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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where is the 10 responses for the weekly Q&A?


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While we're waiting, here's a 10 questions/answers simulation, featuring typical MMO player questions and MMO dev answers!


1Q. Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

1A. Because the hypotenuse of a triangle is equal to the Summer of Love.


2Q. What if the Black Knight has a fire-breathing dragon?

2A. That would be cool!


3Q. Scooby Doo, where are you?

3A. Yes.


4Q. Why?

4A. For real!


5Q. Who wrote the Book of Love?



6Q. What's your favorite color?

6A. Whales.


7Q. Boxers or Briefs?

7A. It's Shake 'N Bake, and I helped!


8Q. Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?

8A. I'm the <bleeeeeeeep!> Batman. And that's TWO questions!


10Q. Who shot first?

10A. You put the lime in the coconut and call it a banana.


Holly poodoo I lolol and tears are running down my face!! We should meet but I'll probably die from laughing. I love it!

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Sad but true statement. I am just glad we get more feedback.


How about you refrain form being glad until you see the "feeback" they offer us. Past experience says they will metaphorically point and laugh at you with their noncommittal, embarrassingly mundane and pointless market-speak.

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How about you refrain form being glad until you see the "feeback" they offer us. Past experience says they will metaphorically point and laugh at you with their noncommittal, embarrassingly mundane and pointless market-speak.


It never hurts to hope.

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Not to be too much of a jerk because I really love this game, but Q&As and interviews almost always look like this:



Q: Will we be getting (community desired feature)?


A1 (if there are no current plans): No current plans.


A2 (if there are current plans): No information on that at this time.


Q: Tell us more about (planned future feature)!


A: We are very excited about (planned future feature) and will have more information very soon!


Q: Are you aware of the current (bug/exploit)?


A: We have a dedicated team working to resolve this issue and we will have a fix in a future patch.



I hope it's not like that, but I wouldn't get too excited about this. If I could make a suggestion to them about this Q&A thing it would be to be sure to avoid this type of scenario. And I understand why they can't always give ETAs and delve into specifics as much as we want, but if that's the case then don't bother with these sorts of things.

Edited by TrueZero
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Will the Q&A pop up before Friday turns into Saturday here in EU?

30 min. to go...


I think it will be up in about 3 1/2 hours. Don't hold me to this. You should just go to bed or do something else. They will still be up tomorrow and you will likely just want to slap all the people that posted the questions that get answered in that thread anyway.

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Not to be too much of a jerk because I really love this game, but Q&As and interviews almost always look like this:



Q: Will we be getting (community desired feature)?


A1 (if there are no current plans): No current plans.


A2 (if there are current plans): No information on that at this time.


Q: Tell us more about (planned future feature)!


A: We are very excited about (planned future feature) and will have more information very soon!


Q: Are you aware of the current (bug/exploit)?


A: We have a dedicated team working to resolve this issue and we will have a fix in a future patch.



I hope it's not like that, but I wouldn't get too excited about this. If I could make a suggestion to them about this Q&A thing it would be to be sure to avoid this type of scenario. And I understand why they can't always give ETAs and delve into specifics as much as we want, but if that's the case then don't bother with these sorts of things.


It's so incredibly sad, but I fear you have hit the nail exactly on the head.

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It will sound a lot like this:


"What are your plans to implement <FEATURE> into SWTOR?"


"Well, poster. Thank you for asking. As you know, we are constantly adding new features to the game.. and we know that is something players have been asking for. We are always listening to the community and <FEATURE> is definitely something we'd like to see in the future."

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They're still trying to decide which 10 softball questions fit their marketing spin.




Too true, I wait to be pleasantly surprised by them giving answers to questions that the community couldn't have answered.


Some people do no research or infact seem to misunderstand the sort of spin and half answers the devs have given us for the last 3 years.


Q. When will bug a b or c be fixed?


A. As mentioned in a blog Bug fixes is a top prority.


Q. When will Patch 1.2 be out?


A. Currently planned for March but no date is known yet.


Q. What is happening with Space?


A. Something but we can't talk about it.


The only way to get good answers is to ask specific questions with as little wriggle room as possible.

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While we're waiting, here's a 10 questions/answers simulation, featuring typical MMO player questions and MMO dev answers!


1Q. Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

1A. Because the hypotenuse of a triangle is equal to the Summer of Love.


2Q. What if the Black Knight has a fire-breathing dragon?

2A. That would be cool!


3Q. Scooby Doo, where are you?

3A. Yes.


4Q. Why?

4A. For real!


5Q. Who wrote the Book of Love?



6Q. What's your favorite color?

6A. Whales.


7Q. Boxers or Briefs?

7A. It's Shake 'N Bake, and I helped!


8Q. Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?

8A. I'm the <bleeeeeeeep!> Batman. And that's TWO questions!


10Q. Who shot first?

10A. You put the lime in the coconut and call it a banana.


Made me laugh, although I am sure these answers might be better than the ones we actualy get.

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