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SWTOR's Newest Patch Ruined all lvl 50 Players Gear Gathering


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Ruinez do you understand the math... or did you even read what I posted.


I am not bashing on you but seriously?


You would rather have 1 apple vs 5 apples?


1 dollar vs 5 dollars?


no comment...


I think what he is saying is he would like 1 apple, 1 orange 1 banana 1 pineapple etc and not 5 apples.

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There is no significant difference in expertise between champ and bm gear, so your post is full of fail.


The reason expertise exists is so that pvpers can't simply just pvp and get epics and then steamroll pve content and vice versa.


There IS a significant difference between Champ and BM gear concerning the different mods placed on them, excluding the Expertise. For instance, BM gear gives a little better bonus to one's Cunning than Champ gear. Also, there IS a significant difference between gear with Expertise and gear without - it's called Expertise - the point I was making. I don't think you understand exactly what you are talking about here.


And as far as PvPers just simply getting epics and then steamrolling PvE content... that's exactly what is happening right now. The Expertise literally did nothing to stop that from happening. What it DID do, however, is prevent people who PvE from owning face in PvP... because they didn't "earn" it or whatever. Expertise was to appease the elitists who need validation from inside the game that they are "special". And they have that... except it breaks the game. I now have to work my @ss off to get the same gear that they exploited to get, which was EASIER for them to get in the first place because they didn't have to worry about people in BM gear messing up their groove, just so I can have fun - not to win - but to have fun. Sometimes losing can be fun, if you realize you were just outplayed. Being floor-stomped because of ridiculous gear bonuses is NOT being "outplayed." It might as well be cheating...


Also, even if they kept Expertise - there's no reason for it to apply a Damage Bonus, a Damage Reduction Bonus, AND a Healing bonus - there's just no point in it. One of those will suffice for a Set. Not to mention, it would be far less of a hassle and a lot less game-breaking if they just gave you set bonuses and nothing else.

Edited by Raice
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*** is this ****, have you even logged into the game?


Its a cakewalk to get champ gear now, rofl.


Before the patch you got 3 cent tokens and nothing else. 10 bags in a row.

Next 10 bags you got a offhand, and nothing else.

Next 10 bags, you get two offhands, and nothing else.

Next 10 bags, you get a offhand, and nothing else.


So after 40 bags you have... a offhand, gratz.

Now, with todays carebear system you have what, 280 champion comms after 40 bags, thats just sick, ruining the game for the people that actually had to work for their gear.

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no offense OP but getting valor 60 has never really been 'easy'


before ilum was fixed, you could literally go from valor rank 1 to valor rank 60 in about 4 hours.


not that ilum is "fixed", the grind is much much more difficult, and the droprate of champion gear from bags has been greatly reduced, meanwhile those players that were lucky enough to have been able to exploit base camping were allowed to keep thier ranks and bm gear because bw is too *********** lazy to go through and figure out who the culprits were and take the stuff they gained unfairly away from them.


next time you think you know what you're talking about, just stop. because you don't.

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no offense OP but getting valor 60 has never really been 'easy'


BS !


I had guildies go from lvl 25 or so valor to 60+ in 2 days not long after launch..


There were ways around it..


What gets me the most is I saw more than a few people with a valor level less than 60 with full battlemaster gear... HTF did that happen ?


This game has the worst cheats/hacks/exploits etc ive ever seen.

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Old system:

1 bag = 25% drop rate


There are 12 different pieces of gear: head, body, legs, gloves, boots, bracers, implant x 2, relic x 2, ear, weapon


You have a 1 in 12 (~9%) chance to get the piece you need. 9% of 25% = 2.25% chance to get the piece you WANT.


40 bags = ~1 piece you want in old system (on average)


New system: (<25% drop rate)

40 bags = 280 comms = 2-3 pieces of gear you want, plus some small chance at direct pieces also


Therefore, new system OBLITERATES the old system.


this is so *********** fail, it boggles the mind that you would actually post it. i mean... really really stupid.

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I agree with op, even in decent gear pre valor rank 60 you get your butt kicked by battlemasters and it takes forever to achieve new gear. high frustration level.


Sorry but if you're going to blame a 1-2% difference between Champion to Battlemaster gear then you're just a terrible player.

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Complaining about champ bags, are we?

FYI, after the bag change I bought 4 pieces of champ gear for myself and almost a full cent set for my comp. In 1 and a half week. Previous 2 weeks were just LOL3CENTCOMMS.


Also, BM gear is NOT THAT powerful compared to champion. Yes, it is better but not enough to QQ about it so much.



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This is the first time I actually had someone agree on this forum with something. I have been bashed on my idea's on things and it just seem people just like to waste there time.


Alot of my clannie's agree on my topic but obviously im not posting here for them.


I really want to see what the people of swtor have to say.


I understand its new and there trying there best but seriously. Why waste our time and let us get ***** by those cheaters who love to talk **** to players who didnt take advantage of there gaming system because we didnt want to get banned and wanted to play fair.


Now it seems like your asking us to cheat to achieve our endgame goals because they did it and they arnt punished for it.


