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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.

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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.


people who are of high enough valor rank dont gain Anything from a Loss.... valor and coms are maxed, and mean nothing... if they're in a warzone thats looking like a nasty loss... whats the incentive for them too stay?

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people who are of high enough valor rank dont gain Anything from a Loss.... valor and coms are maxed, and mean nothing... if they're in a warzone thats looking like a nasty loss... whats the incentive for them too stay?


Q Q no one is rank 100 yet. Play the game out. The incentive is not being a bad teammate and leaving the other 7 people handicapped.

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Q Q no one is rank 100 yet. Play the game out. The incentive is not being a bad teammate and leaving the other 7 people handicapped.


After reaching rank 60, Valor rank means quite literally Nothing.... So.. Again, why would should i want to endure a disgusting loss? There is no incentive to stay...

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When people leave its generally due to their team not listening, the game created an unbalanced game or perhaps they started the game without enough players. Coming from a rank 61, even if they put in a lockout I will still leave and just do something else if there is no chance at winning. Most people dont join Warzones for valor, they join them to get wins for dailys. If you want valor go to ilum and you will get far more.


Honestly if people are leaving your games and you have a full party then perhaps you should look at yourself. Perhaps you might be the reason they are leaving. Are you actually helping the team win by completing the objectives or are you just trying to play team deathmatch and ignoring the point of the game. /shrug I for one am not for lockouts as it will solve nothing.

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After reaching rank 60, Valor rank means quite literally Nothing.... So.. Again, why would should i want to endure a disgusting loss? There is no incentive to stay...


I'm almost at the same point, but...because it's called not being totally selfish? Anyways, I've been in a number of warzones when what looks like a loss turns into a win.


I'm totally for a deserter penalty, but give people a grace period. Let them quit once, for real emergencies. Afterwards, let a 15 minute penalty apply.


And please don't implement until we have GMs to handle AFKers or group reporting for AFK.

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I Honestly could care less if you find my leaving a warzone "selfish" i play for My entertainment...



If im not being entertained... ill leave... wether its playing a warzone, flashpoint or operation.... if im not having Fun i will leave....


i could care less what YOU think...


I play for ME.. not YOU...

Edited by lendaugy
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Its called dont be a selfish ahole


If they were being a selfish teammate, they would be staying in your match AFK. By them leaving, you are at least getting the opportunity to get a replacement who will participate and stick around to lose with the rest of you.

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people who are of high enough valor rank dont gain Anything from a Loss.... valor and coms are maxed, and mean nothing... if they're in a warzone thats looking like a nasty loss... whats the incentive for them too stay?


Well, if there was a 30 minute debuff for quitting, I would say that's incentive to not quit, wouldn't you?



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1 - 49 doesn't matter, it's a joke and your queues are 1 - 2 mins.


At 50, also doesn't matter. You leave, you don't get commendations. That makes you ignorant. Leaving the battle loses you valor and also you get no commendations or any legacy or money.


If you stay and lose, you still get xp, money and commendations. So you have to be pretty ignorant to rage quit because you're "losing".


Punishing these people with a deserter debuff will just make them stay in the game and still be better off if they stand in the corner without participating since after the game's over they'll get rewards.


Everyone in PvP wins, just one team wins "more".

Edited by EscVelocity
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When people leave its generally due to their team not listening, the game created an unbalanced game or perhaps they started the game without enough players. Coming from a rank 61, even if they put in a lockout I will still leave and just do something else if there is no chance at winning. Most people dont join Warzones for valor, they join them to get wins for dailys. If you want valor go to ilum and you will get far more.


Honestly if people are leaving your games and you have a full party then perhaps you should look at yourself. Perhaps you might be the reason they are leaving. Are you actually helping the team win by completing the objectives or are you just trying to play team deathmatch and ignoring the point of the game. /shrug I for one am not for lockouts as it will solve nothing.

A team consists of 8 players, are you telling me that everytime you leave your party is composed by 7 people that don't hear? Because if it doesn't, you're still hurting the other members that don't quit when their group sucks and don't have the fault of their failures.




Besides, most of the time quitters are not the ones that plan strategies or the good players, they're just rage quitters when they see that they may need to actually put a fight to win.



So yes, I approve of some measure against deserters.

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I Honestly could care less if you find my leaving a warzone "selfish" i play for My entertainment...



If im not being entertained... ill leave... wether its playing a warzone, flashpoint or operation.... if im not having Fun i will leave....


i could care less what YOU think...


I play for ME.. not YOU...


You could care less or could not care less?

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Posted in another thread:


The solution to people leaving needs more than just a deserter debuff. They need to make losses count towards the daily.


WAIT, hear me out. I don't particularly like rewarding failure. But PvP will die if it's just premade rolling pugs. People will stop queuing because they have no chance of beating a double premade, and PvP will slowly wither without new blood.


In the sub-50 bracket, people leaving is only a minor problem. Why? Because the daily isn't very important. People can have fun playing and/or get a worthwhile reward (valor/comms), at a lower rate, even for losing.


If the daily went up to 9 "points": 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss, people would be much more likely to finish out the game. And possibly turn things around. You'd also be a lot less upset at joining a losing WZ, assuming you're in it just for the daily


Sidenote, people AFKing will become more of a problem. But that needs a solution anyway.

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After reaching rank 60, Valor rank means quite literally Nothing.... So.. Again, why would should i want to endure a disgusting loss? There is no incentive to stay...


So the same would go for dragonslayers who farm the same stuff week in and week out in BiS gear and nothing to gain. They do it to help others... with your attitude you will not go far in multi-player games. Also, you were rank 39 in greens/blues once too.

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When I find myself in a no win warzone, i entertain myself by doing the following:


1) Pick random player on enemy team.

2) Kill them and only them for the entire match.

3) Wait for the low level alt whispers to come because when they do, it is epic in rage quality.


How is that not entertainment?

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But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT.


OK. Picture this.


Voidstar. Match starts. I go left. The whole rest of my team goes right. The entire enemy team goes to my door. I yell for help, before I am liquified. The enemy pops the door. My team still stands around the other door, trying to work out what is happening.


And you want me to stay in such a match? Or face a 30 min lockout? Sure, I'll stay. I'll be AFK, but I'll stay in the match.


What's that you say, these people will put me on ignore? OH NOES! I'm trembling with terror at the thought of these morons putting me on ignore, so I'll never be able to interact with them outside of warzones ever again! Oh, woe is me! ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME!? I'd give them a big sloppy kiss right on the mouth if they all put me on ignore. I just wish ignore worked in Warzone queues as well, so I wouldn't end up in matches with them any more.


Knock it off with the deserter debuff. All it will do is turn a quitter into an AFKer. IT. WILL. NOT. WORK. Don't give Bioware any more stupid ideas, they're doing just fine all by themselves.

Edited by Sabbathius
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