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Hi! My name is Tracer Missile.


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You might remember me from my role in the hit movie Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. I only had one scene, but I like to think I made an "explosive" impact!


Bioware certainly thought so. I'll tell you, I couldn't be more thrilled when they called me up and asked me to reprise my role in their new game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. They stuck me with this nice fellow called the Mercenary, who always seems like he's trying really hard to be Boba Fett, even though he's clearly based off of my partner from the movies, Jango Fett! Isn't that silly?


They even got a part for my cousin, Grav Round! He got paired up with this other guy called the Commando, but nobody talks about them for some reason. Maybe because he's not as flashy as me.


But introductions aside, I'm here to talk to all of you about some nasty things I've been hearing people say about my good buddy, the Mercenary. It breaks my heart to hear some of the things you've been saying to him, both in the game and on these very forums. Things like 'Tracer Noob' and 'Tracer Spammer' and all sorts of other bad things. Let's just talk for a moment, so I can maybe help you understand why the Mercenary seems to love using me so much.


You see, I help a lot of his other skills. I'll just go over a quick list of them...


Tracer Missile: Well, of course I had to be on the list. I mean, I hit pretty darn hard, and I don't have a cool down, and my cast time is pretty quick! Plus, whenever I score a critical strike, I make the Mercenary vent 8 heat! Also, after three of me, I apply five stacks of a neat debuff called Heat Signature that lowers your armor and lets the Mercenary do other things to you. Like...


Heatseeker Missiles: This is at the top of the Arsenal tree, and with five stacks of that Heat Signature debuff, it deals a nice 25% extra damage! Pretty good that it does, too, since it doesn't hit all that hard without it.


Rail Shot: This ability can be used on you once you have at least one stack of Heat Signature on you. But I also improve this ability, because after the Mercenary shoots five of me, I make this do 30% more damage!


Unload: Yup! I make this better too. Aside from my neat Heat Signature debuff making it hit harder, any time the Mercenary shoots one of me, I might give him a little parting gift and make this ability hit 25% harder! Not only that, but if my buddy happened to use this a few seconds before, I'll reset the cool down for him immediately! Aren't I helpful?


Power Barrier: But that's not all I do for my Mercenary pal. Every time he shoots me, I make him take less damage from his enemies. After five of me, he'll take 10% less damage from everything!


As you can see, there's basically no reason the Mercenary shouldn't use me a lot. Sadly, however, there are some Mercenaries who love me a little to much... I mean, I know I'm pretty cool, but I feel bad for his other abilities. They just never get any attention at all, even after all I do to improve them. I want you to do me a favor and beat these Mercenaries up, they're bad people.


Am I overpowered? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not! I'm sure Bioware will figure that out eventually. I can't wait to see if I get any attention from the patch notes! In the meantime, next time you see a Mercenary using me, don't get upset. He's just doing what Bioware wants him to do - and that's use me! All the time!


Actually, I have a better idea. Why don't you wave at him? I'll ask him to let me come hug you.

Edited by TrollBerzerker
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You might remember me from my role in the hit movie Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. I only had one scene, but I like to think I made an "explosive" impact!




Actually, I have a better idea. Why don't you wave at him? I'll ask him to let me come hug you.


That was too funny! Also, thought of "Hi, I'm Troy McClure! You may remember me from such educational films as "Two Minus Three Equals Negative Fun" and "Firecrackers: The Silent Killer" (The Simpsons humor :D )


I hate the Merc just because of the Tracer Missile. I hate the animation of him bending over. You might as well make him just fly up into the air and taunt you when he uses a very powerful ability...oh wait :p (Death from Above isn't OP, just powerful)

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1. L2Interrupt


2. Profit


You mean the Unload he was going to use anyway?


Against people who spam TM constantly, interrupts win. Against people who rotate their skills, interrupts don't do much unless you can get them right at the start, which isn't always possible, as Shadows and Sentinels/Guardians have greatly reduced range (10 and 4 m, respectively). Also, Commandos don't get an interrupt at all.

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Everyone knows you cant take a commando or mercenary serious.. I don't respect any of them. Easy kill, but I don't respect anyone playing that class.. and the damage done at the end doesn't count being a mercenary/commando.


I assume you only mean only the DPS Mercs/Commandos. If you have no respect for the healers, then you will find yourself fighting with no green numbers above your head...

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They're annoying, yes but they're also part of a mechanic which mercenaries needs to work around to bring you down.

If you interrupt one tracer missile, they're stuck following their priority list without having a great debuff on you (that's if you were bright enough or fast enough to do something about it)


Grav rounds & Tracer missiles are a necessary evil.

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Everyone knows you cant take a commando or mercenary serious.. I don't respect any of them. Easy kill, but I don't respect anyone playing that class.. and the damage done at the end doesn't count being a mercenary/commando.


You mean Arsenel spec Mercs. Bodyguard = healer, Pyrotech = non-missile spammer


Pyro's like to use Unload and Rail Shot a lot. We don't use missiles at all. Ever.

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They're annoying, yes but they're also part of a mechanic which mercenaries needs to work around to bring you down.

If you interrupt one tracer missile, they're stuck following their priority list without having a great debuff on you (that's if you were bright enough or fast enough to do something about it)


Grav rounds & Tracer missiles are a necessary evil.


Yes sadly its the spec's bread and butter attack. It doesn't hit hard enough to be nerfworthy(450 expertise and mine hits for 1.3-1.5k starting), and adding a cooldown to it would require a complete rework of the tree.


It takes 3 grav rounds to setup demolition round for maximum damage. 4.5 Seconds

It takes 5 grav rounds to setup high impact bolt for maximum damage. 9 Seconds

It has a chance to proc a full auto Damage buff and cooldown reset.

It grants damage reduction of 2% per use(upto 10%) 9 Seconds


The whole tree pretty much revolves around the attack. Adding a cooldown of say 3 seconds would double to amount of time it takes to setup for the rest of the attacks. Even then it would be


Grav Round->Charged Bolts->Grav Round->Charged Bolts->Grav round->Demolition Round-> Grav Round->Charged Bolts->Grav Round->High Impact Bolt


Considering demolition Round and High impact bolt have 15 second cooldowns and charged bolts is a pretty weak compared to grav round.

Edited by Kyrandis
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Nice to meet you Tracer Missile, but you can be interrupted and LoSed - putting your owner momentaly in a "lol, got owned!" position without chances to do something different, so i get rid of you ASAP... sorry, bye! :(
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On lower level WZs i used to see 3 or 4 mercs on the opposite team.

At level 50 i barely see more than 1 or 2 of them. And they keep a low profile.


OFC, if you are attacked by 3 tracer spammers, you'll most likely end up dead.

But when you get outnumbered you die most of the time, tracer spamming or not. Now if you have at least 2 decent allies with you on a 3 on 3 fight, i don't see them spammers winning.

Edited by Wassawp
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