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Subscription Canceled


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Dear BW and EA,


If I had been told that I would cancel my subscription after paying for only one month of game time a year ago, I would have laughed at you. The amount of hype I had for this game was incredible.


Alas, you have failed me. World PvP is nonexistent. There's nothing to do at level 50 except grind for PvP gear. After that... well... The stories were fun, but I wish you had spent less money on the fancy voice acting and more on the game play.


Most of the game is your standard, basic MMO with a fancy Star Wars theme. I would be alright with that, if other games weren't more polished. That combined with constant downtime during my prime time (due to working during the day all day) has been an immense frustration.


I know most of you reading this don't care or are happy another forum troll is gone. I am not posting this for your sake, but rather for BW's sake. I hope this thread will just be another number added onto to the numerous cancellation threads.


I want you to get your act together BW. Polish the game, fix the broken classes, implement true PvP and not this Warzone or Ilum crap, and I'll consider coming back. If not, then it was... well, it just was while it lasted.

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Excuse my ignorance, but at max level in other mmos, what is there to do appart from grind for gear?


Grind for gear in a FUN AND REFRESHING way. End-game in RIFT blows my mind, because there's so much to do. I had to drop 2 alts just to keep up with all of it on my main.


Same with AoC, if your server is active. Constant warring cities? Yes, please.


STO has user created content.


Hell, even WoW has achievements, guild leveling, and fun variations of dailies.


SWTOR has...kill quests. The same ones, every day, over and over.

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Dear BW and EA,


If I had been told that I would cancel my subscription after paying for only one month of game time a year ago, I would have laughed at you. The amount of hype I had for this game was incredible.


Alas, you have failed me. World PvP is nonexistent. There's nothing to do at level 50 except grind for PvP gear. After that... well... The stories were fun, but I wish you had spent less money on the fancy voice acting and more on the game play.


Most of the game is your standard, basic MMO with a fancy Star Wars theme. I would be alright with that, if other games weren't more polished. That combined with constant downtime during my prime time (due to working during the day all day) has been an immense frustration.


I know most of you reading this don't care or are happy another forum troll is gone. I am not posting this for your sake, but rather for BW's sake. I hope this thread will just be another number added onto to the numerous cancellation threads.


I want you to get your act together BW. Polish the game, fix the broken classes, implement true PvP and not this Warzone or Ilum crap, and I'll consider coming back. If not, then it was... well, it just was while it lasted.


Sad but true...

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Grind for gear in a FUN AND REFRESHING way. End-game in RIFT blows my mind, because there's so much to do. I had to drop 2 alts just to keep up with all of it on my main.


Same with AoC, if your server is active. Constant warring cities? Yes, please.


STO has user created content.


Hell, even WoW has achievements, guild leveling, and fun variations of dailies.


SWTOR has...kill quests. The same ones, every day, over and over.


I hope this is a joke. If not, then those are some serious rose colored glasses you're sporting there.

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It is not for our sake, but for BW's sake. Ehy not sending them an e-mail instead of posting on the forums?


Most probably because the OP doesn't actually care if EA/BioWare reads this? When people rant, they usually don't care who they rant too - so long as someone hears them.


People. :rolleyes:

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I hope this is a joke. If not, then those are some serious rose colored glasses you're sporting there.


Not rose-colored, but unbiased glasses of someone who has played to end-game on all of those MMORPGs, multiple times, and many many others over several years.


THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO DO END-GAME! Many games have proven this. It's funny to say 'Bioware copied WoW's end-game' because they didn't...they couldn't even COPY it right. WoW still does it better.


But by-god I'm NOT going back to that game.

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I hope this is a joke. If not, then those are some serious rose colored glasses you're sporting there.


Maybe slightly rose-tinted, but I would say he hit the nail on that one.


You don't really need a lot to do at max level except to grind/raid/pvp, what is important is that they are done right, fun and not repetetive.


