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Sorcs make me want to quit


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i understand that, and as the poster above hinted at. This small problem reveals the larger problem which seems to be this:


- In a team setting the more diverse a team is, the more synergy it should enjoy


- contrary to the above, there seems to be NO downside to having a team full of sorcs for the following reason


- cc, have it in spades

- dmg, same as above

- heals, yep can do that

- tanks? dont need them with bubble.

- did i mention sprint in huttball?


if it takes a team of 2 to kill a single sorc, where does that put a diverse group of 8 against a team of 8 sorcs? yes 2 of us can team up to kill one but while he bubbles the one that my buddy left alone turned around and healed him or shot us in the back with lightning


stun/ interrupt #1 While doing so number 1 is not DPSing or healing.


kill #2


Kill #1?


The end.


Don't shoot me, just my thoughts, I'm on your side !

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Use your INTERRUPTS. Watch the casting bar or stun as you approach and then knock him off. This isn't difficult, you just need to learn to do it. It's how those of us who kill sorcerers all the time kill them. We watch for the big cast and interrupt it.


How do you ****** interrupt from range? Not to mention almost everything Sorcerers do in PvP is instant cast. I rarely see them cast anything with a cast-time aside from the Channeled Lightning and Whirlwind (which is rarely ever at close-range). Interrupting a cast also doesn't prevent them from using Force Run, or bubble (if it's up), or healing, or DoTs. You interrupt their lightning and they've got plenty to do for the next 4 seconds.

Edited by savionen
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I usually don't have trouble when it's just one sorc/sage. The problem usually starts when there are 4-6 on the other team (which happens often) and they are all bubbling/healing each other. All the well timed interupts in the world aren't gonna win that game for you.


Then it's not a problem with the class for you per se, it's the admittedly lousy resolve "system," i.e. cluster-f**k, that the game uses instead of a diminishing returns system for CCs. And I see teams with multiple sorcerers get beaten all the time. The trick is to interrupt all of them, which requires people picking a sorcerer and going for them. Smugglers are awesome for this with their flash grenade.

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How do you ****** interrupt from range?


On my jedi shadow it's the mind snap ability or the force stun or a dot to set up push-back while I close. On smugglers it's the flash bang grenade (I've only played to level 14 so while I'm sure there is at the very least a dot, I haven't got it yet). I'm sure your character has something similar.

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I play a Sage and I agree that Sorcerers are annoying. Can you believe how cool their animations are? It's totally unfair! Also, their armor is cool and....



Did I miss the point of this thread?



All joking aside, you can tell whether or not a class is finely tuned (or OP as some claim) by checking out their forums. If most of their complaining is about spell animations, gear, or general shared issues (such as the ability delay fun) then you're probably reading the forums of a class that is pretty solid.


Personally, I hate my sage and love my Sith Juggernaut a hell of a lot more. I feel like the game is actually challenging now instead of permanently set to easy mode.

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I disagree. Sorcerers are extremely strong as a 1vs1 class, most melee classes simply cannot stick to a Sorcerer, and against ranged classes a Sorcerer still has the advantage due to mobility. Having multiple Sorcerers, they have synergy with each other. Since roots and snares are not on any sort of diminishing returns, nor do they add to resolve, a group of Sorcerers can just about completely lock down the other team. Not to mention they can bubble/heal each other if need be. And that's really what the problem is.


Well, imo the only viable solution is to enforce class balanced queing or cross server or premades (ranked wz?). And on low pop server class balanced ques would probably not be vaiable.


Because it isn't a class problem, it's the group makeup you are up against, and before you say "walk a mile in my shoes", I am frequently the only sage up against a predominantly sorc group so I have been through this many times.

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as a tank i can fully say that socr/sages die when no1 is helping them. but they reason they seem to so OP is because most sorc/sages are almost always guarded and there tank will taunt you.


And this, you need to watch for this trick. I'm a shadow tank and I guard a sage while they bubble themselves and then use my taunts to reduce damage to that sage. If the sorcerer or sage seems invulnerable to everything, look for their tank.

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Here's what I want to know: how can a sorc mez me with resolve at full? I will be good lil pvper, wait for resolve to hit full so I am immune....use CC break. Then while I am apparently immune, sorcs can STILL mez me. This happens over and over and over.


Let's face it Sorcs, people know you are OP: it's about time you admited it.


You want proof? Guess which class is most played and no it aint Agent, sorcs cry and get those nerfed.

Edited by fixit
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That is more plausible that asking them all to reroll, or nerfing them, which seems to be what you expect?