Instead your punishing us because we didnt take advantage of it and now your like... GL and hf getting ur *** kicked from those battle master rank players which didnt do crap to achieve it.



while in some part i can understand ur frustration having opened 12 champ bags and only getting 1 item i for one however disagree it should be easy to get and it never way. even pre change i opened like 20 bags on a diff char and got like 3 items then those 3 items again and again. valour rank 60 isnt as easy as u think to do it but those that got it real soon u have to remember didnt all cheat some jsut stayed up for hours on end spamming pvp. some people pvp leveled and as long as u insured u got to the max valour rank to ur lvl pre 50, ie if ur lvl 45 u cant go above rank 45. it wouldnt take much longer at 50 to get 10 more ranks if u got close to rank 50 when u finally hit the lvl cap.


also you have receved a fair bit of bashing from this thread but i cant say i blame some of them as u immediatly insinuated most if not all were cheaters and didnt earn there gear/rank fairly.


if u want eay mode to gear i suggest looking for another mmo coz if the best gear in this mmo became so easy to get like ur implying it would kind of ruin the point of pvp and also lead to those hardcore pvpers (whch im not one) to rage quit game coz they had to earn there gear and new players were basically handed it on a silver platter.


keep gear gain as it is now and dont tamper with it. the more warzones a day u do the quicker u get bags, quicker u get bags and do ur dailies each day and weeklies ull find yourself geared also and fyi im not got more than 1 peice of champ gear on main so now im not one of those cheaters and im not even rank 40 yet ;p

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I totally agree that the old system was stupid and way easier.


Now that that's out of the way, whats done is done. Get over it and move on. They cut it off as fast as they can but the fact that you think you deserve the gear as fast and as stupid as the older system is just selfish. Asking for stuff because of their faults, that's funny.


This mans just sad he didn't get his handout like I did!!! :cool:

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The old system was entirely luck based. I got seven belts. SEVEN. it took me a full month to get a lightsaber. The new system allows you to progress at a steady pace and get gear that you need instead of gambling for it. Edited by gryhmr
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It seems to me that an easier fix to this would be to remove all the extra comms; centurion, champion etc, and just have the warzone comms. They could then put valor rank restrictions on the gear, much like how it currently is for battlemaster gear. Make it something like:


centurion rank 30

champion rank 45

battlemaster rank 60


This would give everyone the ability to buy whatever piece of gear they wanted within their current rank, and would give them the ability to get new gear quickly when they move up to another rank which opens up new gear for them.

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I totally agree that the old system was stupid and way easier.


Now that that's out of the way, whats done is done. Get over it and move on. They cut it off as fast as they can but the fact that you think you deserve the gear as fast and as stupid as the older system is just selfish. Asking for stuff because of their faults, that's funny.


This mans just sad he didn't get his handout like I did!!! :cool:


Are we really still talking about this? Kind of sad.


The new system is infinitely easier. Anyone who doesn't think so must be the lucky bastard out of 1000 that didn't get repeat items. For most people it was a mess.


In this system you *still* get a chance at an item, plus commendations that add up to guaranteed items.


I'm sorry but if you still think the old system was better you're clueless. Totally clueless.


People need to stop putting so much emphasis on BM/Champion gear anyway. The expertise is not a barrier to winning.


I got to 50 later than many because I have a job and kids. Had no problem killing the early Battlemasters/Champions even with ALL GREEN GEAR because most of them got their gear exploiting Ilum and beating on lower levels because they had more time than everyone else.


It has nothing to do with BM gear being impossible to beat, and everything to do with there being a large number of decent players at level cap with good gear now so now people are actually getting challenged.


If it was PVE gear on them, they'd still be beating you if you're having this much trouble killing a BM.


What a lot of BM's have that the people complaining don't have is TEAMWORK.



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50 x 14 = 700!!!!!!!!!!! CHAMPION ACCOMIDATIONS PER WEEK... Now they reduced down to 168....


OK, so you want the game to be five times easier and you are willing to use multiple exclamation points and ALL CAPS to make your point. Your opinion has been noted.

Edited by Kthx
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For this I pity the republic. It is 99% impossible to win in WZ. So I take 1 daily away. So practically the republic is 2 times slower in getting gears than the imperials. This made the gear gathering worst.


Your absolutely right. Imperials have it easy so stop complaining imps

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This is the first time I actually had someone agree on this forum with something. I have been bashed on my idea's on things and it just seem people just like to waste there time.


Thats because you sound like every other lack skill whining pansy out there saying "waaaah, I don't have any free gear so I get my a** handed to me in warzones because I don't have the skill to compensate!"

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For the record the diffrence between BM and Champ is nothing. I'm full champ gear and have no issues with full bm gear, the extra 1% it gives you is nothing.....\


In all honesty the best PVP Gear build is half rakata half BM or Champ, it gives more dps then full pvp gear and u will kill alot faster...


So realy and truly having full BM gear realy dosent do anything for you grinding to 60 isent worth the time..

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When i started my PVP gear progression i went 1 out of 26 bags (Champ Headgear).


