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Gunslinger's in PvP you must be joking


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As a newbie 50 when i was running around on my MM sniper with bought level 49 and some ilum daily mods, my ambush crit for between ~3.6 and ~4.2k in pvp (depending on target). My followthrough crit for around 3-3.2k, my snipe crit for 2.2-2.5k, and my takedown crit for around 3.5-3.8k.


Crit rate was 40% and 46% for half of those


This is again against pvp targets it was higher for pve.


The only thing i noticed on my MM sniper going from the 10-49 warzones to the 50 ones, was that i would die faster if people attacked me, i still felt like i was killing just as well, people had more hitpoints sure but i never went after full health targets, i always focused down things that were wounded or being hit on, ensuring they died before anything could guard/heal them.


So other than learning not to start attacking people unless they were already at around half instead of already at around 70%, nothing changed for me at all. My playstyle was already focused around staying un-noticed and not worth the hassle of chasing after.

Yeah don't worry, I'm a marauder with 602 expertise (about 12%) and maybe 30% damage reduc' from armor (24+6? dunno why it says that on the tooltip) and I get r-a-p-e-d by Snipers if I don't Force Camo+Predation and/or LOS them ASAP. Think my friend just had a pretty big L2P issue... Anyway, the rare sniper/gunslingers I fight are usually pretty bada-s-s screw you censorship ! :)

Edited by Eltohan
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Initially laze target gave debuff + dmg received to target (kinda wow hunter mark).


Now laze target - stupid + 100 % crit chance for one 20 energy snipe, good luck to not to miss you shot and waste CD.


Without + dmg debuff or + armor ignore debuff or + hit chance debuff the whole sniper design could be dumpstered.


In future you will get more powerfull PvP gear > more armor, more defence and shield chance for tanks.


The more operative and merc scrubs will find their cleanse.


If sniper will not get his missing debuff it will be better to dumpster the class altogether.


Most tanks dont even bother with shields in pvp because it does not stop force/tech attacks.

Also tanks should be attacked last anyway.


The crit snipe is a guarenteed 1.5 second cast time ambush. If you are not MM spec you shouldnt even be using snipe that often anyway. Instant snipe -> followthrough is a good bit of burst that doesnt require you to be stationary to use.


So instant crit snipe -> followthrough -> leg shot -> 1.5 second ambush -> instant snipe -> takedown -> followthrough -> gg

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I'm a battlemaster gunslinger (or was, I'm rerolling a marauder to another server). My gear is 3 parts short of full champion, missing a 2nd trinket, main hand and bracers. I like the class and I was considering rolling a sniper but ended up deciding to take a completely different approach with a melee char for some diversity.


Imo the class is fine, as long as they fix the bugs that hinder the gameplay a lot, meaning ability delay, ability unresponsivness (hate spamming a skill that never activates) and cover problems, for example channel spells sometimes only using the last 1 or 2 ticks after rolling to cover and some general bugs like cc going through the cc-immunity skill etc. When, and hopefully soon, that all is done a gunslinger will instantly be a slightly better.


This class is not worthless like many people feel it is. I can beat anyone in damage boards because that's what this class does. Even 1v1 aren't so bad when you learn a few tricks (like using your aoe against melee. For me it ticks for 1,3k and crits over 2k and is yellow damage). I play markmanship (the single target dps spec) and I have accepted the fact that it cannot kite and the best thing is just to stay in cover. You have great damage, you are un-cc'able and you still have a knockback in aimedshot, another knockback, stun, legshot and flash grenade to keep the enemy momentary off you.


I don't know why sages/ sorcs seem to say that this class is a free kill for them because from my experience this class destroys them. When I pop my trinket and 15% alacrity cd and pull up a rotation, interrupt their chain lighting and possibly interrupt it a second time with flash grenade (often not usable because of the said animation delay it being a grenade) to a light armor and they are just dead. Unless there is a pillar.


And that's the biggest counter. That's the reason why this class would be unusable in an arena and I think this class is the biggest reason why there will never be arena. It would need a total revamp. But in battlegrounds it works, no matter how much people cry about it, it is good.


This class has a great damage but in cost of defenses. Maybe make our absorb bubble a bit less useless (wasting a global cd for, wait for it, 1,5k shield feels pointless) and do give us some armor penetration talents. In contrast, if all our damage was yellow, everyone would be crying how ridiculously op this class is and truth to be told, it would be.


