would you be intressted in joining?", the worst they can do is say "No", unless they're idiots, in which case you wouldn't want them in your group anyways.


I agree.


I leveled up mostly doing flashpoints (and class quest and some heroic quest). Getting a group is a bit hard. But I was able to form or find a group by following this advice... except now where I cant freakin find a group for Directive 7 at level 47.


But it was working fine when I was lookin for group at lower level flashpoints like when I did the level 45 Red Reaper. First, I spam LFG on Imperial Fleet. I would usually find one or two from it. Then I would start looking people from my Friends list and whisper them on a polite way... "Hi, wanna tank Red Reaper flashpoint?" If they say no, I ensure I answer back, "It's ok... thank you.". Then continue lookin for people from Friends list, Guild list. If I cant find one, I would look at the list of people from Voss or Belsavis (where level 45s are) and whisper them one by one.


So far, I was able to get groups with this method from Hammer Station to Red Reaper. However, I cant figure out why I cant get group for Directive 7. Maybe people are freaking out coz they cant easily overgear or overlevel this flashpoint. Maybe level 50 people got scared when they did Colicoid WarGame wherein level of toon didnt gain more advantage on beating it... player skill does.


But I will continue on looking for group. Coz I believe flashpoints > other quests in terms of loots, XP and commendations.

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Instead, check who's online on the planet/planets that are the correct lvl for the FP you're looking to do. Why not just spend the few minutes it takes to get to that planet and start asking there instead?


Here's my advice: Don't even bother going to the planet, just filter the Who-list by lvl and send a tell to the classes you need.


I'm always playing tanks and get whispered that way all the time because Tanks are apparently almost as hard to find as healers, unlike DDs who come dime a dozen.

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I vote for a LFG-Chat!



i vote for 'galactic lfg chat'. it should span every zone of every planet (barring the starter worlds)that way the guy board of driving in circles on ilum and the guy standing on fleet can make a love connection. yes i know it might open up a whole new world of 'trolling'. whatever. everything opens up trolling.


also arent most of the fp's accessable from fleet? makes sense that that would be the best spot to lfg.

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Oh, I can already hear/read the doomsday sayers about how it will totally ruin server community, like it did in WoW. This will be quite entertaining to watch I guess.


lol yeah because no one ever ninja'd items or bailed on a group without a word before lfg. lol rose colored glasses.

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Dude it's not hard at all to find groups for flashpoints! All you have to do is put more work into finding your group than you'll put into running the actual instance, and then it's a piece of cake!


to be fair to Caelrie it's very server and faction specific on how easy/hard it can be to find a group. As a test start a char on a low pop server (you know; the ones BW conjoled people onto) repub side; it's kinda slow.

Conversely on some severs you got people coming out of your ears.

Edited by BMBender
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I agree.


I leveled up mostly doing flashpoints (and class quest and some heroic quest). Getting a group is a bit hard. But I was able to form or find a group by following this advice... except now where I cant freakin find a group for Directive 7 at level 47.


But it was working fine when I was lookin for group at lower level flashpoints like when I did the level 45 Red Reaper. First, I spam LFG on Imperial Fleet. I would usually find one or two from it. Then I would start looking people from my Friends list and whisper them on a polite way... "Hi, wanna tank Red Reaper flashpoint?" If they say no, I ensure I answer back, "It's ok... thank you.". Then continue lookin for people from Friends list, Guild list. If I cant find one, I would look at the list of people from Voss or Belsavis (where level 45s are) and whisper them one by one.


So far, I was able to get groups with this method from Hammer Station to Red Reaper. However, I cant figure out why I cant get group for Directive 7. Maybe people are freaking out coz they cant easily overgear or overlevel this flashpoint. Maybe level 50 people got scared when they did Colicoid WarGame wherein level of toon didnt gain more advantage on beating it... player skill does.


But I will continue on looking for group. Coz I believe flashpoints > other quests in terms of loots, XP and commendations.




the reason D7 is a *****is that run up to 50 currently therr is NO reason to run regular modes at 50.


all the tanks who can do D7, probably want to do the hard mode instead. I did the same as you, leveled all the way up using instances. from 47-50 i got 2 d7 runs in, and one was a guild run. Get past this hump and life with hard modes becomes a lot easier on you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Or, instead of all this ********, MAKE A *********** LFG SYSTEM.


Indeed. I've been on Balmorra for an hour or so and in that time not one player has spammed /1 for whatever FP is level-appropriate for Balmorra. Add to that the trip back to fleet that the group members will have to do (at their own pace) once they are convinced that the group has a chance to succeed and it's just too much to bother with.


Bring a cross-server LFFP button already!

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if you are sending me a tell out of the blue, while I am not looking for a group asking me if I am a tank and if I want to do go do a Flashpoint, Hard mode or help kill a boss, large chance is, I am going to ignore your tell or tell you No right away.


I Don't like recieving random tells and I am sure others don't either.

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