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Cover hotbar - confused


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So when I started my Smuggler I gave up on Cover really quick.


I put my abilities in a certain order on my hotbar, and as soon as I hit the cover button everything gets all messed up. Everything shifts over to my 1, 2, 3, 4 keys - which I have assigned to other things (jump, targeting, etc.).


Is there a way to avoid this from happening, as I am considering using Cover/Sabo Charge.


Or am I missing something here and it should be seen as a benefit?




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Go into your ui preferences and disable cover bar. Then your abilities will be left alone. The only drawback is you've then got one- once you're in cover- useless button on the hotbar, but, to my mind, it's worth it to not have to put up with your abilities getting juggled around with all the time.
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We have too many abilities to not use the cover bar. I can be popping off an aimed shot and if I suddenly have to leave cover it turns into quickshot. I also have "crouch" over the aoe knockback, nice emergency thing you can just hit the same button twice.
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Cover bar helps you to clean up your quickslots. As there are many skills that can only be used in cover, especially if you are a gunslinger, there's no reason to put them in normal slots when you are not in cover.


If you get confused then just disable it in preference.

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The top bar i use for the few dirty fighting abilities (being a gunslinger - sharpshooter) i have and for some other standing abilities. (two spots free at level 41)


The cover bar (one that shows up only when in cover) i use for all my cover abilities. (this one is full)


The third bar or bottom bar as you will, i use for any abilities that can be used in or out of cover. (this one is full).


Then i also have the two bars open on the left/right of the screen for granades (made by cybertech), healing, speederbikes/hoverbikes, class hourly buff and all the rest. I get lost using all the bars and find myself in a pickle many a time so don't worry if your like me.

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I put my abilities in a certain order on my hotbar, and as soon as I hit the cover button everything gets all messed up. Everything shifts over to my 1, 2, 3, 4 keys - which I have assigned to other things (jump, targeting, etc.).


Is there a way to avoid this from happening, as I am considering using Cover/Sabo Charge.

You can turn off the cover bar in your settings, but if the problem is just that it's arranged differently, you can rearrange it like you did your main bar.

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Cover bar drives me nuts too actually but reading this I just need to rearrange a few things. Smugglers get so many abilities I don't think you can cope effectively without.


You most definitely can.


Cover bar is a pain in the ***. I was actually one of the people in beta who advocated the removal of cover bar. And they gave us this option. I am very glad that they did it.

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i am sorry but the cover bar doesnt replace the need for a third hot bar at the bottom. we have too many abilites that are used while in and OUT of cover. hopefully with the ui "changes" this will be one of them.


however as a positive note it is easy to tell when you get "out" of cover with the bar enabled. some mobs and pcs have a debuff that does this as well as other mechanics.

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Cover bar is a pain in the ***. I was actually one of the people in beta who advocated the removal of cover bar. And they gave us this option. I am very glad that they did it.


In beta I suggested they allow us to change the location of the cover bar, the same way we can with the companion bar. For my play style, I'd find the cover bar more useful if I could move it down to the bottom. Allowing us to toggle the cover bar off is a start, but allowing us to also move it would be ideal in my mind.

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