So in short, I don't feel this class needs a lot. What I personally only miss is fluid wow-like gameplay in pvp, some help for the white damage from armor penetration and maybe slight buff to some of our defensive skills. Then the class would be more than fine. I feel like it is already, but I haven't played sage/sorc or commando / mercenary to see if the grass is greener on their side.

Edited by Bosseking
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Yeah don't worry, I'm a marauder with 602 expertise (about 12%) and maybe 30% damage reduc' from armor (24+6? dunno why it says that on the tooltip) and I get r-a-p-e-d by Snipers if I don't Force Camo+Predation and/or LOS them ASAP. Think my friend just had a pretty big L2P issue... Anyway, the rare sniper/gunslingers I fight are usually pretty bada-s-s screw you censorship ! :)


I rolled a marauder, messing around at low levels in warzones with it.


Its the only class that i am consistently getting fewer than 6 medals on :(


I like it though =P I trust it will get better. I wanted a SW, and i was enjoying my immortal jug until i got depressed that the good pvp spec for it was completley different from the good pve spec for it, a shame, it was great fun running around with all that CC on a tank. (starting at level 33 immortal juggs are amazingly fun to run around just messing with people with)

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Most tanks dont even bother with shields in pvp because it does not stop force/tech attacks.

Also tanks should be attacked last anyway.


The crit snipe is a guarenteed 1.5 second cast time ambush. If you are not MM spec you shouldnt even be using snipe that often anyway. Instant snipe -> followthrough is a good bit of burst that doesnt require you to be stationary to use.


So instant crit snipe -> followthrough -> leg shot -> 1.5 second ambush -> instant snipe -> takedown -> followthrough -> gg


Ok bro.


About crit. It is NOT GUARANTEED. In swtor 1 check is hit/miss. 2 check is crit/normal hit/shielded. So if you miss - you do not crit. Understand?


Assasin/sage tanks are now like 1/3 of every warzone pop (cause they do extremely well in PvP). And they have insane defence and shield chance.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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I'm not saying that the class is seriously underpowered by any means but they pale in comparsion to most other classes.


They were intended to be a high dmg range dps class, but they got none of the tools any other class dedicated to dps has.


Unlike the scoundrel/operative they have no heals, vanish or run speed escape basically no way to escape multiple targets focus fire and with weak armor and almost NO defensive skills one stun is the end of them.


I'm not saying that they can't be a deadly or viable BG force but only when everyone pretty much ignores them.


All of their dmg rolls off weapon and kinetic which means it's absorbed by armor, they have only 1 armor debuff at 20% and there dirty fighting talent rely's on low dmg dots to bypass armor and requires setup time they don't have.


The margin for error and reaction time needed is higher then any other class and giving a range class one stun that requires 4 meter range is a joke. Otherwise their forced to rely on flash grenade to save their lives and when there highest dps build is dirty fighting and dot aoe's the targets, this is just silly.


It just seems like this class was not given very much attention in consideration to pvp and lacks the synergy most other classes have.


are you freaking kidding me ?


they stun you and go into cover

you use your break free to get stunned again

the stun is over you get to them and they use an AOE knock back root.

you get to them again they put up a bigger cover and they dont take much damage.


when they are in cover on ledges they cant be charged/leaped to or pulled down another bonus for them.


gunslingers can spam 5k's and there main attack does around 8k normaly


you realy need to learn to play your class they are pretty insane dps wise and defense wise

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I just read like 3 pages or something but I must respond to syft.


You are most likely an ignorant noob sniper/gunslinger because you talk so much ******** its crazy.



1st point: Someone said they had 600 expertise etc and got destroyed by a sniper on their server if he didnt LoS them.


Your answer:? You said you get killed by any class if you ignore them.


Do you see it? or do I have to explain it to you?


Ok lets explain


He never said he ignored them


LoS = Line of Sight, meaning standing behind a pillar so he cant see you. Even if he 1 shots you he cant kill you.


So he just said he gets destroyed(owned, killed) by sniper if he dont LoS him. Meaning if he tries to kill the sniper on an open field 1on1 he dies, got it this time?


So you whining about imbalance of LoS or imbalance of class not being good enough?




2nd point: You said they need some sort of escape like sprint or something alike.


You realize that would make melee like guardians not having a chance vs sniper because they already have knockback with root/slow, non leapable etc etc, it would literally be 100% IMPOSSIBLE to win vs a sniper if you gave them even more stuff to counter melees.