I don't think that is what the original poster was trying to imply at all. Rather, they are pointing out a very common theme im MMOs (especially in regards to PvP) that more powerful/capable classes are going to be represented the highest due to their relative effectiveness. This is why you are seeing so many ranged classes in PvP currently (primarily Sage/Sorceror and Trooper/Bounty Hunter). These two class types represent around 75% of the opposing team that I face regularly on my server at level 50. It isn't uncommon at all to see 7/8 of the opposing team represented by these classes. This same trend is starting to show up on the Republic side now as well.


With being the case, there are only a handful of possibilities...


1) PvP continues to evolve into a heavily ranged dominated game and melee will continue to disappear from the War Zones and Ilum.


2) The Sage/Sorceror and Trooper/Bounty Hunter classes are adjusted downward to put them on a more even playing field with the rest of the classes in the game. This will make the other classes no less appealing to play in PvP...so the populations would theoretically start evening out.


3) The rest of the classes in the game are buffed to bring them to the level of Sage/Sorceror and Trooper/Bounty Hunter. This, too, will make the other classes no less appealing to play in PvP...so the populations would theoretically start evening out.


Given the track record of these situations in previous MMOs, it is likely that number 2 will happen. That is what they were trying to convey.

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stun/ interrupt #1 While doing so number 1 is not DPSing or healing.


kill #2


Kill #1?


The end.


Don't shoot me, just my thoughts, I'm on your side !


and that makes perfect sense if sorcs dont have bubble. They seem to function as the squishy

glass cannon type, except they arent glass!


in any case, im not trying to qq or call for nerfs, just rather joining in on the general

water cooler "dont you hate sorcs! yea i hate em! hard to kill buggers!"


I have not played a sorc which would probably help me pinpoint their weaknesses

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Well, imo the only viable solution is to enforce class balanced queing or cross server or premades (ranked wz?). And on low pop server class balanced ques would probably not be vaiable.


Because it isn't a class problem, it's the group makeup you are up against, and before you say "walk a mile in my shoes", I am frequently the only sage up against a predominantly sorc group so I have been through this many times.


I don't think Sorcerers/Sages need to be gutted or anything like that. Really the main thing imo they need to do is make root (not snare) add to resolve. Being able to Stun and Whirlwind as actual CC, and then having 1-2 roots (depending on spec) is a bit much for a ranged class that also has mobility. Maybe have a longer base cooldown on their bubble, and/or the debuff it gives. All of their skills have a little bit too much synergy with themselves.

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Given the track record of these situations in previous MMOs, it is likely that number 2 will happen. That is what they were trying to convey.


#2 will never happen, sorry to say. Mythic = Bright Wizard = Sorc/Sages.


They won't even fix my three outright broken talents in heal agent tree, what makes you think they will tone down the god mode classes?

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Sorcs are not OP in general

Sorc are OP in huttball

huttball is 80% of wz's / most servers

players use their op sorcs to win huttballs

they get better eq faster

they use their up sorc even better




just turn off sprint thru fire/acid and nerf push/pulls or design some more huttball map to make it equal for all classes = problem solved.

Edited by Cortmaz
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Here's what I want to know: how can a sorc mez me with resolve at full? This happens over and over. I will be good lil pvper, wait for resolve to hit full so I am immune....use CC break. Then while I am apparently immune, sorcs can STILL mez me. This happens over and over and over.


Let's face it Sorcs, people know you are OP: it's about time you admited it.


You want proof? Guess which class is most played and no it aint Agent, sorcs cry and get those nerfed.


In Huttball, I'll be stunned constantly, even at full resolve.


That last 10 meter stretch between the fire and their goal line, will take me 30 seconds to walk and getting an insane amount of heals because of how many stuns or whatever I can't move because of.


I have one thing on a 2 min CD to break me out of one, but dozens more follow immediately and I'm helpless.

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i understand that, and as the poster above hinted at. This small problem reveals the larger problem which seems to be this:


- In a team setting the more diverse a team is, the more synergy it should enjoy


- contrary to the above, there seems to be NO downside to having a team full of sorcs for the following reason


- cc, have it in spades

- dmg, same as above

- heals, yep can do that

- tanks? dont need them with bubble.

- did i mention sprint in huttball?


if it takes a team of 2 to kill a single sorc, where does that put a diverse group of 8 against a team of 8 sorcs? yes 2 of us can team up to kill one but while he bubbles the one that my buddy left alone turned around and healed him or shot us in the back with lightning


It doesnt take 2 to kill a sorc unless you have one person thats really really bad.

It takes one good Commando

One good Vanguard

One good sentinal

One good shadow

One good smuggler


All of these classes have tools to kill a Sorc bubble and all ( the bubble abosrbs all of 3.2k)

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You never stated what class and spec you are.

