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For the love of everything, PLEASE let us use our mounts in Spaceports & Stations !


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Yes at the very least. I vote for the tactile nuke of the orbital stations but thats just me.


Agreed !


It just makes no sense to me, there is nothing to do in them, so why make as dawdle along through them over and over... I know its only a minor thing really, but its one of those things thats drives you more and more crazy as time goes on..

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rather see them get rid of mounts in the fleet myself




It really doesn't take *that* long to get from one point to another in the fleet, and there's nothing more annoying than someone's big boat of a mount when you're trying to use the mailbox or GTN.

Edited by Fuzzytoad
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rather see them get rid of mounts in the fleet myself


So would I. They're quite annoying and immersion-breaking parked on top of ten other people standing at the cargo hold access or GTN. I'd rather take a few extra seconds to get where I'm going.

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no mah immershun iz ruined cux u kno u godda b reelistic in a sci fi setting u shuld not b abl to go too fast (disregard hyper drives) nd I want 2 b abl to injoy da scenery (those lovely shades of gray).


u no u kids dese days wit yur entittlement ishues u shuld just relax and take it easy wile u spend 12 minutes walking across da stashons n ports.


bioware pls dun listen to dese ppl dey wine all da time I like my gameplay slow, kthnx bie.

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Agreed !


It just makes no sense to me, there is nothing to do in them, so why make as dawdle along through them over and over... I know its only a minor thing really, but its one of those things thats drives you more and more crazy as time goes on..


It's called Immersion.


Try checking out all of those potted plants while you are running through them. It makes it all worth it.

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rather see them get rid of mounts in the fleet myself


Me too. Ginormous speeders pulled up (and into) the GTN has to be my favorite, or when one of them decapitates my character. Do we drive our cars into the grocery store??


And please don't say that the game is full of unrealistic stuff. Yes, but the line must be drawn somewhere. I'd like to think that even force wielding people in an advanced technological society would have the sense to get off their vehicles in a building.

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rather see them get rid of mounts in the fleet myself


Quoted for truth. Allowing speeders on the fleet is inconsistent with the rule of not allowing them anywhere else indoors.


Would love to have them disabled there as well, even if it meant a flood of complaints from those who spent little fortunes on their overcompensating speeders. Because, let's face it, what's the reason for using them on the fleet other than to show off by riding in circles for hours? It's not like running around the entire fleet takes more than a few minutes, you don't need a speeder for that.


It would also make the unpleasant experience of browsing GTM less tiresome without the constant noise of several different speeders parked on top of your character as you spend an insane amount of time searching for that one piece of gear you need...

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I'd rather have them make spaceports and stations even bigger. I enjoy running around there.

It gives the game that little extra that other mmo's don't have and it was one of the major selling points of the game. There are already enough mmo's where you have insta travel.

If you hate it so much maybe this game is not for you.

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no mah immershun iz ruined cux u kno u godda b reelistic in a sci fi setting u shuld not b abl to go too fast (disregard hyper drives) nd I want 2 b abl to injoy da scenery (those lovely shades of gray).


u no u kids dese days wit yur entittlement ishues u shuld just relax and take it easy wile u spend 12 minutes walking across da stashons n ports.


bioware pls dun listen to dese ppl dey wine all da time I like my gameplay slow, kthnx bie.


Are you for real? You do realise talking like an 8yr old who lives in a trailer park is not cool anymore.


Time for you to get original kid instead of piggy backing off a 4 year old joke. Litterly... 4 years... that's how far behind you are.

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It's called Immersion.


Try checking out all of those potted plants while you are running through them. It makes it all worth it.





The speeders in fleet hasnt bothered me, but I dont know why we can use them there and not ports/stations...


It probably wouldnt be as painfull if EVERY port and station didnt look exactly the same :(

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Agreed !


It just makes no sense to me, there is nothing to do in them, so why make as dawdle along through them over and over... I know its only a minor thing really, but its one of those things thats drives you more and more crazy as time goes on..


Someone said it was to save on landing animations, less job to just reuse the orbital station, and i think that person was right.

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