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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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I think people leave because they are seflish and cant take a "L". My coaches always said there is no "I" in team. and the only reason people quit like that is because they are behind a computer and wont get embarrased by everyone else cause its not face to face.


Go to a basketball court or football field and pull that crap a few times, let me know how far that will get you. Just because your at home alone does not mean your quitting isnt effecting others. Those people should quit being lame and admit your part of the problem, giving the other team a bunch of power plays every round isnt helping anyone....


oh but they do have to fix that crap with the exiting spawn area thing, Sometimes I get into a game in progress run up there timer is on but I have to wait for that darn force feild to let me out, lol.

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If you abandon a warzone you get put into a losers queue. In the losers queue you get a 67% reduction in all rewards. The only way to get out of the loser queue is to win five games. If you abandon a game in the loser queue you have to win five additional games to get out.


Forcing players who like to quit warzones to actually have to play and try to win is a good thing. Some people who quit warzones will stop playing warzones because of this and that is fine as well.

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So your solution, instead of fixing WHY people leave, is to punish them for leaving without fixing the problem itself? Brilliant! You should become a doctor. When a patient comes to you with a runny nose, just cut his head off. No head, no nose, no runny nose problems! Fixed! :rolleyes:


The reason people leave is idiotic matchmaking this game has. As in, the system will match a team with average level of 15, versus a team with average level of 45. What's more that second team will be a premade, while the first team is a PUG. Guess what happens? The lowbie PUG will be farmed. And when I join a game like that, what is my incentive for staying?


And before you say I'm a selfish jerk, which I am, realize that people who joined the warzone at level 10 on my team are the selfish jerks. They killed any chance, however small, of us holding our own against a premade. If they can be selfish and join a WZ at 10 and expect other people to carry them, why can't I be selfish and leave? Instead of being forced to essentially work for them?


The devs have already stated that ranked pvp will be coming in the near future to SWTOR, so try and have patience as your "why" already is in the roadmap to be fixed.


I've also seen the lvl 10's in warzones, and typically send them a /tell with a "Yo, you'll level faster doing quests and at lvl 20 be about 300% more worthwhile to have in pvp." and a lot of the time they listen, but not always. I've also seen pre-mades of lvl 10's that win huttball games, so they're not always someone you have to "do all the work for them".


Also - at least they stay for the entire warzone.


Now to make matters even more convoluted i'm going to talk about a rumor (haven't verified, but really curious to verify this) regarding the bug where wins don't count, as i'm sure that all you selfish people have experienced this numerous times.


Apparently this bug happens when the first person to join a Warzone (the first Ops leader) leaves and is not present at the end of the warzone. So, each one of you jerks that go in, inspect players and then leave because their gear isn't super-uber-awesometastic, are quite possibly the direct cause of people not having warzone wins count for daily/weekly quests. If this bug is proven to be true/caused by this set of actions, then I feel like y'all should have every bit of PvP gear you've earned taken away, because not only do you screw the warzone participants over because of your selfish actions, but you're also screwing them out of wins too.


Absolutely disgusting.

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  • you can pick which warzone you queue for
  • you don't get put into in progress warzones
  • you don't get kicked from the warzone if you go link dead
  • there is a system in place to report/action afkers
  • when the queue system guarantees only 8 each side and not 8-11


you can start talking about deserter penalty.


Exactly this. If Bioware pulled their fingers out and fixed stuff, they could add deserter buffs.

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Your argument and example may be relevant in an academic discussion. This is PvP. It's not a community that depends on the community's members for survival. It is a system built around progression of self.


You can't insert ethics into a PvP in a MMO.


Except for this is where you're entire view is misguided. The PvP community make the PvP aspect of the game, and without a PvP community that acknowledges their responsibility to the other players and fairness of competition...


Well eventually you're left trying to PvP yourself, but hey - you have all the best gear.


People are quitting SWTOR in droves over the PvP issues, and the selfish actions are compounding that frustration. If you want people to play against, then work to keep them in the game, not seclude them until they unsubscribe.


This is not an academic discussion, it's reality and just because you're sitting behind a computer screen and interacting with pixels, does not mean that your actions does not affect the emotions of the other people who are also sitting behind a computer screen and interacting with pixels.


Stop justifying being narcissistic and have some damn empathy. People are going to stick around a lot longer, through the buggy BS that's always going to be a part of MMO games, when their community is empowering and not degrading.


Also - "PvP is about the progression of self" is another justification you're spewing. If you can't win a warzone all by yourself, then PvP is obviously not just about the progression of one person, is it?

Edited by Evil_Santa
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If you abandon a warzone you get put into a losers queue. In the losers queue you get a 67% reduction in all rewards. The only way to get out of the loser queue is to win five games. If you abandon a game in the loser queue you have to win five additional games to get out.


Forcing players who like to quit warzones to actually have to play and try to win is a good thing. Some people who quit warzones will stop playing warzones because of this and that is fine as well.