The new system is more consistent and allows more control to avoid duplicates, if you fail to see how this is an improvement then you are just blind... or ignorant.

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Another rage thread loooolololol hahhahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa lmao llolooololooooooooooool lolcano steamloller lolcake lmaotrain roflcopter looooooooooooooooooooooooolllolol bwaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahaaaaaa!!!!
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I agree with the OP that this new system greatly slowed the progression of getting champion gear for new 50s. It also did nothing to balance the people who were unlucky in the previous system against those that were lucky. So while players no longer have to fear being completely unlucky and see a light at the end of the tunnel, now everyone is forced into a progression timeline that is closer to that of the unlucky in the old system.


It would have been nice if this kind of clear linear progression was in place from the beginning, but since it wasn't, a change like this needs to err on the side of quicker progression up to the point that many others have already reached in their gear. When new levels of gear are released for higher valor ranks, THEN a slower progression system can be used when the large majority are on near equal footing. I don't think that new 50s should be able to quickly get Champion gear, BUT, given that many were already able to do so with the previous system, it's really unfair.


As it stands right now, champion gear is a huge barrier to entry for new 50s wanting to PvP. I hope that the ranked WZ system will be released soon to help rectify this, so that players can get to consistently play against other players at a similar point in gear progression. Past this, I think it would be a good idea to introduce another tier of bags at valor rank 30 or 40 that gave larger amounts of Champion Commendations.


I am a Battlemaster and all this achieving of Champion gear means nothing to me. My fear is that I see a lot of new 50s having a big feeling of disenfranchisement over this. A lot of these people started the game later or were slower to level, and now that they finally reach 50, they are faced with getting demoralized in Warzones for a long time while they try to get gear. Some might say, "Well, they have to put in their time like I did." and, "I didn't spend all this time getting my gear so that others could just quickly get to the same level. It's my turn to have the advantage." These people need to ask themselves, how long do you want your fun to last? There aren't going to be enough people to play against after too long with the number that will give up and quit with this progression curve. The games you do get will be against the same people over and over again, it will get pretty boring and unfun pretty fast.

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Here is my 2 cents on how I feel about Starwars the Old Republic and how they are doing things.


First of all before I bash on all the crap Swtor has done in these recent updates, I wish to say that they have a beautiful game and something that could be promising if and when they start listening to there players and stop thinking on what to do to ruin it for them.


1st: There was so many glitchs and bugs to achieve your dailys and weeklys that made it so easy for lvl 50's to get there gear and pass valor around to reach end game gear.


2nd: SWTOR decides to stop that and allow those players who have achieved Battlemaster Gear + lvl 65 valor to stay where they are and reduce the chances of any new comer to come close to this gear. - I am included in that bunch.


Commenting on 2nd: "Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations." This is a quote from the patch notes...


Seriously... *** are you thinking! You are making it harder to achieve any expertise in Champion wise gear and what? Giving us centurion gear easier so we can have pos gear to fight battlemaster rank players.


Ok lets imagine I have offically hit lvl 60 valor. Same crap happens again. Now i can get my champion gear 2 times as fast even tho I wish to have battlemaster??? Before it was like 3/5 bags would give you a full champion gear which in turn costs 64+ some lower some higher in accomdations for them. You would gain over 150+ accomidations for opening 3/5 bags if you calcuated the item value.


Now you would only get Champion accomdations at 7 a piece and 15 centurium bs... Which means out of 5 bags x 7... 35 Champion accomidations... THEY HAVE MADE IT 5X HARDER TO ACHIEVE ANY FUTURE GEAR THAN EVER....


The bastards who have all battlemaster now can kick your *** for 5x the length of which you could have achieved your gear which was already somewhat long as it was.


Swtor this is my advice to you. Allow players who reach lvl 50 to achieve there gear quicker and faster to battlemaster because of all the faults you gave those players the chance to achieve there gear so quickly.


Instead wait a month to have everyone have that gear and screw those who have achieved that gear already through cheating. Once its been established then press on to grant a higher level standard or bring a more difficult gear to attain that would be monitored from the beginning before implimenting it.


If what I am saying doesnt make sense to you then hit lvl 50 with no expertise gear at all and see how long would it take you now to achieve any gear vs those who are already in battlemaster.


+ all these glitching and bugs and clipping and *** is going on here... I have never seen more cheating in my entire life than Counter strike's wall hacking.


Your allowing players with over dominant gear to **** those who are interrested in playing this game fully. I believe I am decent at pvp but this gear difference is flipping rediclous. I can do every combo perfectly on someone with battlemaster gear and he can just sit there taking it and at 50% hp decide to turn around and pretty much 3-4 shot me.


I just cant wait to see swtor's customer support delete my post because they believe I am wrong and wont let others see what we are all dealing with.


Gl to you all who have just gotten to lvl 50. Ill see you guys at endgame gear in 3 months. When before it was achievable in 1 week.


They are essentially "buying off" players to get them to stay with things such as the massive valor farm of Ilum, which benefited the Empire.

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