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Can't think of a legacy name ...


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So, the legacy name I had hoped for - Khan - has been taken.


Wasn't too thrilled with that one tbh, but can't really think of another. Looking for something Star Warsy...... Any tips on how to go about choosing one or suggestions?



That 'you have unlocked your legacy' screen is haunting me like a persistant ghost.



Hmmm .... Ghost ..... that's not bad .... Wonder if it's taken?

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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If you're having some trouble, you can look through plant name lists (IE both the latin and common names. This list even has the french names: http://www.earthlypursuits.com/FlwrsPer/FlwrName.htm ) You can also search things like names of deities, or other words that you may like.


There are also generators such as http://www.seventhsanctum.com/ and http://dimfuture.net/starwars/random/generate.php


My biggest suggestion, keep in mind that you'll want something that will fit not only your current character's name, but the names of any alts that you plan to create on that server - both Empire and Republic if you plan to create alts on both sides.

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My biggest suggestion, keep in mind that you'll want something that will fit not only your current character's name, but the names of any alts that you plan to create on that server - both Empire and Republic if you plan to create alts on both sides.


I've seen troopers called <troopername> DarkSaber or <imperial agent> Skiiwalker

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How about




"Spaghetti" (or any other type of italian noodle)

"Curry" (or any other type of indian spiece)

"Rumpsteak" (or any other animal bodypart that is delicious when served barbecued)

"Teff" or "Nobkenni" (or any other random mixup or strange chance of StarWars names. Like... "Polo" or "Spystalker")

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So, the legacy name I had hoped for - Khan - has been taken.


Wasn't too thrilled with that one tbh,


Did you honestly expect that it wouldn't be taken by now? Maybe if you came with something original...

Edited by iain_b
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Did you honestly expect that it wouldn't be taken by now? Maybe if you came with something original...


Well, I did say hoped. And I didn't see anyone running about with it.


Plus, while it's not original, it is a bit ... sideways.


Mind you, it does mean that my character Wrathof is going back in the box. :)

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Just dont do my misstake, my usual surname in games is "Storm".


Was taken so I took the closest thing. "Stormwind".


Now, I only played WoW for 3 months just when it was released, not long enough for it to make any impression so I basically had to idea about its meaning in that game.


Bit annoying getting constant comments about it. (I play on a pvp-rp server).


Took awhile until I figured out how to hide the legacy namy. so now I dont care. :p

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Many thanks.



Meant to say that I dislike corruptions such as Khhan or Khann, so that's out.


Was never that happy with Khan anyway.



But suggestions much appreciated.


Got mine from the SW name generator listed above... I suggest using it :)

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If you go with a cheesy 'Darkstrider/Lightbringer/Shadowind' name you'll get bored of it. And its really cheesy. Did I mention its high cheese content?


I'd go with a surname thats in use now but is unusual and don't be afraid to change the spelling to make it more Star Warsy. Something like:


Burr, Conway, Heaton, Hogan, Morgan, Reed, Reese, Connor, Hammel, Holden, Yager, Coster, Manser, Vogel, Wyman, Beckett, Ames, Ashby, Aston

Belcher, Avery, Ballard, Cann, Cassidy, Drake, Amery, Baldwin, Hurst,

Angle, Judd

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  • 8 years later...
My Legacy surname i took from H.P Lovecraft's Dreamland Stories which i absolutely love. Of course i had to spell it differently. You can probably guess why.

I guess one would have to read the Dreamland Stories to even guess why. 😏

But I'm not going to bother. 😀


But that did make me think of the name "Starcraft". If I didn't already have a Legacy, I'd use Starcraft myself. (Yes, I'm aware there is a game called Starcraft.)


"Forcecraft", "Darkcraft", "Mandocraft", .... or maybe just "Lovecraft" 🙂



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The Flan Legacy.


Mmmm.. I love Flan. So yummy.


What ever name you come up with should be a personal one. It does't have to reflect Star Wars. If you like dogs, name a legacy after the breed. If you like sports, use a name that reflects that. It doesn't have to be what others think is fun, it should reflect what YOU think is fun. Then it is your own.

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Mmmm.. I love Flan. So yummy.


What ever name you come up with should be a personal one. It does't have to reflect Star Wars. If you like dogs, name a legacy after the breed. If you like sports, use a name that reflects that. It doesn't have to be what others think is fun, it should reflect what YOU think is fun. Then it is your own.

You responded to someone who last posted on the forums in June 2012.


And in any event "the Flan legacy" is that bulging waistline, no?

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