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Did Commando's get nerfed?


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As the title says, am extremely fustrated and pissed at this. So far ever since the patch my commando has not been abled to progress at all due to being defeated all the time when healing companions get put into a stun state for up to 30 seconds every 2-3 seconds. Even my healing does not help and get defeated. Level 22 and get defeated by a lvl 20 to lvl 21 mob is getting on my nerves.


Using Gunnery/Assualt hybrid spec. Have noticed that over all DPS is lower then prepatch so am thinking they BIOWARE DO NOT WANT PLAYERS TO HAVE HYBRID CLASSES....


Hope this is not that the case.....


Edit: I give up... man these mobs have major stuns that stun both player and companion... defeated again by a lvl 20 strong while as lvl 22. Makes game unfun... Deleted Commando Trooper....


This MMO fast becoming unfun....

Edited by Falonarion
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Mine seems the same as yesterday and last week. Still beating on-level and +3 normals, strongs and elites. Of course I am using a gunnery non-hydrid spec. But I have to ask, at such a low level why are you hybrid? Stick to one till about 30 than put some points in another. Heck at least get Grav round. Edited by Tareel
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1. No data on what BioWare "wants" or doesn't "want" RE: our spec choices. Lots of evidence, though, that hybrid specs are not very effective in this game, in general.


2. IMNSHO, gear is more important while leveling than spec choices. Check your gear, invest if needed to stay current with your level.

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Haven't encountered this problem at all. Which mobs are using stuns on you? I've encountered precious few which use them, and they're usually only for a few seconds each.


I will say that once I got to Tatooine Elara's healing seemed to take a dive, so much so that I've started using Forex instead for most situations. Her heals just don't seem to scale well with the amount of damage you take, and I'm about 5 levels over what I'm fighting! I'm not saying she should be able to keep me healthy while I'm getting attacked by multiple elites or anything, but she should do just fine with a single elite 5 levels lower than me. She struggles even with that though.


Anyway, I'd also recommend not hybridizing at such a low level, as you're pretty much gimping yourself. As stated by others, at least take gunnery up to grav shot.

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What kind of Hybrid spec can you possibly run at lvl 22? You get your tree-specific DPS ability at 20 (Grav Round or Incendiary Round), so if you have more than 2 points in any other tree at 22, you are seriously gimping yourself and only have yourself to blame. At the very least get that far into a tree before branching out, and even then reconsider until you have some of the skills that make buff that ability.
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Haven't encountered this problem at all. Which mobs are using stuns on you? I've encountered precious few which use them, and they're usually only for a few seconds each.


I will say that once I got to Tatooine Elara's healing seemed to take a dive, so much so that I've started using Forex instead for most situations. Her heals just don't seem to scale well with the amount of damage you take, and I'm about 5 levels over what I'm fighting! I'm not saying she should be able to keep me healthy while I'm getting attacked by multiple elites or anything, but she should do just fine with a single elite 5 levels lower than me. She struggles even with that though.


Anyway, I'd also recommend not hybridizing at such a low level, as you're pretty much gimping yourself. As stated by others, at least take gunnery up to grav shot.


I had the same problem with her on that planet. I solved it by getting her geared the with same quality as myself. Using hand me downs just didnt cut it. A trick I used was to buy a PVP weapon with attributes that fit her and stripped them out. I then placed them into her blaster. For some reason they dont have PVP blaster pistol weapons with Aim, End, Crit, Surge. So I had to improvise.



As for the OP stick to one tree until youre in your 30's. If you want to level fast EDIT: Gunnery is a good choice.

Edited by whataboutbob
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As the title says, am extremely fustrated and pissed at this. So far ever since the patch my commando has not been abled to progress at all due to being defeated all the time when healing companions get put into a stun state for up to 30 seconds every 2-3 seconds. Even my healing does not help and get defeated. Level 22 and get defeated by a lvl 20 to lvl 21 mob is getting on my nerves.


Using Gunnery/Assualt hybrid spec. Have noticed that over all DPS is lower then prepatch so am thinking they BIOWARE DO NOT WANT PLAYERS TO HAVE HYBRID CLASSES....


Hope this is not that the case.....


Edit: I give up... man these mobs have major stuns that stun both player and companion... defeated again by a lvl 20 strong while as lvl 22. Makes game unfun... Deleted Commando Trooper....


This MMO fast becoming unfun....


how does your healer companion get stunned for 30seconds every 2-3 seconds? this makes no sense


i think you could only get stunned for 2-3 every 2-3 seconds or you could only get stunned for 30seconds every 30seconds... either way if your companion is getting stunned for 30 seconds clearly your alive for 30 seconds to watch her being stunned, maybe you should use that 30 seconds to kill the mob thats stunning her.