People always try to disguise their intentions by saying "oh hey I play this class and this class an I think this class needs buff" when infact they dont, their alt may be another class but they really dont care for it.


You play a sniper and on top of that dont know what you're talking about.

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I'm not saying that the class is seriously underpowered by any means but they pale in comparsion to most other classes.


They were intended to be a high dmg range dps class, but they got none of the tools any other class dedicated to dps has.


Unlike the scoundrel/operative they have no heals, vanish or run speed escape basically no way to escape multiple targets focus fire and with weak armor and almost NO defensive skills one stun is the end of them.


I'm not saying that they can't be a deadly or viable BG force but only when everyone pretty much ignores them.


All of their dmg rolls off weapon and kinetic which means it's absorbed by armor, they have only 1 armor debuff at 20% and there dirty fighting talent rely's on low dmg dots to bypass armor and requires setup time they don't have.


The margin for error and reaction time needed is higher then any other class and giving a range class one stun that requires 4 meter range is a joke. Otherwise their forced to rely on flash grenade to save their lives and when there highest dps build is dirty fighting and dot aoe's the targets, this is just silly.


It just seems like this class was not given very much attention in consideration to pvp and lacks the synergy most other classes have.


you could have chosen a scoundrel/agent burst class and not have the burst...

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Ok bro.


About crit. It is NOT GUARANTEED. In swtor 1 check is hit/miss. 2 check is crit/normal hit/shielded. So if you miss - you do not crit. Understand?


Assasin/sage tanks are now like 1/3 of every warzone pop (cause they do extremely well in PvP). And they have insane defence and sheild chance.


I dont think you understand how stupidly fast and energy efficient a MM sniper is at throwing out high damage hits.


Yes non crits do lower damage, if you are shooting at a tank for some reason you will be shielded occasionally (worse to miss but thats rare with 110% accuracy)


But all of that just emphasizes how the sniper is a 'sustained burst' class. Basically you are putting shots out, and when they land right the target dies, nothing anybody can do about it.


Do pvp assassin tanks even use shields? I know assassins have better shielding than other tanks, but everyone agrees shields are useless in pvp. afaik the assassin 'tank' spec for pvp is a hybrid darkness/madness spec that likes to run around in the tank stance for the extra armor mitigation and the ability to guard.

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I'm not saying that the class is seriously underpowered by any means but they pale in comparsion to most other classes.


They were intended to be a high dmg range dps class, but they got none of the tools any other class dedicated to dps has.


Unlike the scoundrel/operative they have no heals, vanish or run speed escape basically no way to escape multiple targets focus fire and with weak armor and almost NO defensive skills one stun is the end of them.


I'm not saying that they can't be a deadly or viable BG force but only when everyone pretty much ignores them.


All of their dmg rolls off weapon and kinetic which means it's absorbed by armor, they have only 1 armor debuff at 20% and there dirty fighting talent rely's on low dmg dots to bypass armor and requires setup time they don't have.


The margin for error and reaction time needed is higher then any other class and giving a range class one stun that requires 4 meter range is a joke. Otherwise their forced to rely on flash grenade to save their lives and when there highest dps build is dirty fighting and dot aoe's the targets, this is just silly.


It just seems like this class was not given very much attention in consideration to pvp and lacks the synergy most other classes have.


Its basically a DpS commando that can make himself IMMUNE to CC, and also shield THE ENTIRE TEAM FOR 20% DAMAGE. I feel that both those abilities are HUGE. When stuck in their shield they also take way less damage than a commando, and got about the same mobility. I dont see any issues with gunslingers. I play alot together with a gunslinger and it feels pretty much the same. Being evengeared champ+ We are both within top 5 damage done in just about every WZ, but who is highest is pretty interchangable. He tend to die slightly more than me, but thats mostly due to positioning and not cracking as many adrenals/healpacks as me.

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Then why are they the least represented class in PVP???? In my exp the most amazing classes in pvp were never the least played ones.


it is quite simple. Playing gunslinger requires pressing more than 3 buttons. Most played classes are the easiest ones or ones with most obvious "OPness".


GS/Snipers are hard to master but once you do that you will not only not die but will be very efficient in WZ.

I don't care if I only do 300k dmg in WZ, I look at kills and if it's less than 60 I feel it was a bad WZ.


