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Why do people give MVP to the worst player.


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Anyone that does not award medals to a healer in the War Zone is ignorant and ungrateful. Because the system rewards dps classes so generously for their contributions with medals and penalizes individuals for healing and supporting other players, anyone who fails to acknowledge their healers is a DB. The only exception to this is awarding it to someone who makes such a substantial contribution to winning the objective battle that it is noticeable. But in general, healers should get the default MVP votes.
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I never give any mvp to the player with the most medals.


Why ?

because most of the time, they just play to stack medals, and don't do anything to help their team winning.


(Huttball 11 medals guy scenario)


They seek solo killing, protect someone left alone that is going to die anyway (yay 3 protection medals :o) , attack random enemies just to raise their damages and make them respawn just in front of their teammates who are struggling to get a goal ...


i don't say that's it is what you do. But most of the time, the player with 11 medals is not more deserving any mvp than the guy with 4 medals who just tried to complete the objectives since the begining.


Medals + WZs Objectives = Broken system.

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1) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes

2) Medals don't equate to contribution to winning the match. You can score 6 times in huttball, and end with 1 medal.

3) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes

4) Guildies vote for guildies, friends vote for friends

5) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes

6) Everybody loves healers, even if they pad their healing stats


oh...and most importantly


7) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes.



If you are willing to start a post about this, I have a suspicion you may want to look at points 1, 3, 5, and 7.


I can understand that. But all too often you cap the most balls, have the most damage done, have very high protection score, have top medals, and don't say a single word in chat, and you STILL get zero votes. Which is why NOBODY takes the MVP voting seriously, and why so many just leave the zone without voting at all. People are morons. That's all there is to it. Only thing they could have possibly done to make it worse is allow people to vote for themselves.

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I agree with the people who have noted the guy who got low end prolly has crappy gear and/or may have just been trying to help win the game rather than work up medals. I rarely exceed 7 and it's even more rare that I try to get medals. Who cares, I'd rather win the game.
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people take off their gear then put it back on to reset their HP its complete trash. All you people who say s you cant have good score while doing objectives, are retarded.


Wish I caught people doing this cus you can't put gear back on in combat lol

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To be honest i always vote for whoever i feel is the MVP, although i rarely see that as the person with the highest score.

Sometimes when i don't have a good feel for the match i trow my vote blindly on someone with "good" stats, and i think a lot of people do that.


And i never vote for people who whine in ops chat.

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Two reasons:


1. By voting for a player with poor "stats", you are voting for somebody who probably won't get any other votes. This makes your chances of getting the most votes higher so you feel better about yourself.


2. You are Obama and feel handouts should be given out to everyone. It's actually a shame that you can only vote for 1 poorly performing individual. The players who performed the best should actually forfeit their commendations so that each person who is bad can get some.

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My voting priority is: exceptional healing>fun/entertaining player>objective playing>last person. I always vote.


If you're in the top of the charts you obviously don't need help. Don't recall when players stopped helping out their realm mates and actively screwed them to get a tiny bit better, but here we are.

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Just because someone was lower in the "medals" didn't mean they were the worst player, they may have put in a tremendous effort towards winning the match at a cost to there personal score and it was noticed.


Numbers are epeen, winning matches are what matters.


^ This. Especially in level 50 WZs. If you are CCing, interrupting people trying to cap, run to support a node under attack, etc. You probably won't receive the most medals. If you run around hiding, targeting only low health opponents, etc. you may well receive more medals without really helping to win all that much.


Running in to stop the other team from capping and buying time for your team mates will help win, but you will probably die and certainty won't get a medal even though you are making a significant contribution toward a win.


Having said that, I usually give my vote to healers (ones that are actually healing other people) that sort of behavior needs to be encouraged :)

Edited by Erasimus
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Two reasons:


1. By voting for a player with poor "stats", you are voting for somebody who probably won't get any other votes. This makes your chances of getting the most votes higher so you feel better about yourself.


2. You are Obama and feel handouts should be given out to everyone. It's actually a shame that you can only vote for 1 poorly performing individual. The players who performed the best should actually forfeit their commendations so that each person who is bad can get some.


or option 3

You vote for the worst player to piss off the people who think they "deserve" the MVP.

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


I vote for the person that did the most for my team to win. The person with top damage is seldom that person (and it's usually a sorc, the same person that instantly punt the ball if you throw it to him).

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also if im not playing with friends ill mvp vote a player i see defending a node all game or someone who lines himself up perfectly for a pass etc. i vote for ppl who win the game for us. if ppl are just trying to get "top damage" by deathmatching in the center then ya they dont get a vote.


if no one stands out, the top healer always then gets my vote.



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Why so bothered? 1 commendation per vote is a pittance anyway.


It's 5, btw.. and 50 valor. Those MVP votes add up over games.


I will give the vote to the worst ranked person on my team whenever I get games where my teams are absolutely terrible at defedning/attacking objectives.. because that is usually when people are trying to medal farm. Otherwise, If I am playing a healer I give my vote to the top DPS.. if I am playing my DPS, I'll give it to the top healer (Unless you are a sorc that is draining his own life for heals-- I will notice)

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I always give it to the poorest performer because they usually are a fresh 50 with jack for gear. They need every bit of help they can to catch up.


The guy in full battlemaster who exploited his way to rank 60 and is rolling everybody because of gear while simultaneously ignoring objectives to farm medals doesn't need any extra commendations.

Edited by Iriestx
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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


Some people choose to spread the rewards around to help others gain.


The top players tend to be good and well geared, a tiny bit more valor or comms will make less of a difference to them.

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I will always give the MVP to the top healer IF I was getting somewhat consistent heals from them at some point. If they are healing just themselves and the one guildy in the match with them, they don't get my vote (which happens more often than not).


If there is no healer worthy, then I go with anyone that guarded me for an extended period.


After that I go with the highest damage melee. Melee is at a disadvantage in this game (as in all MMOs) and have to work 3X as hard to be effective. Ranged classes are faceroll and don't deserve MVP votes for doing damage. Anyone can stand at the top level of Huttball and freely cast damage down on players that can't get to them.

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