If you farm kills instead of trying to win or finishing the game you should also go into the losers queue, then. Until you learn how to win by actually paying attention to objectives instead of to those medals popping over your head.

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Pay my sub, and i'll stop leaving matches.

Until then, we can do what we want.


That sounds fair, but I have to point out to you that under your logic, if the bug for warzone wins not counting proves to be happening because of people leaving warzones, then it's equally fair that you need to reimburse every single person who you've screwed out of wins by leaving for the time they've lost because of your selfish actions. Let's say you quit 20 a night, that would be 140 slots of 15 minutes that you should be reimbursing them for -- and that's if they play the next warzone, win and it counts. Those calculations says that you're paying for quite a few subs over the next 6 months.

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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.


you see , i dont care , if my team is bad , i will quit if i feel like it , or i will farm medals , it is funny cause you think you can make people play to WIN , while i for one , play for MYSELF WIN , so , if i get more with medals than helping a bunch of new lvl 50 with 11k HP who cant even keep their pants on , guess what? I will leave them there to die , heck it is funny how people think i played hundreds of wz just to lead them to victory.

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First of all, there only 3 warzones in swtor, and they quite repetative, especialy damn huttball.

Second - and after you get to 60 valor you have to win games to gear up, in most cases you dont care about comendations or valor, cause that not gonna give you more then 2 bm bags per day anyway.

Any decent pvper, and im not talking about pvp wannabe (im talking about ppl with lot of expirience in teamplay, ppl who in to competitive pvp of any sort, and its not only about mmorpg, its about fps rts tbs, with clear goal to win), will sense his team strength in 1-2 minutes of match. Is its team that actualy working out to win or if its random idiots who running around hiting tanks, while there some suspicous dude in robe that stands 2 meters behind tank suspiciosly waving hands and tanks hp miracliosly get replenished, or 3 of em jumping after that some enemy with low hp in pit to kill him while there is someone on high ledge draging ball to our zone. Or just simple unbalanced game that put 8 ranged classes against 5+ melee pug. There lots of such situations when you clearly cant win even if you strugle, you just wasting time in that zone.


ps: not native engish speaker, so fkof grammar nazi.

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I agree with you under one essential compromise. No 30 minute lockout until one minute thirty seconds into the game. There are GOOD reasons to be a deserter and all those good reasons can be ascertained in under a couple minutes.


First good reason to desert is if you are facing a team with 8+ player or if your team only has six players at start against their 8. Both these situations happen quite often. The 8+ player is debated in another thread as a bug/cheat/exploit so I won't get into the details.


Second good reason to quit is if you're facing 6 or more sorc/sage on a team and your group has 2 or less sorc/sage.


Third good reason to quit is if you see an elitist premade that is using all the trinkets and crap that just wipes a pug off the map. For example if you notice 3 assassins in the same guild all using shock frozen water and their pokket healer sage running around then there is no reason you should have to put up with that nonsense.

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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.


The strawman takes another hit!


Your bad logic doesn't come close to the real reason people leave WZ: 4 man battlemaster premades farming pugs. Why WOULD someone stay in a game they have no chance of winning, and get farmed for 15 minutes?

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you see , i dont care , if my team is bad , i will quit if i feel like it , or i will farm medals , it is funny cause you think you can make people play to WIN , while i for one , play for MYSELF WIN , so , if i get more with medals than helping a bunch of new lvl 50 with 11k HP who cant even keep their pants on , guess what? I will leave them there to die , heck it is funny how people think i played hundreds of wz just to lead them to victory.


Warning: based upon the use of "I" on an average of every 5 words in this person's post, and lack of empathy, and gloating about sadistic behavior - signs strongly point to an extremely psychopathic person.


Which means you're 5% of the population, so I hope the dev's don't listen to your responses. Ever.


That said, I have a new idea for a debuff.


At lower levels ( 10 - 49 bracket) desertion hurts your valor/comms advancement temporarly. ( 5% loss for each time you've deserted, and requires fully playing 2 warzones to remove this debuff )


In the 50 bracket, your overall scores ( dps/healing/protection/objectives ) are calculated into a score and then averaged out based on the number of warzones you've joined within the last 7 days. The higher the score, the better your chances are of pulling BM/Champ gear from bags.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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i dont understand pvp quitters. if the battle is going badly, then just have fun with it, or relish the challenge. people treat the warzones like a financial investment where they need to cut their losses if things look bad.


i guess the internet is serious business

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i dont understand pvp quitters. if the battle is going badly, then just have fun with it, or relish the challenge. people treat the warzones like a financial investment where they need to cut their losses if things look bad.


i guess the internet is serious business


you my friend have never seen a daily. once you do the world changes into a dark place where only wins count and youll notice how long it takes to get them

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First of all, there only 3 warzones in swtor, and they quite repetative, especialy damn huttball.

