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No one deserves MVP. unlesss...


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Because with said exploit.


It can accidently happen alot, and you dont neve notice it.


You know, why not.


How ive seen it exploited


Guard Healer..


Said healer stands in acid and gets healing points. you get protection points and take Zero damage.



How it accidently happens


Guard ball carrior.


He gets stunned on a vent, he has 18k HP.


He die from the fire, you instantly get 9k Protection and take Zero damage.


Guard somone and they get tossed in acid.. more free guard points with taking no damage.


annnnnd incoming forum warning for me posting it most likely.


Unless they fixed it in the last month, its been awhile since the 1 time i tried it to see.


So this only happens in Huttball. Perhaps you should state the following:


"Before giving MvP to Guarders, if they have more than 70k protection points, it's likely they may be exploiting (intentionally or accidentally), so consider maybe giving the MvP to someone else".


Whereas you just said don't give them to any Guarders because they can exploit.


You see how your logic from your original post is still a bit iffy.

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Wait, does damage reduced by taunt count for protection score?


Lately I've been playing a tank assassin and keeping taunt more or less on cooldown and guard on a healer if they've prooved they understand that they need to be tossing me some heals if they're taking a beating. If there aren't any healers that can manage that I just guard targets of opportunity, funny how often a guard and even a tank assassins dps can turn a fight where someone is about to die to an easy win.


Just a quick plug for the pvp healers, if you have the guard buff and you're healing yourself please keep in mind that means that somewhere out there is a tank that has lost at least as many hp as you and throw him a quick heal. It's probably the one pulling people away from you, knocking them back and all that. Nothing sucks worse than guarding someone and watching them heal themselves when they're in no real danger and toss heals to other people while they completely ignore the tank under half hp that's taking a beating from them... it's not likely to happen twice if you know what I mean.

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I tend to agree with OP. If there's a healer that I know is healing everyone around objectives rather than off to the side healing a deeps crazed buddy, I vote for that healer. There are one or two very good ones on my server in 10-49 that I know by name.


If there is no good healer, I try to think of someone to vote for who was a good team leader (whether assigned it by the game or not), capping, scoring, calling incoming, or defending really well. Only as a last resort do I give it to top dps. If we lose because our team was full of medal farmers, I don't vote for anyone.

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Why ?

Person with Top damge does not deserve MVP.


Why ? He most likely spammed AoE with only goal of top damage.




Sent/Mara and Gunslinger/Sniper can ONLY do damage well, you piece of #°¦@# Our sole job is blowing up the enemy team both in defense and offense of objectives. We are NOT good at sitting there waiting for anything to happen. That's the role of healers and tanks who can endure until we get there !

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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honestly.... i don't remember who did what in the match..... one or twice, there is actually someone try to lead and coordinate the fight, then i will remember. but other than that, I just look at the numbers.


There are two approach into voting MVP. either base on performance, or base on need.

Personally I vote base on performance, hopefully that will motivate people to work harder for their gear and try harder to improve their skill.

Personally I DON"T vote for people with need, I am not a welfare organization, last time I check, I WORKED for my gear. And please, don't give me the BS of "they got no gear, it will take them a long time since they get killed so fast." Well, guess what, I was there too, and I got to where I am because I worked for it, so you can too.


Tanks getting medals. I am a tank, I am all champion gears, I get from 6-8 medals per match. I don't know about any exploits, and if I want the 50K protection, I have to really work for it provided I have a good team.


I rarely get MVP vote, not even one vote.


The only time I got 3 votes was When I spawn into civil war with enemies taken all 3 turrets, I started to coordinate and actually won the game with only 20hp left on our ship. I direct, coordinate the defense and manage to turn the whole game around. That's the only time i got 3 medals.


My point is...... vote however you like, it just even out on the average. you win some, you lose some. And don't feel like you are entitled to anything, even if you work for it, coz' life is a b*tch

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+1 for you!


Hakd happen to roll on the Tempest server in SWG?



I usually give it to to healing(provided its high enough to not just be your personal heals), I've never see anyone exploiting it, and frankly healers win WZs when they actually support and get shafted with crap healing medals

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You have angered the Might Ven Zallow!

Ven Zallow likes tanks who guard & do over 30k protection!

Mouse over protection it tells you how much on a single target then do the math if a tank guarded for 40k & the highest was 5-10k for a single player means he was swap guarding as needed so i say he earned a extra medal!

ill like to see you play as a tank do CC do dmg & swap guard to your teammates who are in trouble!

Edited by Airoper
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It's really funny that people think that voting the highest damage is bad. The stats score says if your damage is effective or not by the number of killing blows and solo kills. 1 solokill at 140k damage and not scoring once means the guy is a medal farmer. 3 Solo kills and 20 killing blows on 370k damage is a completely different story. Actually this guy is the mvp by far cause he destroyed the enemy team so hard that there wasn't any opposition at all.


The only arguement is that this guy doesnt need the mvp, and that's truth. I joined a huttball with a personal healer that healed ONLY me. He did 500k healing by just spamming heal on me, and I did 400k damage. Took the ball and never tried to score, just decimated the undergeared enemy team while passing them the ball for defender medals. We won 2-0 and this because some random guy thought that scoring would give him objective points ^^. I even gave him mvp ;p

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Hakd happen to roll on the Tempest server in SWG?



I usually give it to to healing(provided its high enough to not just be your personal heals), I've never see anyone exploiting it, and frankly healers win WZs when they actually support and get shafted with crap healing medals


The thing is if someone wants medals exploiting healing ones is the worst way of getting them.

They might as well spec dps and double their medal count. While the healing statistic is open to inflation by healing non-player caused damage, keep in mind that over healing doesn't count so any healing numbers up are there cause someone was hurt and got healed.

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Sent/Mara and Gunslinger/Sniper can ONLY do damage well, you piece of #°¦@# Our sole job is blowing up the enemy team both in defense and offense of objectives. We are NOT good at sitting there waiting for anything to happen. That's the role of healers and tanks who can endure until we get there !



Yea.. Dont really care..


Having healers keeping people alive, and tanks keeping said healers alive doing Objectives is the main thing.



Not my problem you rolled a class with only 1 job.


You can replace any Sent/mara Sniper/Gunslinger with any of the other classes and have amazing damage w/Utility.



I don't think we have a team death match mode that i know of :p

Edited by Spyde
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Yea.. Dont really care..


Having healers keeping people alive, and tanks keeping said healers alive doing Objectives is the main thing.



Not my problem you rolled a class with only 1 job.


You can replace any Sent/mara Sniper/Gunslinger with any of the other classes and have amazing damage w/Utility.



I don't think we have a team death match mode that i know of :p


Yep healers get my vote when they heal me.Tanks?I see em as useless./care bout their guard and stuff.

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Ah hell at the end of the WZ i dont know who I was fighting with.

damn shame.

Some of you folks are really good team mates that I will never see in another WZ.


I try to remember people that healed me through a tough battle.


I try to remember the folks that were positive and useful in chat.


If your a dick in chat, like so many bad leaders are, i will avoid giving you an MVP if i can help it.

If you give people a hard time and they are actually trying to play they will be thinking about how much you are a dick rather then working to win.



and then when i am trying to remember the names of the good players and reading the stats they exit the WZ...


I would like it if they changed that so they could get the mvp bonus in or out of the WZ.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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If I notice that someone in particular is either making an effort to coordinate the action, or is opening all the doors, I will usually vote for them. Otherwise I tend to vote for whoever I ended up healing the most -- if they needed healing, they must have been near the action. They are either good and deserve the vote, or bad and could use more commendations to buy better armor.
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