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We NEED a penalty for dropping from a warzone NOW!


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where is that cap lock button...



I hate huttball...don't want to play it. Every time I get one i drop it. I should not be penalized because i do not want to play that map.


Then don't queue at all, simple. We won't miss you, don't worry.

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While I am entirely in favor of punishing desertion in Warzones, I think it would be much more meaningful (and good for the overall health of the game) to address the several issues that cause such high desertion rates


1) Imperial v Republic faction numbers. I know BioWare's hands are tied on this one, but it does cause desertion. Imperials play too much Huttball, and what queues ARE being filled with Republic players have a higher frequency of getting run over by a premade or being exploited.



2) Poor incentives. A lot of people are just out for their daily/weekly because of the problems plaguing the PvP system. They're dealing with it EXACTLY as much as they have to, and not a queue longer. Especially for Battlemasters, there is no reason to stick around a losing fight.



3) Basic warzone mechanics aren't ironed out yet. Why aren't the Aldreaan turrets properly synced? If the east turret is captured at the same time as the center turret, the east turret will get two shots off before the middle turret even STARTS firing. Why is there a speeder ride for defenders in Voidstar? If someone misses their queue, skips it, or doesn't load in fast enough, the defenders (who are already at a disadvantage to encourage objective completion) are IMMEDIATELY shorthanded and frequently end up seeing the first door fold like paper, which causes MORE mass desertion.



4) "Mirror" classes aren't exact mirrors. This statement will seem biased, but there's a wealth of evidence supporting a number of minor imbalances between faction offered "mirrors". Unfortunately, most of the minor advantages fall the Empire's way, which many Republic players find discouraging. This exacerbates Isssue 1, which as I've mentioned generates a lot of desertion.




So should BioWare punish deserters? Yes. But not before they rectify a number of issues the player has no control over that cause desertion. It'd be like punishing someone for damaging your car while it was parked in their driveway, except you handed the keys to a carjacker and then left.

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That's awesome when that happens. Bolster seems to be skewed in favor of the low level players. Level 10s hit like a truck in PvP.


It's relative to gear level and character level isn't it? A level 10 in level 10 gear is stronger(statwise) than a level 49 in level 45 gear.


As to the topic. WZ starts and ops chat turns into "**** you noobs suck" the second our speeders land. Then someone replies, "Yeah these losers don't know how to play!" as we're running to the turret controls in the first 3sec of the battle.


Yeah, I don't need to stay in that group. I already know atleast 1/8 of our team is going to be standing in the corner spaming ops chat and chances are he'll get someone else to stop fighting to argue with him. At that point we're doing 6 v 8 and getting moron commentary.


On another note after you do enough WZs you can pick the fail ones. Huttball starts. 1 minute in you're losing by 2 and 6/8 of the team is in the bottom of the pit farming kills. You're not hurting your team by leaving. They want to farm kills/medal, so you leave them to it.

Edited by BloodsurgeX
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most people i see quit are either not interested in objectives, fighting for 60 seconds, look at the score and spout off and then quit. Why you no carry me!


The second groop, hustle to the ball, and if people aren't in passing posistion, they spout off and quit. WHY U NO PASS TO ME!


as far as the bad, baddie, bads and im bad! comments.. it is about bads, wanting the werld to be the way you want it, is fine. no wanting to put any effort into that werld is bad. que'ing solo and raging at newbies. qq'in and whining. I chuckle each time I put you on ignore.


I implore everyone, to do the same. /ignore the whiners and jerks in our community. There ads in region, attempts to groop, and as an added bonus you get to have peace instead of the ship storm of haterd in most general chats.

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How many times have i heard "2 to west, rest to mid" only to see 1-3 ppl run east, completly ruining the gameplan. Or, i carry the ball but start to get low health and look around to pass...and noone is around, because they are all fighting 1-2 guys on our side of the area...meanwhile i get battered solo with the ball by 4 of theirs. Etc etc.


Too many ppl simply ignores the OPS, and those are the ones who should get punished first -not the ones who cant stand them.


