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I dont get it why do the empire counter part do so much damage.


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I would like to move to a pve. the pvp is so imbalanced. as a saw bones i cant come close to damage against my counter part inquistor nor out heal there damage. i do 600 pts of damage while they do 1200 pts of damage a hit. yesturday i got hit for 2200 pts of damge one hit. as i watch in pvp battles we get slaugthered against the counter part team. id say there was nothing wrong if my team won about as many as we have lost but i can play from 10 am to 8:00pm pvp out of 24 matches won only on 6 something wrong here and it day in and day out. there is a damage imbalance. why play when you become discourage when you are constantly defeated. :mad: they need to give the republic more damage as much as the empire. they dont have to nerf the empire just boot our dps by 40 percent.
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The base numbers are exactly the same. You're getting beat because the other player has better PVP gear than you, or the other player is more skilled than you, or both.


Just keep working to improve your combat skills and your gear, you'll get there.

Edited by Marinus_
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The base numbers are exactly the same. You're getting beat because the other player has better PVP gear than you, or the other player is more skilled than you, or both.


Just keep working to improve your combat skills and your gear, you'll get there.




This is what is happening.

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The base numbers are exactly the same. You're getting beat because the other player has better PVP gear than you, or the other player is more skilled than you, or both.


Just keep working to improve your combat skills and your gear, you'll get there.


so my whole team has poor gear.:rolleyes:

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your whole team are scrubs, and such a stupid post complaining about something that isnt there confirms it


excepting exploited games where we are against 11 or 12 people I win about 80% queuing solo and almost 100% with my premade


your thread should be "why am i so bad, and how can i improve" not "why are the classes so imbalanced"

Edited by bicuspid
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I would like to move to a pve. the pvp is so imbalanced. as a saw bones i cant come close to damage against my counter part inquistor nor out heal there damage. i do 600 pts of damage while they do 1200 pts of damage a hit. yesturday i got hit for 2200 pts of damge one hit. as i watch in pvp battles we get slaugthered against the counter part team. id say there was nothing wrong if my team won about as many as we have lost but i can play from 10 am to 8:00pm pvp out of 24 matches won only on 6 something wrong here and it day in and day out. there is a damage imbalance. why play when you become discourage when you are constantly defeated. :mad: they need to give the republic more damage as much as the empire. they dont have to nerf the empire just boot our dps by 40 percent.



there's so much wrong with this post I don't know where to start

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Empire would prolly have better gear at average since ilum rewards the bigger zerg in a slightly messed up way. making them get faster BM than a republic player would get, at same rate of playtime/effot. Also ppl who likes PvP usually prefear evil side with gives the faction even more advantage.


1st advantage is just bad from BW side.

2nd advantage they should have.


And just wanna thank the grammar police in advance for corecting spelling and whine bout OMG killing english language......

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so my whole team has poor gear.:rolleyes:


Maybe. I have played both sides and the mirror classes do the same damage. The only thing that changes is gear. Maybe you just keep running into premades all day. It happens to all of us. Once you get full champion gear you will be harder to take down.

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the pvp is so imbalanced. as a saw bones i cant come close to damage against my counter part inquistor.


You must be new. Allow me to help.



Vanguard = Powertech

Commando = Mercenary



Shadow = Assassin

Sage = Sorcerer



Guardian = Juggernaut

Sentinel = Marauder



Gunslinger = Sniper

Scoundrel = Operative



Your counter-part is the Imperial Agent class, the Operative Advanced Class. They are more focused on HoTs and do smaller direct heals.

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i can see if my team won 50 percent of the time but i been playing for 4 days so far and the amount of time we lose is a lot. somethings just not right but i just cant seem to put my finger on it. we litterally get ran over.:confused:
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the inquisitor hit me for 2k.:p

Yes and? You will get hit for 5k or even more too... 2k is nothing lol


You forget about the fact that the Inquisitor is probably not healing spec, respec yourself to a dps spec, like scrapper gear up correctly and you will see even higher dmg...



If you are the main healer of your team, than maybe they are doing bad work at protecting you? Focus fire healer, and than the rest die like flies, you know... Aint that hard.



The pvp in this game got many flaws, but really empire and republic character deal similar damage... :)

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