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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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Good for them. And they will probably lack other features which TOR already has. This game is new, its beautiful and well done. The story is amazing, and new content is on the way. The only bad thing about this game is the negativity of the community.

I hope you switch over, one less whiner to make demands and poison this fantastic game with all your negative remarks.


Can you give me two features that ToR has outside of fully voice acted quests and the light/dark side points - companions? Glorified pets. Crafting? Unique in implementation, limited in scope.


People are not wrong for expecting a NEW game to have most of the features WoW has currently, and they are especially not wrong for expecting a new game to have features every MMO has/should have from the start (UI customization, Combat log to name a few)

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What is with all the car analogies? Not saying they are wrong, it's just the past few days everyone has been using a car to try to explain this.


They're easy to understand and accurate.


And people keep ignoring them and so the circle of redundancy continues.

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Your overly positive, blindfolded praise of this steaming pile of code is even worse than his negativity.


Have you been on these forums before? I've never seen so much whining and negativity cramped into one forum before, not even WoWs. I'm only giving Bioware some well-earned praise.

I'm positive towards this game because I love it, and I believe in it. And frankly I'm tired of people going on about how much more they want, because they're never happy.

When Bioware adds another 2-3 requested features, there'll be no thanks given, the community will just complain about how poorly designed they are and start demanding more.


This game deserves some positive support

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have you been on these forums before? I've never seen so much whining and negativity cramped into one forum before, not even wows. I'm only giving bioware some well-earned praise.

I'm positive towards this game because i love it, and i believe in it. And frankly i'm tired of people going on about how much more they want, because they're never happy.

When bioware adds another 2-3 requested features, there'll be no thanks given, the community will just complain about how poorly designed they are and start demanding more.


This game deserves some positive support


qq moar!

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What is with all the car analogies? Not saying they are wrong, it's just the past few days everyone has been using a car to try to explain this.


Because the automobile industry has a level of competition as well as industry norms that every manufacture has to adhere to.


New cars that are released without seatbelts, power steering, heating/air conditioning don't do well no matter how cool they look or how new they are. Sooner or later the newness wears off and all you are left with is an inferior product that doesn't last that long.



Now, replace:

- "Automobile" with "MMO"

- "Manufacturer" with "Gaming Company"

- "Cars" with "Games"

- "Seatbelts, power steering, heating/air conditioning" with "combat log/UI customization/endgame content"


and you see why.

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I don't think anyone expected SW:TOR to have the full depth of all features WoW has, but some things are just so basic it's hard to believe any modern MMO releases without them. Things like a combat log, macro's, or some semblance of UI customization. Now we might even forgive all these oversights, if other things like end game were at least well designed, but even that's not really the case. It's bland and buggy as hell.


For SW:TOR, it seems they put everything into the leveling up story line, which is great, I really did enjoy that part. I just don't believe it has any amount of lasting appeal right now.

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Because the automobile industry has a level of competition as well as industry norms that every manufacture has to adhere to.


New cars that are released without seatbelts, power steering, heating/air conditioning don't do well no matter how cool they look or how new they are. Sooner or later the newness wears off and all you are left with is an inferior product that doesn't last that long.



Now, replace:

- "Automobile" with "MMO"

- "Manufacturer" with "Gaming Company"

- "Cars" with "Games"

- "Seatbelts, power steering, heating/air conditioning" with "combat log/UI customization/endgame content"


and you see why.


Sorry but that is silly, mmo companys do not have regulations that they have to adhere to for health and safety and they do not have regulations for what goes into the game which is what car companys have to follow.


What your proffessing to is akin to saying but why does a merc have sat nav but a ford its an optional extra. get some perspective already.


And you can trust me i know the rules and regs of what has to be in a car for it to be street legal.

Edited by Shingara
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umm... the mechanics/pvp/questing/grinding is EXACTLY like WoW... just sayin'.


lol @ you paying and waiting for this game to MAYBE someday get better

If you can post in this thread, you are paying TOO.