There are times when i should be in my full rights to quit a game, without risking any kind of penalty for it imo.


For example, when i load into a match where one of the teams has 10+ players or loading into an ongoing game which is allready lost. -Or ofc, if RL occurs. And oh, i also understand if ppl leave because there is too much flaming and namecalling going on within the team -and those quitters shouldn't get punished either.


So yeah, as long as players who don't listen to OPS gets punished too and as long as ppl dont get punished if i leave due to RL reasons, im all for this. -Not sure how they would solve it though.


-And first and foremost, there can be no gamebreaking sploits/bugs if they would implement anything even remotely simular to this, such as 12man teams and Wins not counting...etc etc etc

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Deserter debuff for 15min. The caveat? Allow you to drop a WZ without penalty within 30 sec of joining. That way, if you hate the map, or join an obvious blowout, you won't be penalized.


People need to learn that losing is part of the game. Quitting should be punished, and people should try to fight through when they are down. Comebacks happen, but not when people quit!

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Surely you can find better things to do in your free time then doing dailies just for the dailies. This is a GAME, enjoy its play or you are wasting your time (guess you are free to do w/e you like with it, though). You could try to grow a pair and stick in a loosing game just to better yourself. And the rationalization "Others do it, why shouldn't I?" is the reason for so many human failures that you may want to reconsider it.

I don't say I like losing but if I would leave under those circumstances I would hate myself. So instead, I MTFU, stay and do my best, which often it's not enough but I get to swing at it.


“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.”


I and many of us are doing the daily so we can get Champion bags so we can do better against better geared players. I'd think that would be OBVIOUS. :rolleyes:


I laugh at the people that say you need to stick it out to better yourself. It's not about bettering myself. It's about joining a team that somehow managed to get to lvl 50 and can't figure out how PVP works or how the particular warzones is fought. Couple that with having a pug vs premade grp and there is no point.


Why you and others can't see the genius of going to a valor daily system instead of wins. It's takes away the variables of pug vs premades, bad teammates vs good teammates, those that can pvp vs those that can't. If you get 1500 valor for a win and 750 for a loss and lets say the daily is 3000 valor for lvl 50s. If you win 2 matches you complete your daily so minimum you need to play 2 matches. If you Win 1 and lose 2 you get your daily. If you lose 4 matches you get your daily. Again, it's the incentive to stay because even though you lost, it's still counting towards your daily.


If you add some stupid deserter buff I know right now I will no longer queue up for WZs. I queue solo and will no longer deal with premades ruling the WZ day.

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I and many of us are doing the daily so we can get Champion bags so we can do better against better geared players. I'd think that would be OBVIOUS. :rolleyes:


I laugh at the people that say you need to stick it out to better yourself. It's not about bettering myself. It's about joining a team that somehow managed to get to lvl 50 and can't figure out how PVP works or how the particular warzones is fought. Couple that with having a pug vs premade grp and there is no point.


Why you and others can't see the genius of going to a valor daily system instead of wins. It's takes away the variables of pug vs premades, bad teammates vs good teammates, those that can pvp vs those that can't. If you get 1500 valor for a win and 750 for a loss and lets say the daily is 3000 valor for lvl 50s. If you win 2 matches you complete your daily so minimum you need to play 2 matches. If you Win 1 and lose 2 you get your daily. If you lose 4 matches you get your daily. Again, it's the incentive to stay because even though you lost, it's still counting towards your daily.


If you add some stupid deserter buff I know right now I will no longer queue up for WZs. I queue solo and will no longer deal with premades ruling the WZ day.


So screw the rest of us cause you want your champion gear? We are all trying to get geared up so we can do better, what makes you special?


Do us all a favor, and don't queue, we really do not need you. Selfish arse.

Edited by Lividcalm
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good, i wish more people thought like you.. half witted and lazy people shouldn't que up.


i love it when the quitters quit in the first minute because imps get two turrets right way, then we still go on to win the match. happens alot. you know why? because the quitters never actually help you win even when they dont quit. so please, all you quitters keep quitting early in the match so a real players can come in a replace you.