Hell, if the quest is fun, it doesn't matter if you have to do it each day, because it is FUN! :D Like... Racing speeders (You get to control everything) or standard kill quests with a twist (Rocket launcher anyone ^^).

Edited by WickerThing
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Same with AoC, if your server is active. Constant warring cities? Yes, please.


Speaking of Age of Conan, they have just sent out e-mails to old subscribers offering 30 days free subscription if you reactivate your account... seems like they sense and opportunity.

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Speaking of Age of Conan, they have just sent out e-mails to old subscribers offering 30 days free subscription if you reactivate your account... seems like they sense and opportunity.


Dead-serious, I have gotten an email from like 6 or more old MMORPGs I had subs with all in the last week and a half. It's like sharks smelling blood in the water...they're circling.


Unfortunately I got Kingdoms to keep me busy now, with some RIFT on the side, while I wait for GW2 / Secret War / ArcheAge.

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Notice that no one is flaming him, ffs we're joining him! /cancel


Because many players feel the same way?

It's not a statement. Just a question.


Personally, I am bored to ****. I am playing because of the guild I am in.

I hardly do dailies. Don't do FPs. Just Ops three times a week.


Reminds me of good ole times in WoW just 6 months ago.

Same boredom.

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Not rose-colored, but unbiased glasses of someone who has played to end-game on all of those MMORPGs, multiple times, and many many others over several years.


THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO DO END-GAME! Many games have proven this. It's funny to say 'Bioware copied WoW's end-game' because they didn't...they couldn't even COPY it right. WoW still does it better.


But by-god I'm NOT going back to that game.


Alright, so give them time to polish it. What's problem? Every other game on your list had time to polish their crappy end-game.


And no, that's not an insult. That's a fact. End-games are fundamentally crappy when they first come out. It's to be expected.

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Grind for gear in a FUN AND REFRESHING way. End-game in RIFT blows my mind, because there's so much to do. I had to drop 2 alts just to keep up with all of it on my main.


Same with AoC, if your server is active. Constant warring cities? Yes, please.


STO has user created content.


Hell, even WoW has achievements, guild leveling, and fun variations of dailies.


SWTOR has...kill quests. The same ones, every day, over and over.


Well let's see, one of those games is all but dead, ones dying and ones too new to tell long term. So, all that varied and fun endgame content worked great for them!

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After playing online games sind MUDs and playing almost all of the major MMORPGs since the mid 90s, I am quite sure the genre is dead by now. All major titles cater to the casual gamers, which of course pose the majority of the player base.


The problem, that many players like me have is, that we played too many of those games, which all have the same course of action: level to max level, then grind gear. We simply are burnt out on that, that's it. Before WoW the MMORPG market was a niche one and getting to max level meant something and took a long time. Heck, even finding a quest was a chore, as there where no flashing question marks above the NPC's heads. Same counts for finding the quest goal. Today a lobotomized amoeba could level to the max level. Maybe this puzzling is we now long for and miss in every single of those newly released games, but simply forgot. So we jump from game to game, looking for the thrill we had so many years ago in the first MMORPGs.


Blizzard started to open the market for all players and made it easy to get into the mmorpg gameplay. And we, the old rpg players accepted that gameplay. We gladly accepted being handed out rewards without having to work for it, and forgot to have fun by actually playing, only striving for the next shiny purple. I and prolly many others like me, forgot to have fun in finding solutions to quests and other things. Heck, there are even games now which autowalk your char to the quest objective.


We only got what the game industry thought we wanted, because it worked since WoW. So I have to agree with many others, who stated that WoW broke the genre. I believe it to be true.

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Well let's see, one of those games is all but dead, ones dying and ones too new to tell long term. So, all that varied and fun endgame content worked great for them!


Fun fact, I can log on to ANY of the aforementioned games and see both more players, more activity, and generally a more-mature community having fun and being vocal.


Well, okay, maybe not AoC so much...the f2p guys tend to dumb down most conversations.

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