This post just confuses me


Btw you have picked the EASIEST class to level by leaps and bounds and still cant deal with mobs 2 levels under you, id say reroll but... yeah like i just said


Im not sure if you noticed but you do have an ability to break out of stuns

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Haven't encountered this problem at all. Which mobs are using stuns on you? I've encountered precious few which use them, and they're usually only for a few seconds each.


I will say that once I got to Tatooine Elara's healing seemed to take a dive, so much so that I've started using Forex instead for most situations. Her heals just don't seem to scale well with the amount of damage you take, and I'm about 5 levels over what I'm fighting! I'm not saying she should be able to keep me healthy while I'm getting attacked by multiple elites or anything, but she should do just fine with a single elite 5 levels lower than me. She struggles even with that though.


Anyway, I'd also recommend not hybridizing at such a low level, as you're pretty much gimping yourself. As stated by others, at least take gunnery up to grav shot.




On my 50 BH Mako never had any trouble keeping me alive all the way there. However, Elara not so much. As mentioned, she seemed to start struggling around the Tatooine level. I went back to her a few times in the 30's and 40's but she never caught up I didn't feel.


Edit: Yes, I did keep Elara geared. Didn't seem to make any difference.

Edited by uziforyou
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As the title says, am extremely fustrated and pissed at this. So far ever since the patch my commando has not been abled to progress at all due to being defeated all the time when healing companions get put into a stun state for up to 30 seconds every 2-3 seconds. Even my healing does not help and get defeated. Level 22 and get defeated by a lvl 20 to lvl 21 mob is getting on my nerves.


Using Gunnery/Assualt hybrid spec. Have noticed that over all DPS is lower then prepatch so am thinking they BIOWARE DO NOT WANT PLAYERS TO HAVE HYBRID CLASSES....


Hope this is not that the case.....


Edit: I give up... man these mobs have major stuns that stun both player and companion... defeated again by a lvl 20 strong while as lvl 22. Makes game unfun... Deleted Commando Trooper....


This MMO fast becoming unfun....


Somebody, anybody, QUICK! Forward this to the President of Gaming! RIGHT AWAY!


We HAVE to get this gentleman's message out to the masses, CLEARLY THIS CANNOT GO ON AS IS.


Mobs who perma stun, and cannot be killed, my LORD who's idea was that? This poor individual has been asked to face that which cannot be defeated... tragedy...tragedy..


I hope some day, someone, somewhere, defeats this content.. so that we can know that it is possible!




I defeated that content like, 5 weeks ago without Elara.







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Have you upgraded your gear since level 5?

I just don't see how you can find this class hard at all. Commando is one of the easiest I've played yet next to Sorc.


Read the abilities, use them. Don't spread your spec around too much. I just don't see how you can be defeated by lower level strongs unless you're running around nekkid.


Not trying to be rude but this is total PEBKAC.

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The OP said he deleted his trooper, that is probably for the best for everyone, not everyone will understand the game mechanics of a certain class.


No they did not get nerfed, neither did the long standing bugs with Mortar and Auto get fixed, they haven't really done anything with Troopers in general in a while.

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As the title says, am extremely fustrated and pissed at this. So far ever since the patch my commando has not been abled to progress at all due to being defeated all the time when healing companions get put into a stun state for up to 30 seconds every 2-3 seconds. Even my healing does not help and get defeated. Level 22 and get defeated by a lvl 20 to lvl 21 mob is getting on my nerves.


Using Gunnery/Assualt hybrid spec. Have noticed that over all DPS is lower then prepatch so am thinking they BIOWARE DO NOT WANT PLAYERS TO HAVE HYBRID CLASSES....


Hope this is not that the case.....


Edit: I give up... man these mobs have major stuns that stun both player and companion... defeated again by a lvl 20 strong while as lvl 22. Makes game unfun... Deleted Commando Trooper....


This MMO fast becoming unfun....


where were you playing? I see no change. the difficulty jumps up when you move up planets.

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And on another thing, why the hell am i seeing "lvl22" and "Hybrid" used in the same sentence? You have 13 skill points at lvl22, not enough to make a "hybrid" of any sort. Least of all a successful one.


Seems OP deleted his Commando, i think that is for the best. If you can't grasp even the very basics of an AC, don't roll one. Now i doubt the OP will return to this thread, but for future reference..

The Commando/Mercenary AC is a very effective soloing machine. It only really lacks a proper interrupt, but aside from that, if you have any sorts of trouble then check your;

- Gear and Companions gear

- Skillspec

- Ability rotation

- Personal skill

Before crying like a total incompetent idiot.

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Check your gear, does it need to be upgraded? Does it need to be repaired?


Are you in a heroic area or other location with tough mobs? The Level # isn't the only indicator as to how strong a mob is.


Are you using a companion?


Something isn't right with your character or the mobs you're going up against. Commandos typically have a very easy time with solo play against run of the mill mobs.

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