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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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isnt it obvious they are referring to left side of the map? Why would you say left of where you are?


Left from spawn point should be obvious.


Here is a perfect example of how 2 people playing on the same team would go to completely opposite doors in voidstar if help was called at "left" while on defense.


The first person would be referring to the door to the right coming out of the spawn point.


The second person would be referring to the door to the left coming out of the spawn point.


Just wanted to point out an example here in the thread itself :)

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Here is some help it works on any map you look at in game or out :rolleyes:



















Just some acronyms I learned in elementary school to help me remember the order of directions. Anyone - feel free to borrow my mnemonic device if you need a way to remember these directions :p

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What also would be nice, is that people look on their minimaps instead of blindly relying on peopl to shout "left right east west".

Because, while one is trying to defend anything, its hard to type at all.


Really, it aint difficult and you can practically always read the flow of battle.

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I didn't notice the compass in my minimap yet.


You yanks say "west" and mean "left". The rest of the world says "left" and means "left". Left from spawn point should be obvious.


Im a "yank" and when I say West I mean West. Maps are oriented with North facing up or the top. This is day 1 training material.

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Except that left and right aren't always used in that manner. Hence the thread. Any more lessons on reading comprehension. I'll be here...for a little while.
I know what the problem is people are complaining about. It's not a lack of reading comprehension.


There's a reason why you standardize map reading so map orientation has WEST ALWAYS LEFT, NORTH ALWAYS AT THE TOP, etc: so people don't get confused and make these silly arguments like, "well it depends on where the spawn point is, etc."


It's standardized for a reason. Look at your map. Look at your minimap. Whatever is west, is left. Whatever is east, is right. Whatever is north, is top. Whatever is south, is bottom.


3rd grade geography, Army Basic Combat Training, etc all teach the same thing.

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Always looking from your spawpoint, what is so difficult about it?


Whoever calls left/east on the map tries to be a ********, failing at it.


But you ARENT always looking from your spawn point...


But the map IS always facing the same direction.



I dont understand why the concept of consistancy is lost on people. Why would we use a system where "left" means one direction if you are attacking, and the opposite direction if you are defending. Why even worry about changing it up.


The map is the map and it will always face the same way, for EVERY player, EVERY time. Use the *********** map to call your targets. If you can't wrap your head around N/S/E/W, use left or right, but look at the *********** map.


Tired of children leaving WZ rounds because they screwed up and didn't call the right direction.

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It only causes confusion on the Imp side though :)


Yep. 95%+ of the Level 50 Republic players on my server use Left/Right without any difficulties. The key is that your team know what you mean and in Civil War it's always very obvious. In Voidstar there is a little more ground for confusion, but as reinforcements generally come from the spawn point... not so much.

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There's left/right of the spawn facing and there's left/right on the map. They're not always the same.


To me, the first thought is of course the map directions. I should never rely on my or anyone else's facing when the map never turns.


In Aldaaran left/right =west/east for Repubs and to me that all that matters :D


In voids star, if someone calls for help and your doors is fine, ummm..its the other door. West/east-left/right are irrelevant.

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The map is stationary regardless of which direction you are facing. west=left & right=east.
So... If you spawn on the north ship in civil war and want to go to help out the east base. Will you use the speeder on your left hand side or the speeder on your right hand side?


But you ARENT always looking from your spawn point...


But the map IS always facing the same direction.



I dont understand why the concept of consistancy is lost on people. Why would we use a system where "left" means one direction if you are attacking, and the opposite direction if you are defending. Why even worry about changing it up.

"Use the Left speeder" always mean use the speeder to your left when you spawn. Using the speeder on your left hand side will bring you to the correct base no matter if the ship you launch from is located on the north or the south side of the map.


"East base need help" sometimes mean that you should use the speeder on your right hand side and sometimes the speeder on your left hand side - depending on which side of the map you launch from.


Sure, both are valid - but one require more thinking for people that just spawn. Judging from this topic alone i would not trust half of you to get the correct speeder if you launch from the north ship.


And, AGAIN, if you are already on the field you don't need to know directions at all! You already KNOW if the base you are defending is under attack. If it isnt, then it is the OTHER base that is under attack.


Directions are for people that just spawn. People that just spawn need to know if they should use the speeder on their left hand side or the speeder on their right hand side.




And... You cant seriously think for a second that "left" mean the base on your current left hand side depending on which direction you happend to be facing when you read the call for help...! :)

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People who pvp a lot understand that left and right directions are typically referring to the positions on the map as you are oriented on it from the start. When people say "move up" you don't sit there and scratch your head, do you?


when they say move up i always use cover

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There are people who cant distinguish left from right.

But east west are even harder, and so it is easier.


On my server, everyone knows where left and right are on Alderaan.


With Voidstar attacking it is easy, with defending, esp. the 2nd door, not so much.




I even have problems to call incs on Ilum, where I constantly have to remind myself at which point of the plateau I am. So I am there, muttering "north, northwest, southwest" to myself.

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There are people who cant distinguish left from right.

But east west are even harder, and so it is easier.

On my server, everyone knows where left and right are on Alderaan.

With Voidstar attacking it is easy, with defending, esp. the 2nd door, not so much.


I agree. Voidstar is a pain with the East/West because when you switch from defender/attacker the map orientation DOESN'T switch, so instead of facing north you are facing south (from the rez point). Left/Right is universal based from the start/rez point.

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As ops leader in a few pugs i tried east west and such and then people started using grass and snow in CW...

I find grass and snow is even less useful as i have to know if grass is left or east....



In voidstar its just so very much easier to use left right that it is not worth the hassle to explain east west.


Although I got an MVP vote for trying ;)

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning



I wish they would color code the doors. "Inc blue" or "inc red" would be a lot less confusing.

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There is no subjective. The maps orientation never changes. If someone says they need help left/west, go map west.


If you can't figure out what part of the map you are on at any given time...I just don't know if you should even queue.


If you really, really are having trouble, just hit M, and everything SHOULD become clear.

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