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Will Bioware really change Sentinels mechanics?


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They just need to improve combat so it builds focus faster and easier as part of the rotation. Maybe even turn Ataru attacks into a focus building rather then draining.


Build focus faster???

Force leap, Zealous strike, and you have 10 Focus out of a possible 12. How fast you can build focus is not an issue. Maintaining it is a little harder Making Righteous Zeal bring the Zealous strike time down a little further than it currently does could be worth while, but that is about it.

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What do you guys all have against the sentinel?


I haven't played my Sentinel for a while and played a trooper instead. Now, after some patches, I tried it again and I was surprised how crappy my trooper was and how much damage the sentinel does. It seems that the normal atk does almost 1k dmg...


And playing the trooper is kinda boring, my Watchman sentinel is way more interesting to play. Of course, you can't just stupidly press a button, but there is always something to do with the sentinel, while the trooper is more waiting.


Frankly: The trooper feels much mor 'casual' than the Sentinel.

If you always die with your char while attacking normal mobs, than either you're too weak (bad equip or level too low) or you chose the wrong class for you. I now realized that the Sentinel was the right choice for me. Though some Story Missions are really tough...


dude, way off topic. we are not talking about how good, bad, or ugly sentinels are, we are talking about whether or not a change reducing some of the mechanical goofiness is justified.


If a mechanical change is suggested that reduces a sent's power, even I would be against it, and I am a strong supporter of simplifying the mechanics... but not at the cost of sent strength and what little utility they have.


and no one is complaining about sent's dps, or ability to level/solo/pvp etc. Just it's mechanics.

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After I have worked up to 50 learning this intricate class I dont want it changed. At least how it works, maybe its damage output but not its mechanics. I dont want to be a 50 and then have to relearn my class I may as well be one of those wallet warriors and buy a 50 if you go that route.


Leave the class difficult. I actually find myself looking for buttons to push when playing my Vanguard or my Sage. Instead I find myself going back to the same 2-3 moves. Where on my Sentinel I use routinely 5-7+ different moves in a single elite fight. In many combinations and orders.

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Build focus faster???

Force leap, Zealous strike, and you have 10 Focus out of a possible 12. How fast you can build focus is not an issue. Maintaining it is a little harder Making Righteous Zeal bring the Zealous strike time down a little further than it currently does could be worth while, but that is about it.


If you read all the other "Sents are ovr pwrd l2p zomg pwn everything watchmen only plz" part of the l2p is that you do NOT use FL to open combat as you use it as a gap closer when you are addled by 1 of a 1,000 knockbacks...so if you get ZS off thats great, but it alone is not enough to cover the standard l2p operating procedures established by the zomg watch pwns l2p managment team

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The gameplay style doesn't need to change. I think a couple of the skills need to hit harder, especially considering we're dual-weilding. I sort of view a Sentinel like a Shadow: can't take a lot of hits, needs to deal masive damage, control either the enemy or myself with CDs. That's how they're both played. I just think the Shadow has been tweeked better than the Sent right now. Once Bio tweeks Sent skills, we'll be happier because we'll still have a complex and enjoyable class but more finely tuned to survive.
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The gameplay style doesn't need to change. I think a couple of the skills need to hit harder, especially considering we're dual-weilding. I sort of view a Sentinel like a Shadow: can't take a lot of hits, needs to deal masive damage, control either the enemy or myself with CDs. That's how they're both played. I just think the Shadow has been tweeked better than the Sent right now. Once Bio tweeks Sent skills, we'll be happier because we'll still have a complex and enjoyable class but more finely tuned to survive.


Pretty much agree...I do think Sent dps should be a bit more even over time then Shadow/Assassin..less dramatic burst, but more sustaned (which means a bit better survivablility)

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We just need a dps adjustment and a small defensive buff.


We don't need to change the playstyle. I wouldn't mind a consolidation of some abilities but I can live with it for now.


Perhaps an expansion would be a good place to do so.

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Personally, (using models created based off of the dmg indicators provided in game), I show a good, sustained dps in the watchman/annil tree.


If you think Sents/Marauders are UNDERPOWERED.... You might be doing something wrong...



Defensive abilities?? Do we not have rebuke/CoP and Saber Ward? What more are you asking for?



Check your priorities, apply your burns (if watch/annil tree), and always alternate between building rage/focus and spending rage/focus.


Helpful tip: Work burns in at the end of your first rotation (ie: opening building/depleting rage)

Doing this will ensure that you have DoT's ticking even while you are building rage/focus back up. That might help ensure consistency in dps

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The ONLY thing they need to address is usefulness of the combat tree, I love the play style of combat however watchman is the only way to go as it stands now. ( This being at lvl 50 )


As far as changing how the class works, no! dear lord no! thats what I love about the sent class is that its more interactive and im not some mindless zombie mashing 1 button.

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The ONLY thing they need to address is usefulness of the combat tree, I love the play style of combat however watchman is the only way to go as it stands now. ( This being at lvl 50 )


As far as changing how the class works, no! dear lord no! thats what I love about the sent class is that its more interactive and im not some mindless zombie mashing 1 button.



