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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are you guys planning on setting up a party summon system at any point?

Many Heroic phazes are far flung and players who are looking to enter that Phaze could be anyplace on a planets map. I have found that gathering a group takes so long that people are not interested in running Heroics. Or they drop from the group. If there were summon termanals at Heroics that used the quick travel cooldown it would make things so easy!


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When will you make it possible for force-using characters to pull up/down their hoods on their robes? Alot of players feel like they are forced to have their characters become bald for the better part of the leveling process, seing only the face and not the hair/horns of their characters from about lvl 10 onwards. A hood toggle would make a world of difference for us, and would be just as (if not more) important than having a chest-piece color matching system.
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In the preview of the UI customiztion it only showed moving and resizeing of elements. I'm wondering will the UI include options to change the flytext? Like being able to have it scroll in different areas of the screen then just over the targets head. Reason being I hate being at a distance and the numbers get smaller and they get jumbled up or the worst part is being in melee range on a big mob and you cant see the txt at all, and I don't like the idea of having the camera so far out that I feel like i'm plaing Diablo.
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Since launch it has been very annoying that I seem to end up auto running to the right intermittently and I cannot correct it other than wait it out, usually ending in my demise. Also the whole having to get into cover to use some key abilities is great except when again, we get stuck in crouch mode and have to mash the button to get back up. It's not fluid and frustrating. Will these ever be addressed or should I reroll now or go level a panda in wow?
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Having played the Jedi Knight storyline to level 50 and now as I'm working on alts I feel, perhaps even more so than before I played the game, the need for Bioware/EA to live up to its promise to integrate same-gender romances into the game.


I can certainly appreciate the relationship humor and the [Flirt] options in the game, but as a gay man I have to admit it feels very one-sided toward heterosexual choices. In fact, the sheer volume of [Flirt] options was a bit overwhelming to me at first; I'm not used to so many women hitting on me. ;)


Yet each time I kept thinking "sorry, not interested. Now if you were a dude..."


So... any update from Stephen Reid's statement back in September?

Edited by Daddylicious
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Can we please have a pass looking at the relevance of the textual choices offered in a dialogue versus one's character's VO'd choices? Sometimes they don't really match very well.


It's somewhat annoying to think a bit to make a choice based on the text, and then have the subsequent VO seem unrelated to the text.


Or to be more precise, sometimes it is related and sometimes it isn't, and that lack of consistency doesn't give one smooth confidence when faced with a dialogue choice - often one feels one might as well pick at random.


It's like the written text and the VO text were written by different writers who weren't quite aware of each other's work.


Or, again, sometimes it seems like the written text is trying to anticipate what the gamer is feeling, rather than foreshadowing what the character might be feeling, and about to say given that choice. One feels a bit schizophrenic between being a basement-dwelling Mountain Dew chugger, and a Jedi Consular (or whatever).

Edited by gurugeorge
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I realize it is tacky to discuss that other now defunct Star Wars game but the fact is that many of us came from their. And as such our guild members were allowed to chat with each other despite what side we were on.


Will BW be introducing cross faction channels for guilds so the we can come back together?


I'm sure our guild is not the only large guild to be split in half. We use our guild initials on the darkside and spell out our guild name on the light side and we have set each other as adversaries on the website.


We love to PvP against each other and run completions like speeder races, etc. but we have no way of interacting with each other. VoIP is nice but you can't scroll back and not everyone has the gear for it.


Please keep this request in mind. Thank you for reading our questions.



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Are there any prospects for mini games?




For example, the casinos in Nar Shadda are dead! These would be a great place to include casino-style games that could attract people, thus we can have a roleplaying community on our roleplaying server! The Devs could make the casino games clickable which would start up the mini game.


Another place for a mini game could be the Dejarik game table on the personal starships.


I have seen a clickable casino table on the Esseles and have to wonder if this idea wasn't originally planned!

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At level 39, the Sith Sorcerer storyline kinda stalls, leaving you about 3 levels behind at the next available planet and unable to beat the main quest boss. Do you plan to correct this in any way. Grinding your way from level 39 to level 40 gets a little bit tidious. As it is now, I seem stuck at level 40 with little more choice than to grind myself to a level where I can actually complete some quests.
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The Juggernaut threat generation is quite low and we have very little aoe capability due it cd and rage needed, because of this it is hard to tank large group of mobs and we lose threat easily to a dps.


are you going to improve this? especially as I have not seen or now of know of any assassin tanks or bounty hunters so far.

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