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I know people that join warzones just so they can leave and get a free ride to the Fleet :mad: I've also met healers that will use warzones to bypass tough mobs in solo dungeons. When they see the queue pop they run through as many mobs as possible to get to an objective, then hit enter, leave the warzone, and continue questing. I don't condone any of that junk, just makes me annoyed. Edited by ulukinatme
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So screw the rest of us cause you want your champion gear? We are all trying to get geared up so we can do better, what makes you special?


Do us all a favor, and don't queue, we really do not need you. Selfish arse.


Ahhh you mad bro? You obviously can't read past the 1st sentence to see a better alternative to the system we have now. But keep hating and losing.

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How about we change the system so there is an INCENTIVE to stay. Not a punishment. :rolleyes:


BOOM. This.


Every single Alderan I quit right at the start if some of my team goes MID. VS if they held us at the first doors and they get through the 1st set on their round I quit. Huttball, if we go 2 down, I quit.


Never used to, but I'm bored of AFKers (STILL??) in the 50 bracket plus kids who will argue that you should take middle, etc. Generally I'm bored of the limited variety for PvP in general. Have 2 more levels of V to grind through until 60 then I'm doing my Dailys/ Weeklies and that's it.


They made this game waaaay too easy to progress through. Think the metrics say around the 25% mark have already hit 50, some have hit it twice. It should take a lot longer than this. Scrap Ilum, introduce 2 new WZs for when you hit L50 for some variety :)


Penalise me by putting a timer on before I can go in my 3-400th WZ? Oh no, please don't ...

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If the daily went up to 9 "points": 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss, people would be much more likely to finish out the game. And possibly turn things around. You'd also be a lot less upset at joining a losing WZ, assuming you're in it just for the daily

Good idea. A minimum amount of valor earned for a WZ to "count" would also help vet afk'ers.

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You should actually be happy they leave. Quitters are usually the biggest failures and weakest link in the team. Same applies to real life.


In my experience many games that looked like losses turned around to be wins after the weak links quit and better players came in. However, if you get a bad streak of quitters and end up with a revolving door of in and outs over and over that pretty much seals a loss.

Edited by Hellapain
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most people i see quit are either not interested in objectives, fighting for 60 seconds, look at the score and spout off and then quit. Why you no carry me!


Not really, it's just massively boring.


People who are in the 10-49 bracket don't get it because when you get bored of WZs you go quest. When L50s get bored of WZs ... we look at our Valor ... time for more WZs. If the faction imbalance wasn't so staggering then World PvP would be a LOT more fun and add a bit of flavour to it.


World PvP is such a faster way to level up Valor anyways. But it just doesn't exist. They may as well put the munitions crates in the Imperial Fleet to save us the 10mins worth of travel time both ways between Ilum.

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You should actually be happy they leave. Quitters are usually the biggest failures and weakest link in the team. Same applies to real life.


Nerd-rage much?


It's a poorly put together game in terms of PvP. There's no incentive to stay whatsoever unless you're rolling pre-mades and don't want to let people down. But if you're rolling pre-mades you should be smashing teams, anyways.


All this chitter-chatter about 'weakest link ... applies to real life' wah waaah.


9/10 I'm going to be the top DPS on the chart. 1/10 I'm going to be second top. Takes mad skillz, BRAH! No. It's button mashing. Even when they bring out Rated WZs it'll keep people interested for a couple of weeks absolute tops because this game is EZ Mode.


I play WZs for the Valor so I can hit 60, log off and just do my Dailies/ Weeklies. If we don't win, I get 30% or something less Valor.


Sorry, kid. But post 50 is about the Valor grind, not 'fun'.


When more people hit 50 and realise this they'll be gone. Now that they're throwing gear at people, they'll be gone faster b/c they'll have 20-30 levels of V left when they hit 50, have 20-25 by the time they've got full Champ and won't be able to justify the waste of time anymore for a 2% buff in stats by getting BM gear that looks pretty much identical to the rest of your kit.

