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  1. That goes only for annihilation maras, so far I can beat any other speced mara on my jug. To beat an annihilation speced one, well..., he needs to be really bad LOL Simply dots going trough my def cd's, selfheals, and def cds are too much to deal with in that case Pretty much the only spec that we are better than maras is rage, as we get 30% more dmg from talents in vengeance tree + 10% more from pvp dps set bonus, so we can dish out more numbers than rage speced mara, and yeah oddly tank/dps hybrid class has less defensive cd's than a pure dps one... go figure As for the OP: Vengeance is nice dps tree for jugs, but its nowhere near Annihilation. From all the available dot effects, only one seems to do decent dmg, and that is Shatter, had it crit in range of 500-700, but rest is utter crap... ticks of 20-60 that can crit for like 100? As long as our dot effects does not scale with level and gear this spec will be always outperformed by Annihilation.
  2. Use Chilling Scream, it costs only 2 rage (free if specced), might not seem like much but slowing down your opponents by 50% helps the DPSers to down the mobs before they can even do some damage. Also at level 30 it will get much easier for you to keep the agro of some bigger packs, as you will get aoe taunt. Later you can spec it to shorten its cd from 45sec to 30sec, generally you might have it up almost each pull or get off cd while your in middle of fight. Helps alot to keep the lose mobs on you.
  3. Considering the fact that the success of rage build revolves around 2 factors: a) Shockwave charges b) auto crit on smash So you want to have the charges as often as possible, considering you start with Force Charge followed by Force Crush or Force Choke to do one smash and than you use one of the previously mentioned abilities that are off cd and use Obliterate to get another auto crit on smash... rather than wait 50sec. That few more atk % from Shien is not worth it.
  4. Rage pre 40 is bad, because you are lacking some core abilties to make the spec work. Vengeance up until then works much better if you want to be dps.
  5. It depends which adv class you play, are you a mara or jug etc, and than it depends which spec you chose. For example an immortal juggernaut can easily put Vette on her AOE stance with AOE abilties, because you keep agro easily, because you dont get much dmg and it is more efficient that way. You have to remember that AOE setup is nice for packs of mobs, when you are downing an elite or champion you can switch off AOE stance and AOE abilties to make her more single target focused etc. All of the companions are quite versatile, so it depends on your abilties to keep agro, keeping yourself alive, situation etc. There is no one and simple answer to this matter.
  6. Lets be honest, nerfing the damage of tracer missile/grav round would simply kill one of the specs. Thats pretty bad idea. Only quite "ok" solution I see to deal with the tracer/grav spammers is to make the skill go weaker and weaker the longer its being used one after another. To prevent it from being spammed, what I am trying to say is not a "1st hit hard, second hit for less", but lets say after 5 tracers (optimal if you didnt spec to get the debuff faster) the skill should start doing less and less dmg and that should affect pvp only, unless you use some other skills inbetween etc. This would not hit players who actually know what they are doing, but the brainless people who tend to spam one skill through whole WZ, eventually they add the stun if someone gets close and than proceed to do tracer/grav.
  7. There would be no GEAR problem if the whole pvp gear system was done correctly. Nowadays people need the carrot on a stick to pvp, yes you have the core pvpers who do it for fun, but you got the majority who do it to get something out of it, aside of the fun factor of course. TOR's problem is that you can start equiping the pvp gear at lvl50. While pre 50 you are expertiseless, thus entering the 50bracket can be irritating, frustrating, annoying and so on. It is understandable that being roflstomped by people in PvP gear over and over is not fun, and most people are discouraged pretty fast. That is why we have so much leavers in mid game or even straight at the beginning of the match. I do understand the need of the expertise to separate the PvE gear progression from the PvP gear progression. But it should be done with some sense and not dropped 3 types of pvp gear for lvl 50's exclusively... brainless idea. It would be much different if lets say at level20 you can pick up your first pvp armor, with some amount of expertise, you can pick up weapons, accessories etc. Sure that few expertise wont be game breaking, but will allow for slow progression, and wont let people be handicapped. Than at 30 and 40 give another set of pvp gear, make it orange with unmoddable expertise etc. And than at 45 or so LET US BUY CENTURION COMMENDATIONS, so we can start SLOWELY gear up for the 50bracket. Now with that game model most players would have expertise, no one would feel handicapped. People who dont see the problem, let me picture it for you. When I lvled my alt jug to 50, i got a civil war WZ as my 1st. With no pvp gear etc, most of my team consisted of people like me or those with 2-3 pvp items, all but one poor BM marauder, now the enemy team seemed to be similar to us, with the exception of our BM, the guy alone held middle node, fighting against 3-4 players. Now, this was not much fun for us, cause we held all 3 nodes for most of time, neither it was for him nor for the reps. When I am on my main char, i am a BM with most BM items, and I dont really have much fun going against undergeared people, especialy when I am in some kind of a premade... TOR is a fresh game, with potential. I really hope that the future patches and the ranking will bring up some better pvp options than the WZs. We need 5vs5 and 3vs3 arenas, where people with certain gear are matched against people with similar gear. They could keep WZs as they are, a way to earn valor/commendations, and than put arenas for those with gear. That would exclude the fresh 50's without pvp gear... but there is no other way to make it better and more fun...
