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Why do people give MVP to the worst player.


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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


Because when I go capping at Voidstar, I don't tend to do damage, protection, healing, killing etc.


I'm helping my team win. Means I've got half as much time to get "medals" in the defense phase, and if I end up solo guarding the "ninja" door... then I'm less likely to get lots of medals.


Because if my turret isn't being attacked, I don't leave it alone to go farming medals for my ego to post screenshots on the forums. I want the victory, not the knowledge that some guy decided to cap it while I wasn't there.


If I'm playing Huttball, I don't start Death Matching to get medals, I try and help score - be that by passing to folk, knocking people off the high ledges to gain the high ground advantage, etc.


That means I'm not farming for medals. Means I'm helping my team - making me, guess what, what does MVP mean? Most Voted Player... usually the person who does the "most" useful things in a match.


To use a Football (Soccer for you Americans) analogy - the MVP is almost never awarded to Strikers (who get all the glory), it's usually to a Mid-fielder or defender (or Goalie who's had an exceptional game). It's the guy who helped the team win most, not who had the most personal glory. Because you Sunshine, are a dime a dozen.

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I only give my votes to other SW and they are usually the worst. Who else should i give it to? one of the other 7 sorcerers on the team? The assassin afking? The merc tracer missile spamming? The powertech only getting a kill from pulling people into fire and never using guard/taunt? etc. SW's need the voted because they need the gear and the minor ego boost.
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honestly, these days I rush to give MVP because people leave so fast you cant give them MVP so if you dont click one soon you might as well just not give one. I think you should be required to click one before you can leave but thats just me, many people will disagree.
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ive seen folks pull 300k healing and not get a single medal....


LOL, ive pulled 800k+ healing and not got 1 ;)


2 matches alast night - 3 medals in each - 500k+ healing in each - we won because of my healing in each - 0 MVP votes for me.


Top damage got it every time, for like 150k damage.


MVP is ****ed

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Top healer now usually means some dude sitting in a corner spamming shockfrozen water every 10 seconds. This is the turd you guys are voting as MVP.


You have to take damage to get healing points. And sages/sorcs don't need that to farm healing points anyways. Plus I love those people cus they die when I spot them.

Edited by Callo
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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


I know a guy who's scored 6 times in Huttball and received 0 medals.

I know I'll also vote for the guy in Alderaan who sits left all game and never gets any action. He's sacrificing fun and medal opportunities to do an essential job, so I will vote for him.

It's not always about the stats. They're typically good guidelines, but they're not everything.

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You have to take damage to get healing points. And sages/sorcs don't need that to farm healing points anyways. Plus I love those people cus they die when I spot them.


people take off their gear then put it back on to reset their HP its complete trash. All you people who say s you cant have good score while doing objectives, are retarded.

Edited by VertisReaper
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With guildies, we usually vote for each other. In Pugs, I rarely vote for top damager. Generally I will vote for top heals or top protection... unless I noticed another person in the match that contributed a great deal but didn't top a chart.
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I have noticed that alot of people either dont vote at all or randomly clicks on whatever player.


I usually reward people who put effort for "us" winning. Why would I care that you have the highest dmg/prot/heal w/e if you focued on farming it, instead of being useful to the team? Had a sorc like that raging over it after Voidstar because everyone voted for jugg, who simply hold one gate alone most of the time against 2-3 players while rest was farming or waiting 40sec in respawn point ><

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I always give to the top healer, period. They get by far the fewest medals (unless they cheese the system, stop healing at 75k and start dealing worthless dmg instead), and tend to be the ones carrying the team to victory. They need the votes the most.
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I always give to the top healer, period. They get by far the fewest medals (unless they cheese the system, stop healing at 75k and start dealing worthless dmg instead), and tend to be the ones carrying the team to victory. They need the votes the most.


Often that "worthless damage" can be quite useful. If I'm healing, and none of my allies nearby are dropping much, I'll throw out DoTs to soften enemies or keep them off objectives, or I'll hit them with Telekinetic Throw to put a little extra pressure on an enemy being focused, or I'll hit them with Telekinetic Throw just to slow them as they approach an objective. Once a bomb is planted in voidstar, I'm gonna stop what I'm doing and spam Forcequake on the point to prevent a defuse.


Dealing damage is not worthless as a healer, it's just situational. Picking off enemies at low health isn't a way of medal farming, it's extra assurance that an enemy dies when your allies aren't in immediate trouble


If they're heal-specced and running around spamming dps attacks, sure. But getting 75k damage done over long games, getting the killing blow medal, and getting the assassin medal (if someone almost killed them and failed, and you snipe them, it counts as a solo kill) are not unreasonable or simply "medal farming" for healers. It's a a sign of a good healer that they will throw out little bits of damage where appropriate.