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So sick of lame lazy losers who decide after 30s that they can't win so quit, thereby pretty much crippling the team. For example Team of 8.... 30s into Alderaan Civil War we only cap 1 turret and 3 people leave rather than actually try! The next 2-3 mins is then a procession of players joining, seeing we are losing and leaving... ridiculous


I would say a 15 minute lockout at least for dropping, that way you don't gain anything by dropping and restarting. You may as well stay and give it a go.


Tell you what, when they start putting a penalty on for joining WZ's when you're geared in stuff that you should have replaced at level 50, but cba to, then you can penalise me for leaving a WZ because I see a slew of green geared/3x/4x item slot idiots who's basically there to leech off my time - then I'll stick around.


Not being farmed by a group of BM's on the other side, because people are too lazy to even "try" and gear up before diving into 50 WZ's.


I get that not everyone is going to have Cent/Champ gear. Really - when you turn up with barely 12/13k health, and gear that should have been replaced doing story quests... naa.. I'm not playing with you. And yes - sadly, while I don't believe gear should matter, the simple truth is, all things being equal, if they hit harder, have more health, more damage reduction, and heal better - then clearly - they're going to win.


Skill only plays so much of a role, when the other side have skilled players too.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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The key word here is instanced pvp.


Its impossible to combine Instanced pvp with 100% participation.


Blizzard have tried to fix this for YEARS in wow. they still havnt found out why.


Its also impossible to create a instanced pvp zone without atleast one person leaving because the average person will leave when he doesnt "own". And as everyone know, in a fight were two teams battle eachother, only one can become the winner.



The answer is world pvp. and no, not illum, because Illum is an attempt to create the illusion of world pvp when infact it is also some kind of instanced pvp.


When did pvp work in wow?


When the two things applied (during vanilla):

-You need kills to rank higher in any kind of form.

-Instances were scattered across the map meaning you would have pvp almost everytime you wanted to instance (pvp servers). Anyone remember 40v40 Black Rock Mountains pvp matches?


Why world pvp excisted in wow wasnt because people were outside looking for it, they just happened. And those few that did would do it because getting kills, no matter were, all awarded the same. (no im not saying bring back rank14 system because it was a system that only awarded time spent, so forget that).


How does this apply to warzones?

Create multiple ways to complete them:

Your daily should say: Complete One of the following tasks

- Win 3 Warzones

- Archieve 90 Kills (world pvp + WZs)

- Play 12 Warzones from beginning to end.


If you think this is too much then consider this: You get pvp gear because you want to participate in pvp. If you are allready bored of doing 12 warzones in a row now then you wont need pvp gear in the first place: Find an activity that actually entertain you.

Here is something you need to consider: Once you got your pvp gear you only have three other activities to do: AFK, Raid or More Warzones.


No 90 kills is not much. The average person will kill 20-30 people in a full warzone match.




Edited by Zlashie
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Nerd-rage much?


I play WZs for the Valor so I can hit 60, log off and just do my Dailies/ Weeklies. If we don't win, I get 30% or something less Valor.


Sorry, kid. But post 50 is about the Valor grind, not 'fun'.



You sound like the unhappy nerd raging kid...haha! Couldn't resist :)_s


Grinds of any kind are by definition not fun. Your mindset is your problem. You play to chase valor and for what? When you get all the valor you can then what?


You see I play for the fun of it. I don't have the best gear or battlemaster valor rating and guess what I'm still competitive and most important I'm still having a ton of fun.


If and when it stops being fun then I stop playing. You might actually start having fun to if you stop obsessing about pixels.

Edited by Hellapain
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"Every single Alderan I quit right at the start if some of my team goes MID. VS if they held us at the first doors and they get through the 1st set on their round I quit. Huttball, if we go 2 down, I quit."


First, I'd like to thank you for you service defending Paris in WWII....



But really, that's just sad. Taking mid is just as viable as left or right. Maybe they should keep E/L records, an give 2 losses per quit as incentive~

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