Second - and after you get to 60 valor you have to win games to gear up, in most cases you dont care about comendations or valor, cause that not gonna give you more then 2 bm bags per day anyway.

Any decent pvper, and im not talking about pvp wannabe (im talking about ppl with lot of expirience in teamplay, ppl who in to competitive pvp of any sort, and its not only about mmorpg, its about fps rts tbs, with clear goal to win), will sense his team strength in 1-2 minutes of match. Is its team that actualy working out to win or if its random idiots who running around hiting tanks, while there some suspicous dude in robe that stands 2 meters behind tank suspiciosly waving hands and tanks hp miracliosly get replenished, or 3 of em jumping after that some enemy with low hp in pit to kill him while there is someone on high ledge draging ball to our zone. Or just simple unbalanced game that put 8 ranged classes against 5+ melee pug. There lots of such situations when you clearly cant win even if you strugle, you just wasting time in that zone.


ps: not native engish speaker, so fkof grammar nazi.


You are quite correct, that any decent pvper will recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their team within a couple of minutes, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of their opposing team, and try do what is necessary to try and lead his team to victory. They will also acknowledge that they will not win every game, and that a loss is just as valuable as win because of the knowledge gained.


This is coming from someone who's well known in the QuakeCon community, was Gamecasting FPS matches in '03/'04 on one of the first GameCasting/Radio stations to exist, hosted the EnterTheGame IRC network's birthday party in '04, was competitive in Quake 2 ladders, was known as the "Chuck Norris" around Turbine's offices during LOTRO's beta (Dir of PvP send me a /tell for that, and i have pics) Have hit Diamond in all SC2 leagues with masters in a couple of pre-made teams, and while these are some highlights, they're far from everything i've done gaming-wise. Now i'm playing SWTOR, and fully admit that I will most likely never be #1 in any gaming league, but you'll see me in the top 15% of players.


Deserters are not PvPers. They are gear hounds, content with using the pre-made stats that devs decided would be "good-enuf" for everyone, while never truly developing their own style or strategies for winning. This is because the philosophical, and abstract aspects of what makes a truly great PvPer completely escapes them.

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Just because you're a bad and quit when the enemy team takes the lead does not mean everyone else should suffer your intolerable selfishness.


Do you enjoy joining games half way through where your side is losing badly because someone else quit before you got in? No? Well then don't *********** quit a game because you losing.


I have come back from a loss plenty of times. No reason to automatically leave at the start simply because the enemy happens to score or take 2 turrets.


I think the deserter debuff should be around an hour, with the option of a voting mechanic to kick afkers. Otherwise these same ******s who quit early due to losing will simply just afk around in a game to avoid deserter debuff.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Warzones for the 50 brackets are no fun. One either wins big because the other side is deserting/AFKing or farming medals sitting near a turret in Alderan or gets face-rolled because of the reverse. No fun to be had :(. Makes Illuminati look a lot better :p.


Something has to be done about deserters/AFKers. They are the ones ruining the game, at least for me that is. I don't buy any excuses about dailies, bad teams, no incentive, is just spineless people trying to defend a poor attitude.


BW should remove the war-zone dailies or instead of 3 victories they should take into account how a person performs in war-zones. So you got medals (as a performance gauge) in match? Then they should count towards your daily no matter win or lose.


Just my 2 cents!


P.S. People complaining about fresh 50's being under-geared are so full of **** that no champion bag will hold that amount.

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Terrible idea. No game goes to this extreme. I'm here to PvP, and that's about it. This would definitely be a deal breaker.


And who's doing the crying about leavers? It's not the guys that came to win, it's the ones that came to get carried. Oh noes, the guy with Battlemaster left because he noticed I'm still wearing level 40 gear.

Edited by deltaminus
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Terrible idea. No game goes to this extreme. I'm here to PvP, and that's about it. This would definitely be a deal breaker.


And who's doing the crying about leavers? It's not the guys that came to win, it's the ones that came to get carried. Oh noes, the guy with Battlemaster left because he noticed I'm still wearing level 40 gear.


Funny how you say "i'm here to pvp", yet complain about adding a mechanic that would prevent people from deserting and thus not pvping...

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Funny how you say "i'm here to pvp", yet complain about adding a mechanic that would prevent people from deserting and thus not pvping...


Yeah, making me wait for 30min would indeed prevent me from PvPing. I don't even understand what you're trying to say.


A 30min lockout is stupid. No other game punishes you like this. People also have valid reasons for leaving games. What's being proposed is more of "you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't".


Why should I have to waste 30min waiting for a game, because I was put into a game where someone is trolling or afk? 15min wasted on the game, or part of 15+30min penalty if I don't want to deal with the frustration. Why should I get punished for not wanting to play with a fresh 50 that's still wearing level 40 gear? 12k hp and no expertise isn't going to help the team win.

Edited by deltaminus
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