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Giving a grace period for STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Theres another thing that worries me. Theres information in my account that says "You must sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code before you can play". Does it mean that in order to play from 22th I have to buy additional prepaid card right away and insert the code? Or can I buy it in January and enjoy the first 30 days without worring about additional payments?


You might want to check the game FAQ:



You need to basically prove that you have some method of payment set up, whether it's subscription or game card. If you buy a game card and redeem it right away, the time is not used from it until the initial 30 free days is over. (So... Jan 20 or so). Hope that makes sense. :)

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Hello everyone,


While we've worked closely with our retailers in the launch territories to ensure copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic are available from our launch date of December 20th, we understand that for those of you who’ve pre-ordered, there may be a concern about getting your copy on time. We’ve heard you want a 'grace period' where you can continue to play without having to enter a final product registration code (AKA 'game code').




this was a logistical and engineering necessity. only rational. if this necessity was appreciated properly from the start, there would be no need for all the hassles and stampede that has ensued.


anyway all in all its good now.

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That's a very pleasant surprise, thank you for that.


Frankly I wouldn't be upset at all if the grace period was deducted from the 30 days free time. I wont be picking it up until the 23'rd, and if the grace period was deducted based on the date I started playing that would have been completely acceptable.

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Thank you for the extension. Now if the line for the phone could be addressed so I could talk to someone about getting in the game and finishing downloading it. I bought my CE copy in August and have not been able to play early for the last 3 days due to various frustrating factors. Please call me if one of the techs gets a chance.
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sooo pretty much every one is in the game already just wonder when the hell i can join then i did pay for the game and been waiting for some days now for the game but can understand that i don't get a inv before Dec the 15 thanks to a late pre-order. but after all the talk about pre-order and you get in 5 days before the Dec 20 seems a bit like bs if you ask me.
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So let me get this correct, unless I've misinterpreted your post:


Anyone whose already added a code, you are paying from the 20th

Anyone who'll actually get their code or physical box....err forget where you've put it for a couple of days and we'll let you have an extra 2 days free.


Makes completely no sense whatsoever. Why not do the common sense thing and have all subscriptions commence 30 days following the end of the 2 day grace period and that will encourage everyone to simple enter their code as soon as received and ensure all are being treated equally. :confused:


$14.99 for an average 30 day month works out to 50 cents a day for play time. Two days at 50 cents per day makes $1 of grace time. Are you seriously going to tell me you are whining that you aren't being treated "equally" because someone entering their code at the end of the 2 day grace period is getting $1 of free play time when you did not? Give me a break! :rolleyes:

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