Anyway, if a sniper/gs wants to hold objective it will do it, till teammates arrive. If they dont, well, no class will do it.

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Actually its because sniper is one of the latest developing classes in the game (just behind marauder), and, like marauders and deception assassins, are also the most punishing if you 'do it wrong'.


Playing a sniper is actually not all that complicated button pushing wise in my experience, you just need to actually have all the skills.


You have a few attacks that you chain togeather in sensible ways.


You have your root and your armor debuff


And you have your defensive panic mash all the cooldowns to not die motion, which counts as a single thing really.



Its more about using a few skills smartly than having a million buttons and cooldowns to manage.

Edited by Elysion
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I've been playing my GS since launch, I finally do decent damage having all of my champion gear. For those you posting that we are critting for 5k and 9k a lot I would like to see a video of that or at least some screen shots. As for topping the damage charts, I've been able to do that a few times, but that always happened when I had the good graces of a healer upon me. My biggest advantage is being perched somewhere when no one pays much attention to me. On average my crits have been hitting for 2.3k normal and around 3.3k if I have a warzone buff or stim. I do not have biochem so I don't have the ability to just rebuff with beginning of each spawn. For those of you trying to say we can kill every class 1v1 I would like to see a video of you killing a bh or commando with healing spec, ya we have CD's but once they are up they are up and it means nothing when you've wasted all of them to just grind down someone with heavy armor to about 30% health and they just heal themselves right back up.


As for our fantastic cover, i get knocked out of it all the time by force push and operatives coming up from behind. You use hunker down in preparation for the fight but it only lasts so long and like it was mentioned people go under your ledge or behind a pole until its up and then they come **** you. I can't tell you how many times I've been in cover and knocked onto my back like a turtle flailing my arms and legs like a new born infant, it gets quite annoying. There are a lot of factors that need to be in place for you to excel. It gets to be tiring playing a class that has to rely on cool downs to do any type of decent damage. The only people we are tearing up right now are the ones that just got into the 50 bracket with no expertise. If you are getting owned by a gunslinger you must be a faceroller because when I see them on my alts, I just line of sight them or get right up on them, ya they have the aoe knock back root but it only lasts 2 secs if you take damage and what are they going to do? start shooting right away anyways because they need the distance to kill you. btw its a pain to use that knockback because it can only be done from cover, really sucks when you are trying to cross a bridge and everyone else that has one can just instant cast their aoe knockbacks. To me this has felt just like playing a hunter from WoW, except you have to take a couple secs to place up cover to do anything worthwhile.

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What spec are you? It was always hard for me to be LoSed on my MM sniper because i was only ever stationary for 1.5 second ambushes (which i would leg shot someone for beforehand if they were not out in the open), or when there was a big fight at a point going down, at which case you can just start shooting someone else if they los, and figure its still damage their healers have to heal. And in those cases your contributing with your 20% group damage absorb anyway so its not important if what you shoot at dies or not.
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ehh.. If sniper is on a ledge or elsewhere and i cant LOS him i'm dead. Their burst is awesome, only way to kill them is to get them off cover.


I think they're operating just fine. The bad thing about snipers is that they're almost useless for objectives.


Well, then you wear light armour. Against heavy armour marksman damage is pathetic because it has to...

1. hit

2. bypass ALL defenses in game like shield etc


If you go lethality which does internal damage your whole spec gets countered by...

1. one dispel

2. you have as good as no burst



On the other hand most of sniper defense work against damage done by other snipers and get totally ignored by most other classes in the game.

Also, there is a second way to "stun" a marksman sniper. Just put a root on him. This will prevent him from going into cover and use all of his sniper skills. Great BW design, eh?


Oh well...



Don't get me wrong: sniper is in not "broken" but lacks the tools like utility or survivability of classes like BH or Sorc.

Edited by Desgarden
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678 Expertise Half BM/Half Champ Slinger here, time to give you the actual scoop. I stack the ever loving pewp out of cunning and power/surge for the record. 470 bonus damage self buffed with stim and 88% surge.


I have played both dirty fighting and SS extensively and they are very different playstyles with VERY different methods of killing and doing damage. With DF, you want to Vital shot everything in sight and try to land your shrap bombs on multi targets. Then you channel Wounding shots and Aimed shot and stuff on somebody that you need dead. Overall your burst is lower but you help the team by softening everyone up and your DoTs keep folks from capping objectives. Overall damage remains about the same if played properly. You are somewhat gimped if you try to kill one guy at a time. You will run out of energy very quickly.


