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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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those who disagree with crossing servers are stupid hypocrites, who play on full servers


go to play on empty server where you lose 50 times in a row by style the still same 5, 6 x reps vs 8 geared siths


so instead of doing cross server WZ which would negatively (imho) impact everyone the better response (again imho) would be to merg low pop server so they were high pop. low pop servers now have more players resolving their issue of being unable to pvp and high pops have their pvp communities left alone. everyone wins....

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I love the game but the lack of playable species is really keeping me from wanting to continue to subscribe. Since launch I've been playing what I consider all alts, meaning I haven't been able to play as anything that really wanted me to invest all my time into that one characters progression and story which is what I was really planning to do from the beginning. I had the same problem when I was first starting to play guild wars I just can't play as a human in most rpg games for some weird reason. I am in no way saying I don't like the game and don't want to see it succeed but as anyone knows the biggest selling point Bioware had for the game was the story, which I love but I have zero investment with a character I don't like which I don't feel is doing the story the justice it deserves.


This is how I feel my BH my SI and my Smuggler all feel like alts because I dont want to be a near human. Because they feel like alts I really have not explored space combat or a lot of the flash points as I was waiting for a character I wanted to play to do this. Since a long time before launch I planned my characters and none of the species i thought or hoped would be in game so none of my planned characters appeared. However I read additional character creation on legacy and got my hopes up now only to hear that its just going to be Chiss and pure bloods for republic and Green dudes and blind guys for empire. The word disapointed doesn't even start.


I wish there was more I could do but the only thing I can do is posted on the forums (which gets no reply) or quit my account to show them how strongly I feel about this.

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Well.... at least we learned that Dual specs will be coming some day. Then again, as a healer, I kinda feel that that is a "should have shipped with game" feature.


Trying to do solo dailies in a heal spec just isn't fun. Not at all.


But yea.... no developer ever answers a question that the community at large would like an answer to.


At least less hutball come 1.2?


As a sage complete healer spec, the dailies are a cakewalk. Kill 4 groups of guys, deliver something, plant a bomb, kill 4 turrets... yeah, real tough!

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"Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2."


I have one question related too this. Will you allow us to remake our character for a fee with the release of this feature, otherwise its a really big kick in the ***** to lots of players who maybe didn't get to choose a race they really liked due to class restrictions .


How so? Most MMO's introduce new races at some point down the line, with expansions and other avenues. Do you claim "kick in the *****" there too cause you have to reroll to play a new race-class combo?

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with cross server ques, what will happen to the community that BW stated they wanted to be a big factor in the game?



Plain 'n simple, there will be none, cross server warzones will defeat any purpose for pvp planets, atm the only reason people go to ilum? It is more efficient valor than the warzones in truth, and for weekly and daily quest, bot pvp and pve. There will be no community in truth, only hey its that guild from that server, we say see them again in a year and they may be one of those good ones i cant remember.

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so instead of doing cross server WZ which would negatively (imho) impact everyone the better response (again imho) would be to merg low pop server so they were high pop. low pop servers now have more players resolving their issue of being unable to pvp and high pops have their pvp communities left alone. everyone wins....


You sir, deserve a cookie. Or a jawa... to lazy to goto the kitchen..


And for us being hippo-critical, shove it. We are on one of the most populated servers ad we still have quite a bit of down time in ques. Cross Server have ALWAYS been bad, its essentially merging every server, but getting rid of general... trade... and pvp chat. >.> Actually they should just do that, be more fun lol.

Edited by Timayus
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Are you kidding?!


IDIOTIC idea, there is nothing wrong with the current PvP community and adding "cross server" wz's is going to destroy it.


If you think otherwise your wrong Bioware.


Don't even tread down this path because it will be a slippery slope, which will lead to cross realm LFG tools, which will thus destroy the whole server community. I've seen it time and time again.


Do yourself a favor and DON'T REPEAT history, create it.

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Are you kidding?!


IDIOTIC idea, there is nothing wrong with the current PvP community and adding "cross server" wz's is going to destroy it.


If you think otherwise your wrong Bioware.


Don't even tread down this path because it will be a slippery slope, which will lead to cross realm LFG tools, which will thus destroy the whole server community. I've seen it time and time again.


