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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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You still have not answered the issue about server downtimes.


Why are the servers consistently brought down during high populations when all you have to do is wait 2-3 hours i.e 4am CST to bring the servers down for maintenance? Is that too much to ask?

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1.2 sounds like it's gonna be chalked full of goodies. I'm super pumped for the Legacy system in particular. Enemies will learn to fear the name of Firescar! Even though both my jedi knight and sith warrior hold it...


That'd make for an interesting conversation if they met...

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Legacy system, yes yes, sounds good-ish.

-On the race thing I take it to mean that any of the currently playable races will be albe to play any of the currently playable classes. (eg a Chiss jedi knight.)


Lightsaber color crystals.....

-Purple color crystlas for everyone...plox? (not sure how you get please out of plox, but whatever)

-There are 16.7 million different lighsaber colors available....spread the love.


Guild services, yes yes, looks good.


More flashpoints, yes


More PVP....and yes PVP is going to be wildly popular. I mean think about it the EMPIRE is AT WAR with the REPUBLIC. I think players can really relate to that and want to participate. not to mention the PVP is hella-fu....n.


Cross server PVP, yes.


More battle grounds, yes.



My only real disapointment is Ilum. I was hoping that the planet would be substantially larger and have a TON more solo-end-game questing available to it.





Dual specing. MEH , its ok, but honeslty why not just allow people to respec as they want/need for cheap.

Edited by EchoTwoOmega
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This was great! There are several things I was happy to hear about, and a few I was quite disappointed to hear about.


For example, one thing I'm very happy to hear about: The Legacy system seems to be unfolding how I would like it to - it sounds like they plan on allowing you to be different species from the opposing faction and/or species not previously open to your class.


Also, the points they said about there being options for "elder" characters makes me think there may be some sort of character appearance re-customizer tools. That's just my speculation but it sounds great!


The future of SWTOR looks good and I will be around for a while to come (based on my experience thus far). That being said, I'd like to constructively address some of the things stated in the Q&A that truly made my heart sink...


1. The developer said "right now there’s a new Warzone planned for Game Update 1.2 which we’re already testing internally and really enjoying. We can say it’s enabled for same faction vs. same faction play, so if you’ve been playing a lot of Huttball, expect some variety soon!"


This bothers me for two main reasons:


1a. Lore-wise... I want to fight more of the opposing faction, not less. I am a Republic member, and when I log into the game it gives an "Interlude" description about being at war with the empire. I feel that having more same-faction warzones could dilute what our entire storyline was leading up to.


1b. Faction imbalance... I understand that the over-populated factions on each server seem to play lots of huttball - but this may lead to greater faction imbalances on servers if they provide more same-faction warzones. If this does happen, world PvP will become more scarce and difficult.


Right now, playing different warzones besides huttball is one of the few incentives to play as the minority faction instead of an majority. By adding more same faction warzones, I'm not saying it will *cause* more faction imbalance, but it will certainly allow it to continue getting worse. One thing BW could do is to *not* make more same-faction warzones, that way there would be a little more incentive to go the less-populous faction (doesn't matter if it's imperial or republic, the over-populated faction eventually gets tired of playing huttball most of the time).


2. A SWTOR player asked "Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?"


The developer response: "Not until we introduce cross server queuing."


The only thing I can say about this is that I dread cross-server queuing. I am sure many people support it for many reasons, and they are definitely entitled to wanting cross-server queues. But I have enjoyed knowing the people in my warzones so much.. I feel that we are accountable to one another and our reputations matter.


I fear that cross-server warzones will make PvPing an event where people with ill intentions do not need to worry about their reputation being at stake. For example, if they want to call people names or /afk, I fear that it *may* happen more (of course I can't prove that, it's just a hunch). I worry that some people, knowing the people in their warzone are not people they interact with regularly, will not feel a sense of community or accountability to help their team.


Thanks for reading devs. The coming game update looks promising and I enjoy a lot of things about it. I know you have a lot of opinions to take into consideration. I hope you focus on the quality of the game experience above all else in making your decisions - as long as you do that I am sure that your product will continue to be a success.

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Even Ghostcrawler answers questions better than this......


Hue to chests?? Really???


People want that done ASAP?


How about working on the issues that should have been fixed in Beta?


How about giving people something as simple as chat bubbles?


How bout fixing FPS issues?


Glad to see ToT is coming, but I think more people would be happier with a COMBAT LOG!


Progress like linking MS paint to your models is phoning it in IMO.


Just waiting for my sub to expire. Maybe SWTOR will be fixed when D3 is released (if that day ever comes and there is still a community left here).

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BioWare is clearly just ignoring and neglecting any talk on SGRAs, especially considering information on SGRAs was the fourth most asked question in the Q&A thread, thanks BioWare, really feel like the 'valued customer' you claim me to be.


They've already addressed this a few weeks ago. They are not introducing the SGRA until new companions are introduced. They aren't going to go back and redo the story lines for existing companions right now.


Didn't get one question regarding the ****** fps thousands of your customers are experiencing? Yeah I believe that. Good to hear Ilum is getting more features. I'll be sure to check those out 1 frame at a time.


Their support staff has been addressing the performance issues with the client pretty regularly. If there is nothing new to report yet, why take up a question? Read the various posts, tweets, and other items regarding performance issues.


Still nothing about damage meters/combat logs and 3rd party support mods..


They've said pretty recently that 3rd Party Mod support is probably quite a ways off. They won't touch it until the client issues are resolved. Mods just cause more issues because it changes the client and can make troubleshooting a pain.


