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Giving a grace period for STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Sure, some people think they could lose a few hours of playtime, or rather staying in queue more like it :cool:


For me personnally, the grace period works just perfect, since my physical copy is sheduled to arrive on the 21. via air mail from good ol England.

Edited by Tancredy
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I'm not sure this accomplished anything, BioWare. The people who are in need of a grace period were those who's copy of the game is not due to arrive until the 28th or later. Extending early access to the 22nd doesn't help them.


This only affects players who are going to be getting their copy on the 21st or 22nd, which is a small number of those affected. And those people would have only been without access for a day or two at most. It's the customers who will be without access for a week or more that most desperately needed a grace period, but your system fails all of them. The grace period should have been 1 week.


Second, you say that you "can't" extend the grace period any longer. The word you're looking for is "won't." You can extend the grace period for any length of time, but have chosen not to. I don't appreciate the spin you tried to put on this, it just sounds sleezy when you try to claim that that's the best you could do, like it's somehow beyond your control.



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Thank you very much, now I'm gonna get locked out of the game.


I won't be getting my copy of the game until after the 25th, according to the retailer, due to international shipping and because it's christmas, so this two day grace period does absolutely nothing to help me.

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As an Aussie I had to import a physical copy of the game and pay $15 shipping just to get a key to a game I can download (Origin won't sell us the digital version as the game hasn't been "released" here yet) This is just another kick in the guts. It's almost 2012, you'd think EA would understand the internet by now.


My estimated delivery date is the 3rd of Jan according to Amazon. No SWTOR for me for a fortnight :(

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As an Aussie I had to import a physical copy of the game and pay $15 shipping just to get a key to a game I can download (Origin won't sell us the digital version as the game hasn't been "released" here yet) This is just another kick in the guts. It's almost 2012, you'd think EA would understand the internet by now.


My estimated delivery date is the 3rd of Jan according to Amazon. No SWTOR for me for a fortnight :(


I am also a aussie...


As i previously said i am getting my copy of the 21st...


Who did you order your's through?

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The easiest solution is to allow the pre-orders to buy a month of gametime and then when they get their game they can enter in the key at that time. Limit it to one month, that way people with the code who cancelled before getting it just get a month of "grace" they paid for and all of the pre-orders who are not getting their game when they should can not be penalized by a bad distribution system. Sorry if this was posted earlier as a solution, I didn't want to read all the pages of whining and no solutions offered.
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I received an Email froM Amazon saying that my box wont arrive until somewhere between 5-12th of January.


So as a best case scenario I wont have TOR access from the 22nd till the 5th of January?

You wont get a subscription from me I'm afraid.


I'm sure you don't care, but it's funny what word of mouth can achieve when you piss off too many customers.

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I received an Email froM Amazon saying that my box wont arrive until somewhere between 5-12th of January.


So as a best case scenario I wont have TOR access from the 22nd till the 5th of January?

You wont get a subscription from me I'm afraid.


I'm sure you don't care, but it's funny what word of mouth can achieve when you piss off too many customers.


That looks like an issue with amazon to me

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The easiest solution is to allow the pre-orders to buy a month of gametime and then when they get their game they can enter in the key at that time. Limit it to one month, that way people with the code who cancelled before getting it just get a month of "grace" they paid for and all of the pre-orders who are not getting their game when they should can not be penalized by a bad distribution system. Sorry if this was posted earlier as a solution, I didn't want to read all the pages of whining and no solutions offered.


The easiest thing would be to simply increase the grace period to 1-2 weeks. Ultimately it is BioWare's customers who are affected by these shipping delays, regardless of who's to blame for the delays. I used to work for a car dealership. When the Canada-wide car manufacturer (in this case, it was NISSAN Canada) was sluggish to respond to problems affecting our customers, our owner used to fix their cars for free anyway, literally paying right out of his own pocket. It wasn't our dealership's fault that things weren't getting handled, but we made sure our customers stayed happy.


I don't care who's fault it is, BioWare needs to learn a thing or two about customer service. And to think they actually said "we listened to our customers." If they listened, they would realize that their fix doesn't really solve the issue.


The players who are going to receive their copies on the 21st or 22nd don't need a grace period at all. A whole two days without access? Aww, poor them. It's the players who are going to be without access for a week or more who actually needed a fix for their dilemma, and BioWare is still hanging them out to dry.


