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Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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Fantastic changes, but is there any chance the current, flashing UI can be rolled back to the previous version while the new one is being tested? You know, so the players suffering from migraines and nausea can continue to play while we wait?
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@Deewe and Isathrea...


Read much?


If you had bothered looking at the options, you would have noticed that it will be possible to turn off the flash following GCD.

Dear Morfedd,


seems to me you are the one that missed the point and read a bit too fast. ;)


What we are asking is not to remove the post GCD flash, (well don't want it either but we already noticed we can toggle it off), but to totally remove the whole GCD making all icons flash during the GCD.


Does that makes sense to you now?

Edited by Deewe
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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


Go away.


This will keep a lot of people happy, nice change.


Some people just moan no matter what however, like that *person* I just quoted.

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ONLY thing I care about in UI is 5th quickslot bar that I can stack bottom centre and scale the 3 bars down in size.


Having NO FREE SLOTS AT ALL in 4 bars and having to look at right bar for vital skills' cooldowns is UNACCEPTABLE.


Make sure you add this when you release the custom UI patch, and make it asap!



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These changes really look great, super excited to see them go live! Thanks for listening to the feedback and turning this around so fast.


Now get those Live->Test character transfers working so you (hopefully) don't have another repeat of this!! :)

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Dear Morfedd,


seems to me you are the one that missed the point and read a bit too fast. ;)


What we are asking is not to remove the post GCD flash, (well don't want it either but we already noticed we can toggle it off), but to totally remove the whole GCD making all icons flash during the GCD.


Does that makes sense to you now?


You can do that its in the blog, there are 2 options you can enable or disable (if you click the screeny you can see them) called "show ready flash" which only flashes for norman cd's and "show gcd ready flash", if u disable both of those and set it to "style 3" (might be four cant remember) you have the gcd exactly as it was at launch, no flash at all for anything, if you want a flash for abilities with a cd longer than the gcd you enable "ready flash" and leave "gcd ready flash" off

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Thank you to the crew at BioWare. I wasn't a fan of the first reiteration of the cooldowns but have liked the more recent versions.


However it's your looking forward and creating options that are the real sparkler here. I applaud your efforts to fix this issue forever and please ask that you overlook the whiners as they show up.


For those of us who have been reading your messages, we already are aware that UI customization and scalability have been announced for another patch, and don't need to beat you over the head for it at the moment.


Again, thanks much to the dev team. Keep it up!

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To little to late...I am not waiting till next billing cycle when the current system is a mess.


LOL you can see in the animation that you still CANNOT see the darker ICONS/Spells.


Good job not listening/selective hearing.




dude..check out style3, i rant also but at least i plan it carefully and make sure it is a bug/missing feature before i do

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Very nice Bioware! Looking forward to the cooldown text (my preferred method from other games) and the options for the GCD appearance are a nice start to add more options in the future while still allowing everyone to pick their favorite.
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great idea pleased to see that bioware can see that this type of option and flexibility is something gamers really want did i need this no, did i ask for this no, but am i happy they did this absolutely yes ....thank you many times over this is super helpful
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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.

I know I'm not the first quoting this guy, but don't hurt to do again.

It's like it's beyond trolling, like he reached a higher level of annoying.





GJ UI-guys, was what I really logged in to say.

Edited by zoofar
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Please waste more time working the UI when the add-on community would do the work for you faster and for free...


Do you realize that it is most likely taking longer to introduce the guy that did the GCD changes to the cooldown UI to the addon scripting engine team than he took to quickly make these changes? I guess Bioware is employing a lot of programmers for SWTOR. In large teams developers become specialists for their part of the software. Switching random people around is extremely inefficient, as they can't be productive for a while and reduce the new teams productivity as well because they need to be trained. You guys seem to think that BWs development is only focussing one a single issue which is clearly not the case.

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I didn't read the whole thread, but any chance there will be an option added for a numerical overlay? I used to use one in WoW with Power Auras Classic and I really liked it.


Otherwise, great job. Customizing my UI is a huge part of my MMO experience, glad you guys recognize this and are taking steps to fix it.


Next up: Mouseover healing? 0:)

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