Do yourself a favor and DON'T REPEAT history, create it.


I agree with this statement except for the last part.


Build off oither MMO's successes as a base then create.


Their creations so far, aside from the voice acted storylines, has been implemented horribly.


Most of this game is on rails. I think I'd rather deal with the History of other games instead of their idea of innovation.

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Are you kidding?!


IDIOTIC idea, there is nothing wrong with the current PvP community and adding "cross server" wz's is going to destroy it.


If you think otherwise your wrong Bioware.


Don't even tread down this path because it will be a slippery slope, which will lead to cross realm LFG tools, which will thus destroy the whole server community. I've seen it time and time again.


Do yourself a favor and DON'T REPEAT history, create it.


So by "time and time again", you mean "in WoW"? Oh, right, WoW = the universe and everything in it, gotcha. /facepalm.


P.S. there is something horribly wrong with the PvP community: it doesnt exist on most servers. Cross Server wzs is the only way to aleviate low pop server queue problems without redesigning the entire system.


"If you think otherwise your wrong Valarauk!" Why? Well because I said so of course!


Or maybe you'd like to explain to me how seeing people in random solo queues that are not on your server is so terrible? You make it sound as if that would cause your friends/guild lists to delete themselves and be made unusable...


No end game PvP in the works.

So adding new warzones, a rating/matching system and working on world PvP is not working on end game PvP? What in the world is end game PvP to you then? And I beg you not to say "Arena", im trying to take you seriously here and it would make it really really hard.

Edited by Stonedsoul
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As an MMO addict for over a decade, I feel that your public Q&A answered many of the fundemental questions and issues us hardcore fans were concerned about. SWTOR is truly a great MMO. What makes an MMO epic is obviously endgame content. It sounds like you guys are heading in the right direction and making necessary changes and additions for this game to dominate the MMO genre. Thanks for taking the time to listen to all of our suggestions, criticism, etc., and for doing your best to satisfy our requests.


Now time for my request...


Add arena matches. Thanks!


P.S. Implementing cross server Warzones is a wise decision. It may feel less personal for some people but thats what world pvp is for. Can't speak for the rest of the subscribers but, when I play pvp matches, I want to do it when I'm in the mood for it. I don't want to be limited to only enjoying the pvp aspect of the game during peak hours. Some nights after 1 or 2am, I'm usually playing with the same 6-10 people with the probability that the warzone will close due to not enough players on a team.

Edited by OgKiller
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How so? Most MMO's introduce new races at some point down the line, with expansions and other avenues. Do you claim "kick in the *****" there too cause you have to reroll to play a new race-class combo?


Other MMO's also offer a way to change your race later on if you wish as well.

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So by "time and time again", you mean "in WoW"? Oh, right, WoW = the universe and everything in it, gotcha. /facepalm.


If you done your reasearch right beside other MMO's. WOW was the cause of the "MMO boom" after a certian patch in the last decade, thus why almost every MMO is compared to it. Mostly everyone in the forums that support "Cross-Realm PvP" it are mostly "WoW babies" who had it easy and give people a reason to be a Anon without any reprocusstions which causes server communities to die and become filth and unapproachable.


While those that dont support it are usually those that give a more friendly atmosphere and are kind to one another while those that arent are "blacklisted" form the server and are avoided.


P.S. there is something horribly wrong with the PvP community: it doesnt exist on most servers. Cross Server wzs is the only way to aleviate low pop server queue problems without redesigning the entire system.


There is a way......merge servers -_-.


"If you think otherwise your wrong Valarauk!" Why? Well because I said so of course!


Prove it. If you cannot back it up then you yourself are wrong for not thinking clearly and not seeing these simple answers.


Or maybe you'd like to explain to me how seeing people in random solo queues that are not on your server is so terrible? You make it sound as if that would cause your friends/guild lists to delete themselves and be made unusable...


It does actually. What good is a guild when cross server kill the need to look for other people in server to PvP and PvE and lets not forget WoW's latest introduction LFRaid. That puts the final nail to the coffin for WoW guilds period.

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Still no answer to whether or not new legacy character creation options will be available for already created characters. We shouldn't be penalized and forced to reroll new characters due to your late implementation of a crucial system.


This will be the difference of my subscription.

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