SS is all about insane burst. Your burst is just as good as a sorcs, worse on high armor and tanks but BETTER on medium/light. Your job is to demolish one target at a time from cover in an extremely efficient manner. I kill sorcs, even BM/Champ geared ones, in about 5-7 seconds - especially if they dont realize i'm hitting them until i've popped off a few shots. I prefer SS right now because i have non stop on demand burst on HIGH PRIORITY targets like sorcs/ops/maras.


Key abilities to the class that really make it shine an work well:


Hunker down - "hi there you have 5 seconds to find LoS and hope i dont have leg shot or flash grenade up or you're dead! GO AHEAD AND BLOW THAT STUN ON ME CHAMP!"


Sab charge - Sets up burst on an unwary target (of which there are many for a ranged class in wz's). Toss a sab charge and it blows up on your next damaging attack. Run up on sorc nuking someone, throw a sab charge charge up an aimed shot...aim shot crits for 5k, sab charge blows for 3k...hello, half your lif is gone instantly WHAT DO?


Leg Shot - Talented this is so sick. 12 sec CD instant root that lasts for 4 seconds if they arent taking damage/ 2 secs if they are. I see goontards trinket this all the time like buffoons, setting them up for a full flash grenade or dirty kick or whatevs.



So, in conclusion, I love this class. It is effective at what it's job is. It is scissors to paper. It feels strong and pretty deep without being overpowered. It has strengths and weaknesses, and when played well feels very effective and rewarding.


I believe the class has a fairly high skill cap, though not as high as the warrior classes. They simply have WAY to many attacks on different CD's while managing a somewhat fickle resource.


My 2 cents.


I have a 36 Guardian alt that i love too, already seems more difficult and complex.

Edited by Milkies
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Battlemaster sniper here, and i play mostly as full Lethality/dirty fighting (2/5/34).


I think we are doing fine, if you use the right spec in pvp, i can easily do 9k damage Culls, and my dots ticks for 500-700, they all bypass armor reduction. (Culls can still be dodged if you have Evasion up, tho)

so i don't see any problem in our damage, BUT if you take a look at how our energy works, you will feel bad for us =/

and we can't regen our energy as easily as Operatives can, also, i have to waste like 50 energy to full dot someone + use weaking blast, that alone is enough to mess up our energy gain for a little while.



If we are to receive a buff, it should be energy related, because our damage is fine, imo.


Lethality is a noob spec for people who don't like cover. All you do is dot as many people as possible then claim on the forum how your damage is fine. You are not even playing a sniper tbh.

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Valor 68, pre 1.1.1 BM, non-Ilum zerg-farmer, former multi-gladiator (yes I know they are WoW titles) Gunslinger here. I've read every post in this thread and generally read all the gunslinger/sniper threads. I'll start out by saying, so far, Bioware has done a great job with it's first rounds of tweaks compared to other games. No class is woefully helpless.


That being said, it is without question, slinger/sniper has the sharpest learning curve of any class in the game. We are by no means bad. With that in mind, of the class capabilities currently in the game, slingers/snipers bring the least to the table and do need some love. I'm not here to lobby for my particular class to get buffed. I also do not want to have to reroll to stay competitive. As far as I can tell, Bioware needs to:


- Reduce cast time on aimed shot/ambush's base cast by 0.5s and reduce quick aim/reactive shot proc buff by 0.5s to allow the other trees to use aimed shot/ambush a bit easier without over buffing sharpshooter/marksman (it would essentially stay as it is now for ss/marks)

- Give the 20% healing debuff to aimed shot/ambush

- Decrease energy costs or increase energy regen for the non-marksman/sharpshooter trees since neither tree has any burst to speak of


Our survivability solo is also sub-par but I am not here to rehash the other points brought up in this thread. Not every class has to be a dueling beast, I'm ok with that. With the upcoming surge diminishing returns nerf that affects all classes, I think it will hit slinger/sniper's the hardest. Without our burst, we literally bring nothing to the table in regards to PvP. Hope this is something Bioware has already foreseen. *crosses fingers*

Edited by Selout
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I love the class myself I don;t think they need a dmg buff although a way to armor pen without relying on dots would be nice.


But they do need some form of escape, a short duration run speed or leap backwards ability something to get them out of danger.