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All you people who say s you cant have good score while doing objectives, are retarded.


I've actually told everyone on all the servers to make sure you don't get MVP. It's a vast conspiracy of 'tards and bads.

Edited by Connor_Mack
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I always give to the top healer, period. They get by far the fewest medals (unless they cheese the system, stop healing at 75k and start dealing worthless dmg instead), and tend to be the ones carrying the team to victory. They need the votes the most.



Yup, as do I, top healer or protector. Unless I see someone doing an outstanding job leading or coordinating the fight. I never look at damage numbers.

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LOL, ive pulled 800k+ healing and not got 1 ;)


2 matches alast night - 3 medals in each - 500k+ healing in each - we won because of my healing in each - 0 MVP votes for me.


Top damage got it every time, for like 150k damage.


MVP is ****ed


This is what happens to me more often than not. I'm always the top healer with usually around 375-400k healing, and if I'm lucky I'll get 2 votes. I've also had at least 1 game with 500k+ and 0 mvp votes. I ragequit that night I was so pissed.


To the OP: I would never vote tanks for mvp. Yes they're awesome to have in a game, but you guys get all the tank medals, all the dps medals, and usually at least a few healing medals for unequipping gear at the start. Just be happy with your 8-10 medals every game and let other people have the little valor/coms that come from mvp. As a good healer the best I can hope for is 5 medals, and usually it's only 3-4.

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This is what happens to me more often than not. I'm always the top healer with usually around 375-400k healing, and if I'm lucky I'll get 2 votes. I've also had at least 1 game with 500k+ and 0 mvp votes. I ragequit that night I was so pissed.


To the OP: I would never vote tanks for mvp. Yes they're awesome to have in a game, but you guys get all the tank medals, all the dps medals, and usually at least a few healing medals for unequipping gear at the start. Just be happy with your 8-10 medals every game and let other people have the little valor/coms that come from mvp. As a good healer the best I can hope for is 5 medals, and usually it's only 3-4.


Except...good tanks will keep you from dying...ever. Guard + taunt + well timed cc/slow are incredible tools in all warzones.


Tank specced juggernaughts are THE MOST valuable class to have in Huttball. Combine that with a sorcerer's pull and you should never lose if you play it right.

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Except...good tanks will keep you from dying...ever. Guard + taunt + well timed cc/slow are incredible tools in all warzones.


Tank specced juggernaughts are THE MOST valuable class to have in Huttball. Combine that with a sorcerer's pull and you should never lose if you play it right.


Also the ability to friendly-leap a stealthed target sitting near their goal. :3

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


Sometimes they pick the guy that waited alone on the door/ turret while the rest of them ran off in a Zerg and screamed for help when the got gibbed but managed to save the objective I've walked out games with less than 60k damage but got MVP's because I'm the dude that said "ok ill do it" when my team asks for someone to gaurd an objective.

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I generally will give it to one of the healers, sometimes top dps and sometimes bottom of the list.


But I do want to point out that my first objective is winning the match. I'll DPS, guard a turret, heal in a pinch, whatever it takes.


Sometimes that makes me #1 in several stats. And sometimes not.


So please don't generalize that anyone at the top is just in it for themselves. It IS possible to work your *** off for the team and show up at the top. ;)


That said, I don't care about votes. If I get one, great. If not, I generally get enough medals just playing the match.




I never give mvp to top-damage kiddies. they're self-serving and narrow-minded.


however, i will give mvp to the guy who i think tried the hardest to get the job done, who helped keep his team mates alive. Dudes running around just getting thrill kills and racking up dps for his ego are useless. they get nothing from me but a /golfclap.

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I have found that people always toss the MVP to the person most likely to not be voted mvp, in an attempt to secure the most votes for themselves... which ironically gives the least helpful person the most mvp votes. Edited by moltig
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Except...good tanks will keep you from dying...ever. Guard + taunt + well timed cc/slow are incredible tools in all warzones.


Tank specced juggernaughts are THE MOST valuable class to have in Huttball. Combine that with a sorcerer's pull and you should never lose if you play it right.


I agree that a good tank and healer can make or break a WZ match. But tanks can get a lot of medals really easy as healers if doing thier job properly will usually get like 3-4. I always vote for the tank that guarded me, but I think healers need some love.

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