If you arent paying anymore, I'll have the pleasure to not read you anymore when you sub time will expire.


I'm enjoying the game. Do I need to justify myself?

I dont think so.

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If you can post in this thread, you are paying TOO.

If you arent paying anymore, I'll have the pleasure to not read you anymore when you sub time will expire.


I'm enjoying the game. Do I need to justify myself?

I dont think so.


My sub expired on Feb 10th.

How I can still post I have no idea.

Another thing BW apparently botched.


/poop on game

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Sorry but that is silly, mmo companys do not have regulations that they have to adhere to for health and safety and they do not have regulations for what goes into the game which is what car companys have to follow.


What your proffessing to is akin to saying but why does a merc have sat nav but a ford its an optional extra. get some perspective already.


And you can trust me i know the rules and regs of what has to be in a car for it to be street legal.


That's why it's an analogy and not a literal comparison?

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qq moar!


Pretty hypocritical coming from a narrow-minded hater like yourself :p

Your response is also a good sign of a lack of intelligence. In face of opposition you've got nothing better to come up with than a lazy comment, instead of discussing the actual subject, or actually commenting on what I said.

Go somewhere else and be irrelevant

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That's why it's an analogy and not a literal comparison?


And as an anology its still flawed as your subjecting to what is under rules and reg, what is under optional extras and also under what price bracket the automobile falls under. Not to mention the fact that cars that do not have some of the things you mention are named as supercars when it comes to optional extras which blows what you say out of the water when using said analogy.

Edited by Shingara
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Sorry but that is silly, mmo companys do not have regulations that they have to adhere to for health and safety and they do not have regulations for what goes into the game which is what car companys have to follow.


What your proffessing to is akin to saying but why does a merc have sat nav but a ford its an optional extra. get some perspective already.



1, They have regulations they adhere to for the health and safety of their game, absolutely. In this market, games that are released that are missing these features typically don't do well and even some of the ones that DO don't always make out for whatever reason.


2, UI customization/combat logs (which has been available in MMO's for years, going on decades) aren't really "optional extras", they are standards. A cross-realm LFG and perhaps even recount would be more of what of an optional extra.


The point is, this game is fairly good and is riding its IP. Sooner or later that is going to wear off. Look around already, many complaints from people who LOVE the game are centered around a lack of people being in game.

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1, They have regulations they adhere to for the health and safety of their game, absolutely. In this market, games that are released that are missing these features typically don't do well and even some of the ones that DO don't always make out for whatever reason.


2, UI customization/combat logs (which has been available in MMO's for years, going on decades) aren't really "optional extras", they are standards. A cross-realm LFG and perhaps even recount would be more of what of an optional extra.


The point is, this game is fairly good and is riding its IP. Sooner or later that is going to wear off. Look around already, many complaints from people who LOVE the game are centered around a lack of people being in game.


Still stands you cant adhere to saying but if this car or that truck or this motorbike etc, totaly diff beasts. UI cust is coming, and the point is this is a new game and you cant expect everything in at once, games that try to throw everything in at launch normally drop on there faces as they try todo to much at once and get swamped under bugs.


This game realeased with more then most mmos do at launch and is just keeping ontop of the bugs, they are releasing things step by step. I personally dont mind people comparing it to wow, rift or anything else but when you compare something it has to be subjective to the subject matter.

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I think car analogies are perfect for this... here's why (my opinion and perspective)


Let's take one example of a new car company that wanted to be in the market... Lexus.


Can you imagine if Lexus wanted to compete with Cadillac and BMW, but had manual transmissions, no intermittent wipers, no leather seats, no power steering, no navigation systems, etc... Basically, no luxury components (or what some might call standard features today). Could they possibly be in the same category and want to appeal to the same customer base as the other manufacturers in that space? Not a chance.


Now, if Lexus came out and wanted to compete with Saturn (when they existed), they could easily not include those features, cause those might be options on Saturns too. However, would they distinguish themselves and drive customers to their product as opposed to other car manufacturers in that same space? Probably not, unless price was a difference.