Changing the class would be like the NGE in Star Wars Galaxies. Making it easier so it is more appealing to the masses. That would make me highly irritated.


Personally, I think the class is a perfect blend of style. You have timing, DoT's, melee, an occasional ranged attack/scream/throw, and some kick-a** animations (talking about the 3 sec channel). And I'll tell you... If you get someone that is good at the sent/marauder they will always be at or near the top of dmg in pvp, and will win 9 out of ever 10 1v1 fights. Period.


No changes to the overall class please! (unless it is just for carnage and combat... Be my guest)

Edited by Nappoleonn
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Changing the class would be like the NGE in Star Wars Galaxies. Making it easier so it is more appealing to the masses. That would make me highly irritated.


Personally, I think the class is a perfect blend of style. You have timing, DoT's, melee, an occasional ranged attack/scream/throw, and some kick-a** animations (talking about the 3 sec channel). And I'll tell you... If you get someone that is good at the sent/marauder they will always be at or near the top of dmg in pvp, and will win 9 out of ever 10 1v1 fights. Period.


No changes to the overall class please! (unless it is just for carnage and combat... Be my guest)


As I understand it, Galaxies was not made simpler "for the masses," it was made simpler "for the consoles," like the XBox. They dumbed it down for eight buttons. Nobody wants that for this game.


Personally, I think Sents are overly complicated, and taking them down from a 30-button class to a 15 or 20 button class would make more money for the game and keep it viable longer.

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If you read all the other "Sents are ovr pwrd l2p zomg pwn everything watchmen only plz" part of the l2p is that you do NOT use FL to open combat as you use it as a gap closer when you are addled by 1 of a 1,000 knockbacks...so if you get ZS off thats great, but it alone is not enough to cover the standard l2p operating procedures established by the zomg watch pwns l2p managment team

Ummm.. I think there is some English in there somewhere. The only thing I can ascertain from your paragraph is that you appear to be talking about PVP I was more referring to PVE, though PVP personally I feel gives you even more opportunities to use force leap. This being said I still haven’t explored PVP to any large degree.


In Fact really if people knock you back while you have force leap available just say thank you and take the added focus. There is a mob in one of the Balsavis dallies that has a knockback on a 15 second timer, he is great to fight, because you always have full focus


As I understand it, Galaxies was not made simpler "for the masses," it was made simpler "for the consoles," like the XBox. They dumbed it down for eight buttons. Nobody wants that for this game.


Personally, I think Sents are overly complicated, and taking them down from a 30-button class to a 15 or 20 button class would make more money for the game and keep it viable longer.


Except that it isn’t a 30 button class for boss fights it’s a 6 button class, though if you want to get creative on trash pulls you can easily double that. But anything beyond a dozen different abilities and you are just making your life needlessly difficult

Edited by Venator-Falco
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After I have worked up to 50 learning this intricate class I dont want it changed. At least how it works, maybe its damage output but not its mechanics. I dont want to be a 50 and then have to relearn my class I may as well be one of those wallet warriors and buy a 50 if you go that route.


Leave the class difficult. I actually find myself looking for buttons to push when playing my Vanguard or my Sage. Instead I find myself going back to the same 2-3 moves. Where on my Sentinel I use routinely 5-7+ different moves in a single elite fight. In many combinations and orders.


I understand that. I really do. Just like i have been playing MMO's for 20 years and I resist switching to keybinds instead of happy clicking.


But...just because something is already set up a certain way doesn't mean that that's the best way.... come on, this game has been out slightly less than 3 months now, you cannot POSSIBLY be set enough in your ways that you cannot learn an easier method of doing the same stuff.

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The gameplay style doesn't need to change. I think a couple of the skills need to hit harder, especially considering we're dual-weilding. I sort of view a Sentinel like a Shadow: can't take a lot of hits, needs to deal masive damage, control either the enemy or myself with CDs. That's how they're both played. I just think the Shadow has been tweeked better than the Sent right now. Once Bio tweeks Sent skills, we'll be happier because we'll still have a complex and enjoyable class but more finely tuned to survive.


You nailed it.

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I understand that. I really do. Just like i have been playing MMO's for 20 years and I resist switching to keybinds instead of happy clicking.


But...just because something is already set up a certain way doesn't mean that that's the best way.... come on, this game has been out slightly less than 3 months now, you cannot POSSIBLY be set enough in your ways that you cannot learn an easier method of doing the same stuff.


Maybe refined but not completely changed. I am not so set I cannot change for sure, it does take me a good day or two to incorporate a new move into my attack routine. I just fear heavy handed changes because a few people cannot grasp something difficult and instead of trying something else or over coming they complain until its made easier.

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Ummm.. I think there is some English in there somewhere. The only thing I can ascertain from your paragraph is that you appear to be talking about PVP I was more referring to PVE, though PVP personally I feel gives you even more opportunities to use force leap. This being said I still haven’t explored PVP to any large degree.


In Fact really if people knock you back while you have force leap available just say thank you and take the added focus. There is a mob in one of the Balsavis dallies that has a knockback on a 15 second timer, he is great to fight, because you always have full focus




I apologize Venator I was sarcastically mimicking some replies that I have seen, including tips on how not to use Force leap.

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