Also maneuverablity is key + teamwork to winning most pvp maps .

If 4 BM geared sorcs que together as a team and work together yes they will most likely gain the upperhand agaisnt 4 undergeared non workign together teams.

Flaws in your design the sorc bubble only negates about 2500 damage which is 1 attack from most classes and it suffers from a global cd on the player for about 12 seconds reduced to 9 with 2 set bonus and talents but only 1 tree has this . Sorcs have no endurance bonuses like every other class and have less armor than every other class .

Heres a list of classes that i know if geared and played properly can nearly 3 shot a full bm sorc . Merauder any spec, Rage-juggernaut hybrid spec, smugglers, shadow sages, pyro hybrid spec vanguards, Sniper stunlock +orbital, bh stun + death from above , there are a million ways to kill a sorc so easily but honestly if you cant tell a healing sorc from the dps sorcs you just are bad and deserve to lose .

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#2 will never happen, sorry to say. Mythic = Bright Wizard = Sorc/Sages.


They won't even fix my three outright broken talents in heal agent tree, what makes you think they will tone down the god mode classes?


The only other option is letting PvP continue into a ranged versus ranged fest (where it is almost at right now) or buffing all the other classes. I can tell you for certain they are not going to go through and try to buff everything else when you have very fixable overpowering mechanics on two classes.

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and that makes perfect sense if sorcs dont have bubble. They seem to function as the squishy

glass cannon type, except they arent glass!


in any case, im not trying to qq or call for nerfs, just rather joining in on the general

water cooler "dont you hate sorcs! yea i hate em! hard to kill buggers!"


I have not played a sorc which would probably help me pinpoint their weaknesses



and they aren't cannons either, no offense at all, I've played a true glass cannon for years, but this not a glass cannon class.


Please, you can pick out many other classes in this game for much higher burst.

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All of these classes have tools to kill a Sorc bubble and all ( the bubble abosrbs all of 3.2k)


That must be terrible to "only" absorb 3.2k damage. If that seems so neglible to the class and how it performs, it shouldn't be a big deal to get rid of it then.

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Seriously, every single game I play I`ve seen a ton of really geared, a lot of the time BM geared Sorcs on my server. If i`m lucky I`ll see 4 in a WZ, however I`ve seen 5-6 multiple times. Can you imagine how irritating it is to have one of the most overpowered, most control and, despite the "squishiness" have ethe MOST survivability in the game?


You dot your target, you spam CL. Really difficult. Then you have the ability to heal, sprint, shield, stun, put all of that together with MULTIPLE sorcs in a WZ and alongside their crazy damage.


i`m closer and closer to quitting this game because of this class, it`s the MOST represented class in the game and it`s getting annoying.


First of all, if you're spamming CL, you're doing it wrong ( i hope you meant force lightening). Second, Srocs are BROKEN op. So people will play them. That said, I can still kill them as a PT, Merc, OP, Assassin, Jugg and Maruader. And when I play my Sorc, people can kill me. Get a good team together, play with them. It makes a huge difference. You'll still lose sometimes, but you'll have more fun doing it IMHO.

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Flaws in your design the sorc bubble only negates about 2500 damage which is 1 attack from most classes and it suffers from a global cd on the player for about 12 seconds reduced to 9 with 2 set bonus and talents but only 1 tree has this


Sorcerers don't cast bubble while in combat and getting hit at melee. They pre-cast it, before the fight, and then cast it another time during the fight when they're at range and the enemy is snared/rooted/CC'd. That's a grand total of like 8k damage prevented from a Battlemaster.

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Seriously, every single game I play I`ve seen a ton of really geared, a lot of the time BM geared Sorcs on my server. If i`m lucky I`ll see 4 in a WZ, however I`ve seen 5-6 multiple times. Can you imagine how irritating it is to have one of the most overpowered, most control and, despite the "squishiness" have ethe MOST survivability in the game?


You dot your target, you spam CL. Really difficult. Then you have the ability to heal, sprint, shield, stun, put all of that together with MULTIPLE sorcs in a WZ and alongside their crazy damage.


i`m closer and closer to quitting this game because of this class, it`s the MOST represented class in the game and it`s getting annoying.


YEP! That with the ability lag, ridiculously poor graphics optimizations, NO MACROS, lack of bar space and custom UI set up I already un -subscribed I have til the end of Feb. I remember Warhammer started off the same way and the bugs are still present today.... Not to mention they just let Bright Wizards OWN and soon the game just tumbled down hill! I feel the same happening here...

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