  8. Important part is to have the right companion out at the right time. Majority of people playing SW has Jaesa as their main and favorite companion, but if you feel squishy, or she dies too fast, maybe its better to switch to Quin or Vette. I like the fact that both Q/V are using medium armor with cunning, that way I can have one set of moddable gear and switch between them whenever its needed. Cheap way, but it works fine. I am leveling as immortal, and so far I have a blast. Very easy to find a group for FP, I solo all 2man heroics and some of the 4mans, with Quin I can take down pack of 3golds without blowing a single cooldown. With Vette 2golds+silver, tho I need to use some of my cds or medpack, but thats why I have them. Havent had a problem while leveling, at Voss now and enjoying it pretty much. In a day or two going to try out rage spec and how it works in pve/pvp. Just need to get some str/crit/power/surge mods for my second set.
  9. That is how it is suppose to work... sadly in alot of cases it doesnt... I have 2 characters, on one it bugged for me and no matter how many times in one day I respec it always costs 1.3k, on the other I respeced a total of 2 times, now after over a week I thought about respecing to another tree to check it out and the cost is 46k... oO
  10. It seems to be bugged... in very strange ways lol The respeccing cost is suppose to reset after not being used for a week or so... but it not always happens. I have a 50sorc (my 1st and main char) and I respec like alot of time to test out things, different pvp builds, some pve builds and for me it bugged and 1.3k per respec, yesterday I done 3 or 4 respeces from full heal to hybrid heal to full dps etc. All the time 1.3k cost... While I also lvl a juggernaut, respeced him total of 2 times, once from vengance tree to tank tree, than made a small mistake so 2nd respec, now at lvl44 I wanted to respec to Rage, to try out the "favored" by most tree, but my respec cost is 46k... and I havent respec this char for uh 7 days or more... So go figure on one char i respec 2-3 times on daily basis and im stuck on 1.3k cost, on other I done it 2 times n my cost is 46k lol... doesnt make much sense to me, but lately not much things in swtor do...
  11. Yes and? You will get hit for 5k or even more too... 2k is nothing lol You forget about the fact that the Inquisitor is probably not healing spec, respec yourself to a dps spec, like scrapper gear up correctly and you will see even higher dmg... If you are the main healer of your team, than maybe they are doing bad work at protecting you? Focus fire healer, and than the rest die like flies, you know... Aint that hard. The pvp in this game got many flaws, but really empire and republic character deal similar damage...
  12. True, totally forgot about that >< Well, you can buy the modable pvp weapons (if i recall right you can take out expertise mod off them) and mod into your armor/weapon etc. So that way you will have some starting expertise, than add to that things you can buy for cent/champ comendations, and for a fresh 50 you will proly sit at around 300expertise. Not bad imo.
  13. I have noticed that alot of people either dont vote at all or randomly clicks on whatever player. I usually reward people who put effort for "us" winning. Why would I care that you have the highest dmg/prot/heal w/e if you focued on farming it, instead of being useful to the team? Had a sorc like that raging over it after Voidstar because everyone voted for jugg, who simply hold one gate alone most of the time against 2-3 players while rest was farming or waiting 40sec in respawn point ><
  14. Well... the obvious thing to do is: Exchange your Warzone Commendations to Mercenary Ones, get 1k of each, or just 200 of each, buy Champion Bag. Rinse and repeat untill you're 50. Than open all the bags you accumulated and hope for some lucky gear token, + all the champion/centurion commendations to buy yourself pvp gear
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