With games competing for the same customers in the same space, you need to compete with one of two things... Price or features.


SW is the same price as the other subscription based MMO's. So, then they need features that are either compatible, or better than their competitors.


Do they have features that are better or at least compete with their competitors? Some maybe, but by and large, no, they don't. Thus, based upon features (that may or may not be standard now in other games in the same space), SW comes up a little shy and will not compete well long term (unless they implement them soon).

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I think car analogies are perfect for this... here's why (my opinion and perspective)


Let's take one example of a new car company that wanted to be in the market... Lexus.


Can you imagine if Lexus wanted to compete with Cadillac and BMW, but had manual transmissions, no intermittent wipers, no leather seats, no power steering, no navigation systems, etc... Basically, no luxury components (or what some might call standard features today). Could they possibly be in the same category and want to appeal to the same customer base as the other manufacturers in that space? Not a chance.


Now, if Lexus came out and wanted to compete with Saturn (when they existed), they could easily not include those features, cause those might be options on Saturns too. However, would they distinguish themselves and drive customers to their product as opposed to other car manufacturers in that same space? Probably not, unless price was a difference.


With games competing for the same customers in the same space, you need to compete with one of two things... Price or features.


SW is the same price as the other subscription based MMO's. So, then they need features that are either compatible, or better than their competitors.


Do they have features that are better or at least compete with their competitors? Some maybe, but by and large, no, they don't. Thus, based upon features (that may or may not be standard now in other games in the same space), SW comes up a little shy and will not compete well long term (unless they implement them soon).


Fail, lexus are toyota.

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Insert any manufacturer you want... analogy is an analogy...




some people, thick heads...


Nope, still fail, lexus are and always have been toyota, they are there prestige car department, they created it because certain markets couldnt see toyotas as being prestiages car makers so they created lexus brand name.


And it dont matter who you put in for a car manufacturer, they all have there bottom of the range and top of the range models.

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Nope, still fail, lexus are and always have been toyota, they are there prestige car department, they created it because certain markets couldnt see toyotas as being prestiages car makers so they created lexus brand name.


You are stuck on one aspect of the post, probably on purpose. Your opinion about the post, is simply that, your opinion (regardless if it is fact that Lexus is a Toyota product). Analogy still stands.


Fail at troll attempt on your part! :D

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BUT stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does. WoW had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.


Entirely irrelevant, the genre was nowhere near as progressed then as it is now and there was very little to compare it to.


Since WoWs launch almost 8 years ago MANY advances have been made and alot more of those advances should have been present in SWTOR.

Its called evolution

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Meldwyn, your analogy fails time after time. as has been pointed out, if you take out all the health and safety regulations of what has to be there and then see what is left as optional extras you basically have radio, sat nav and tinted windows. Edited by Shingara
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People are whining for comfortable seats, a hand brake, efficient fuel usage, a speedometer, air-bags etc etc. And I understand that, cause I want those things aswell.


BUT stop saying that Ferrari is a failed car because they don't have all this, while for example Chrysler does. Chrysler had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.



Sorry to call you back to reality friend but this is 2012 and the MMO-market has developed (a bit at least) since the release of WOW.


In other words: a non-crap company doesn't have to release an MMO that can (or in the case of SWTOR can't) compete with WOW in 2004. They need to release an MMO that can compete with WOW in the present.


Anything else is a slap in the face - especially if the trash product (SWTOR) costs the same or more then WOW does.


Would you buy a car with the same features as a car in the 70ties while paying the same price as a modern car costs? I sure as hell wouldn't...

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Meldwyn, your analogy fails time after time. as has been pointed out, if you take out all the health and safety regulations of what has to be there and then see what is left as optional extras you basically have radio, sat nav and tinted windows.


You are being deliberately obtuse.


Bottom line - ToR was released without several key and many other minor features, and peoples complaints about a 300 million dollar project missing these things are valid.


Now please, go ahead and tell me how something as simple as a combat log was not included in the shipped product and why it that is ok and acceptable in 2012.

Edited by Frostvein
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