Op has heals and vanish


BH has heals and a ton of defensive abilities


Sorc got stun and heals and run speed


lol this class got zip and so I've run BG's on my server to valor rank 60 on two toons and I honestly see 1 or 2 slinger/snipers per 10 Bg's and the number of sorc/BH's grows everyday.


We can all pretend the other classes are fine like the wow kids did and watch as 2-3 classes have 75% arena team win ratio's or tell the truth


I am a the blue twilek Gunslinger on the Coreilla Run server who is always in pvp and these are my thoughts,

1) I have posted my own thread on this subject. We have no advantage against other players in pvp. In fact the cover system is only really useful behind enviroment cover that is on a ledge or something. Too many times I have lost a fight because someone gets in my face which brings me too

2) Our defense capabilities are lacking. It relies too much on knockback but our snares and stuns suck. Now if you don't have good gear, you are about to have a bad day, because I only need a few seconds to drop your health down something fierce.

3) More armor penetration is the idea I go with

4) Dodge needs more seconds added to it. Hunker down needs 15 seconds knocked off. without it Sorc can easily beat you in a ranged fight. Not complaining because a inquistor has the force and i have 2 pistols.

5) if I am useless in a fight without being in defense screen, then bioware needs to increase the defense on it. In pve and pvp it is not difficult to force me to move. A good aoe and I have to leave my cover screen which is clunky.

6) han solo was always running but sages and inquistors get a speed boost and we dont?

The dirty kick ability that adds a boost in speed is ajoke. I tried it in pve and pvp and I still could not get away.

7) Surrender needs to placate the enemy not just lower threat. I mean, I sureender and you can't lock on to me for about 5 seconds.


These are my thoughts mostly on the defensive side. I do not have problems on the offensive side, in fact I tend to get ganked a lot on my server.... that makes me proud. They know to kill the blue twi lek smuggler first before the jedi and troopers. Never let a gunslinger get a good vantage point, My offensive stragety is simple... Who is the enemy team healer.... he is about to have a bad day. Then I just pick off all the guys who are alive simply because the healer kept them in the fight.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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- Reduce cast time on aimed shot's base cast


Like the other suggestions but dont know if i agree with this one. I dont know if you take the talent that reduces aimed shot cast time on CB and speed shot crits but i think all SS slingers should. Not a fan of ballistic dampeners or whatever. That talent basically makes more than half of my aimshots a 1.4 sec cast or so.

Edited by Milkies
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With the upcoming surge diminishing returns nerf that affects all classes, I think it will hit slinger/sniper's the hardest. Without our burst, we literally bring nothing to the table in regards to PvP. Hope this is something Bioware has already foreseen. *crosses fingers*


Oh noes. I haven't heard about it. Could you please elaborate?

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Like the other suggestions but dont know if i agree with this one. I dont know if you take the talent that reduces aimed shot cast time on CB and speed shot crits but i think all SS slingers should. Not a fan of ballistic dampeners or whatever. that talents basically makes more than half of my aimshots a 1.14 sec cast or so.


Well, this is a PvP thread and if you are stacking alacrity for PvP, then there is something wrong. With full Battlemasters, to get a 1.14 aimed shot I need to blow my illegal mods/target acquired with a quick aim/reactive shot proc up. I'd like to see the base reduced by 0.5s and the proc only reduce the cast-time by 0.5. That is if I were doing the class balance, haha.


Edit: Saw the guy asking about the surge nerf. Soft-cap on surge right now is 400 but they are reducing it (apparently) to 250. Meaning, after 250 rating you will gain much less benefit from surge rating. Those are the numbers the numbers nerds are talking about on PTR. /shrug


Edit 2: Milkies, ya 1.4 is fine. You must have had a typo on your first draft haha.

Edited by Selout
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Like the other suggestions but dont know if i agree with this one. I dont know if you take the talent that reduces aimed shot cast time on CB and speed shot crits but i think all SS slingers should. Not a fan of ballistic dampeners or whatever. That talent basically makes more than half of my aimshots a 1.4 sec cast or so.


that 1.4 helps in getting a melee toon out of your face. I use the advantage that allows me to use it after speed shot and as well as charging blast. My melee stragety is like dot->armor debuff->speed shot, when they are now in my face-> aimed shot-> leg shot, I now activate my defensive buffs if I have not done so before the fight. From there the situation dictates, because we have a few more abilities that can keep a melee toon out of combat range.

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