Damage Meters and Combat Logs haven't really been touched. I think there was a comment about combat logs being worked out, but I doubt we'll see a damage meter. Much like the Threat Meter which will likely never come to the game. There was a Dev interview on a fan site where they said they don't want encounters to be built where threat has to be micro managed like other games. It changes their design philosophy and they are staying away from it. Just about everyone has a threat drop if they get in trouble right now, so that isn't happening. I would imagine damage meters are probably pretty close in the reasoning for not seeing them.



Can anyone clarify the question about the character creation legacy additions?


I really wanted to roll an alt, but i don't want to miss out on new creation options.


They've been fairly tight lipped on the specifics. We'll know more in a couple weeks when it is on PTS.



Am I reading this right?


The only "new" species we are getting are species that are ALREADY playable, just for new classes. And they didn't say a thing about changing character's species.


All of the rage I felt when I first learned we weren't getting any REAL aliens as character choices is coming back to me.


Wait for an expansion to introduce new species overall. The unlocking of existing ones that are already part of the character customization system makes this easier to implement. I wouldn't be shocked if there will be some sort of race change feature in the future. However, probably not a huge priority right now until more races are put in.



You still have not answered the issue about server downtimes.


Why are the servers consistently brought down during high populations when all you have to do is wait 2-3 hours i.e 4am CST to bring the servers down for maintenance? Is that too much to ask?


I trust their statistics more than others. If historically this is their slowest period it makes sense. Now it sucks currently for EU players, but I would imagine they'll eventually start splitting maintenance like WOW. Handle US servers on the current schedule and do EU that afternoon in Austin when it is night in Europe.


Geez, they answer questions that PLAYERS submitted, yet people still find a way to complain.


Not everyone will be satisfied. Just goes with the territory. Ideally though I would like to see them get away from this method of Q&A and go to a Twitter or CoverItLive..."live" chat for one hour and knock out a bunch of questions. Responses would be shorter, but people wouldn't feel so ignored.

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Man stop ading stuff just fix the core of the game thats is broken mirror class not mirror skills dont work, exploits and cheats all over the place.

And no action taken against exploiters and cheaters.

After the game is working you guys can add stuff.


Great news i can have now 2 aspects that dont work great!:mad:

Edited by Azhaell
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They've already addressed this a few weeks ago. They are not introducing the SGRA until new companions are introduced. They aren't going to go back and redo the story lines for existing companions right now.


Source? the only official comment on this was from Stephen Reid, on the 15th of September last year.

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Daniel Erickson:

Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before.


I am interpreting this as being current playable species because of what is said next:


New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2.

I eagerly await more info on this as it becomes available. I would love to see Cathar, Bothan, Togorian, and Devaronian as playable races. But, that's just me.

I'm looking forward to the Legacy System. Thanks, BioWare! :D

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I love the TOR fanboys that get upset when people come to the forums to complain.


They LOVE to say "If you hate it so much, why don't you leave?" or some variant of this.


People complain here cause its really the only outlet to let the Devs know that there are ALOT of upset people that are still here and want this game to succeed and progress. There is a philosophy in customer service that the customers that complain are doing you a favor and letting you know they are unhappy so you can fix it. Most customers will not say a word, leave and never come back.


BW should appreciate their customers that aren't happy with their game in its current state. Don't insult or belittle them by answering these selected softball questions with these vague and canned responses.


If all the complainers, whiners as you fanboys like to say, all took your advice and Unsubbed, there would be no community left (there is hardly one now due to the single player RPG on rails design) or possibly go FTP or be shutdown entirely because there are alot more people that are dissatified than satisfied with the game judging be the forums and how fewer people are on the servers as opposed to a month ago.

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I'm not sure why they bothered. I'm hardly an avid consumer of SWTOR news since I unsubbed but even I was aware of virtually everything they said, with the possible exception of dual spec being confirmed (which was already pretty much expected anyway).


They could virtually introduce it now by making it a fixed 100 credit fee to change your current spec no matter if its your first or hundred and first - so why wait? Sure "dual" would be MUCH easier to manage but at least people wouldn't have to bankrupt themselves that are capable of playing more than one style on a char.


One new warzone coming in 1.2. Jeez, don't spoil us will ya BW. I'm sure it is just one you have polished up a bit that failed to make the cut for release anyway.


What is "Hue to chest" anyway and how many people actually care about it? Honestly? How many? is it more than a handful?


I was hoping to see something clever and well thought out with the questions they chose, something that would make me reach for my credit card again - hell even some hope that I might be able to resub in the future and enjoy the game. All we got was some rehashed fluff. I'm sure it must play well with some people.

Edited by Ntranced
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I expected that all the questions answered today, I already knew the answers to. I told my guild members the day the questions went up that it'd happen. I don't blame the devs for answering those questions, I blame the people who posted the questions for giving the devs an easy out when they could have found out this information with a little search.


Here's hoping next week some questions that haven't already been answered get answers.

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I expected that all the questions answered today, I already knew the answers to. I told my guild members the day the questions went up that it'd happen. I don't blame the devs for answering those questions, I blame the people who posted the questions for giving the devs an easy out when they could have found out this information with a little search.


Here's hoping next week some questions that haven't already been answered get answers.


Couldn't agree more.

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Some of the answers didn't actually....answer the question or were very dodgey responses. =\


Maybe I don't get it, but the first question asked by Alkapwn says he doesn't want to make an alt right now because he wants to see what races will be available.


The response back was:

"Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. "


Sooo. He should wait? And are you saying there won't be any NEW species? Does that mean it'll be like "Twi'lek can now be a Bounty Hunter!" type deal? Instead of "You can now play a Wookie!" ..Because that's not exciting at all if it's not new races. The races we have now are boring. Sigh, kind of a let down.

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