Disclaimer: I was someone who, lucky for me, ordered a purely online edition of the game through Origin. I was in early access on the first day, and have already received my game code so I will not experience any interruption in services. While I have no personal investment in the issues surrounding the grace period, or lack thereof, I find it just a little appalling that BioWare is so willing to throw at least a portion of their customers under a bus, then has the gall to say "we listened to you" and "we can't do any better." As a person who's spent his fair share of time in an industry dealing with customer service, it's pretty obvious to me that BioWare could be doing a whole lot more (really at no cost, too, which is what baffles me; there's no cost:benefit ratio to consider; they get their money now, or 7 days from now with a 1 week grace period) but have chosen not to. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth.



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Regarding the SHIPPING DELAY, I've sent 2 messages to the support. I'll be posting the answers here as soon as I get them.


The messages were:




Hello. On July I've pre-ordered a physical copy of the game from Fnac (France), since the game is not available here in Brazil(I don't know why it isn't).


I'm already playing since 13th, but I'm afraid the physical copy won't get to my house until 22th, since it usually take up to two weeks for Fnac french stuff to get here after it's shipped. That means I won't have my game box (with the code) even after the grace period.


So I'll have to stop playing the game????? The reason why I didn't care about the shipping delay and pre-ordered the physical copy from France was because you told me I would receive my code immediately. (and I did). But now the code I received is not valid for the 30 days????? This is BS! If I'm gonna have to stop playing for weeks and wait for the damn box, my pre-order and early access were good for nothing. In fact, they were the worse thing, since I could just buy a digital copy on the 20th.


So what do I do? The pre-order code I have does not work when I try to redeem it (it gives me the message "The code has already been used.")


Is there at least a way I can buy more game time for my account NOW and then when my physical edition arrives I redeem that code as well? Because I'm sure I won't have this box on December 22th or even near that date...


I would be really disappointed if I just lose access on 22th, since I pre-ordered and I want to PAY (and play).







Hi, previously I've sent a message regarding the fact that my physical pre-ordered copy of the game won't reach me until waaay after 22th (due to cross-countries mail delays), so I would lose the launch and even weeks after it if you don't give me CHANCE TO BUY game time before entering A CODE I WON'T HAVE FOR AT LEAST A MONTH.


So now I went to Fnac.fr site to check if my game box is at least coming and it was not even shipped yet!!!! ***! How am I supposed to play the game??????????? I pre-ordered so I could play the early access and continue to play, non-stop!!!!!! So now I will have to stop playing and WAIT 1 MONTH for the F***ING BOX to arrive??????????????? What is happening????











Let's see how they answer me...:mad:

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I received an Email froM Amazon saying that my box wont arrive until somewhere between 5-12th of January.


So as a best case scenario I wont have TOR access from the 22nd till the 5th of January?

You wont get a subscription from me I'm afraid.


I'm sure you don't care, but it's funny what word of mouth can achieve when you piss off too many customers.


They shouldn't care, as that's Amazon's fault.


Even if it wasn't, it's childish to use impatience as an excuse for actions out of spite.

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Long live UPS! It seems that contrary to all my fears, my game might actually make it here tomorrow as Amazon promised. Tracking shows it making its way from Germany to Sweden to Finland to Estonia today, just one day left for it to cross this tiny country, then. :)
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They shouldn't care, as that's Amazon's fault.


Even if it wasn't, it's childish to use impatience as an excuse for actions out of spite.


It's not impatience or childish, It's a consumer choice to not support a company that does not support me. Simple.


It is not Amazons fault either. I was forced to pre-order through Amazon because EA/Bioware in their infinite wisdom would not allow Australia the option to purchase or pre-order through Origin.


It doesn't matter to me. EA & Bioware are on the list.

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It's not impatience or childish, It's a consumer choice to not support a company that does not support me. Simple.


It is not Amazons fault either. I was forced to pre-order through Amazon because EA/Bioware in their infinite wisdom would not allow Australia the option to purchase or pre-order through Origin.


It doesn't matter to me. EA & Bioware are on the list.


You're right, how dare they not support your location. For their product, AUSSIES almost always have a delay in there releases, with any game, stop crying like a preteen and learn how to get around these obstacles. Good life lesson for you right there, people won't hold your hand forever matey

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excellent news and i think a thank you is in order.


Thats not to say this shouldnt have been in place since the beginning, considering the time of year and, especially in the uk, the terrible postal service it was inevitable that many would not be getting their physical copies before release.


anyway, thank you for the grace period, hopefully i will have my copy before it runs out.

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You're right, how dare they not support your location. For their product, AUSSIES almost always have a delay in there releases, with any game, stop crying like a preteen and learn how to get around these obstacles. Good life lesson for you right there, people won't hold your hand forever matey


I'm not crying ********, I'm just not buying. Accept it and **** off. :D

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