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Super Trooper


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Troopers to me are the toughest Class to bring down in PVP, you very rarely catch them one on one, they usually sit in the back and they get you in cross fires and smoke ya. Nobody seems to go after them they just left them sit back there and blast us away while we chase their melee around.


I noticed when I engage the Troopers it seems to help. But there is only so much one person can do.


Why do we not engage them more often?

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Troopers to me are the toughest Class to bring down in PVP, you very rarely catch them one on one, they usually sit in the back and they get you in cross fires and smoke ya. Nobody seems to go after them they just left them sit back there and blast us away while we chase their melee around.


I noticed when I engage the Troopers it seems to help. But there is only so much one person can do.


Why do we not engage them more often?


Hey simmer down over there and chase those melees around, in plain view, while i pew pew grav round your asses into the floor haha.

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Troopers to me are the toughest Class to bring down in PVP, you very rarely catch them one on one, they usually sit in the back and they get you in cross fires and smoke ya. Nobody seems to go after them they just left them sit back there and blast us away while we chase their melee around.


I noticed when I engage the Troopers it seems to help. But there is only so much one person can do.


Why do we not engage them more often?


What? Your teams are being incompetent and you aren't calling for nerfs?




I respect you, sir. Just spread the opinion that they should be focused on your faction and server. Might notice an increase.


Since we don't have cross-server PvP, communicating with and teaching your server's playerbase about good PvP is always worth it.

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Troopers to me are the toughest Class to bring down in PVP, you very rarely catch them one on one, they usually sit in the back and they get you in cross fires and smoke ya.



Oh my god someone actually figured out that it's not Grav Round that's good.



The one on one bit especially. My number one priority as a Commando whether Im healing or DPSing is the same: Don't get caught alone. 1 on 1, our lack of a real interrupt, low mobility, and desperate need to be standing still to be effective all comes out glaring.


With someone, ANYONE to hide behind though really, it's a whole new ballgame.


I wish I could give you MVP votes or Forum commendations or something.

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Oh my god someone actually figured out that it's not Grav Round that's good.



The one on one bit especially. My number one priority as a Commando whether Im healing or DPSing is the same: Don't get caught alone. 1 on 1, our lack of a real interrupt, low mobility, and desperate need to be standing still to be effective all comes out glaring.


With someone, ANYONE to hide behind though really, it's a whole new ballgame.


I wish I could give you MVP votes or Forum commendations or something.


This. By trooper I assume he means commando. And commando is arguably the weakest 1v1 class in the game. LoS issues, only AC with NO interrupts, pretty much immobile, no real usable CCs save a lame 25% dmg reducing shield for 10 sec every 2 min.


Vanguards on the other hand is one of the strongest 1v1 classes, up there with sentinels, shadows and sages.


Not being able to interrupt those glaring 2-3 sec cast abilities in my face is just pissing me off beyond belief. Never played a class with so pitiful little utility in any game before. I give it the devs used up all their good skillideas on sorcs so there were none left for commandos.

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Grav rounders get lightning bolt marked and focused when I'm PvPing as I'm generally ops leader in a WZ.


Course you could put a great big KILL THIS PERSON sign over them and some people will never get the hint.


I spend a lot of my time making grav rounders and tracer missile spammers think about a respec. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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I have to admit as a Trooper (Vanguard), it helps that we usually have those big flashy Jedi light shows to distract people, while Empire PvP groups are more prone to have their "big guns" be lightning-spewing Sith sorcerers to draw attention even despite said lightsaber shows. Lets the Commandos plant and deliver easier.


What's funny is with the animation issues, our Bounty Hunter bros over there are actually even more effective than Troopers at doing the exact same thing. Tracer Missiles/Grav Rounds are our way of rattling before we strike in that Gunnery spec- Vanguards/Pyrotechs often just 1-2-3 burst with our 31 skill + setting you on fire -> HiB/Rail Shot and done.

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In terms of who to target, what I want to know is how people don't immediately try to find out who the healers are? I repeatedly find myself being the only person targeting healers, and I'll even add a custom target image and make calls out. Their skills are green for cripe's sake, not hard to see. Edited by AranasLatrain
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I often do wonder when playing my trooper "Why the **** are people letting me just stand back here and smoke them" in any other MMO I've played to date, people see casters channeling stuff and zerg them. Here the appropriate response appears to be complaining on the forums instead, and mindblowingly complaining about just one ability.


Why don't people complain about full auto?

It is bugged, and only useful if noone is actively engaging you.


Why don't people complain about charged bolts?

Charged bolt does more damage, but our tree isn't built around it and SWTOR's terrible mitigation system means that this ability ends up doing less than grav round most of the time.


Why don't people complain about high impact bolt?

Its not obvious, people just lump it into grav round damage


Why don't people complain about pulse cannon?

Emm pulse cannon is only an issue if you get close enough to the commando for it to matter... really good for murdalizing groups though... no explaination.


Why don't people complain about mortar volley?

Right, death from above is flat out better, bugs.


Basically what is likely to lead to a Commando "nerf" is that grav round is really painfully obvious, the same goes for tracer missile. People see it from 30m away and are like "omg that guy is blasting me" then go back to their lightsaber battles while being shot in the ***.



In terms of who to target, what I want to know is how people don't immediately try to find out who the healers are? I repeatedly find myself being the only person targeting healers, and I'll even add a custom target image and make calls out. Their skills are green for cripe's sake, not hard to see.

A bright green ray of healing connects me (the healer) to the people I am healing (wounded easy targets) often both of us are ignored. This leads me to a general conclusion of gross incompetence. I HATE the green healing ray of plz kill me, yet no one ever even seems to notice it.

Edited by SWImara
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This. By trooper I assume he means commando. And commando is arguably the weakest 1v1 class in the game. LoS issues, only AC with NO interrupts, pretty much immobile, no real usable CCs save a lame 25% dmg reducing shield for 10 sec every 2 min.


Vanguards on the other hand is one of the strongest 1v1 classes, up there with sentinels, shadows and sages.


Not being able to interrupt those glaring 2-3 sec cast abilities in my face is just pissing me off beyond belief. Never played a class with so pitiful little utility in any game before. I give it the devs used up all their good skillideas on sorcs so there were none left for commandos.


Cryo grenade and our pushback (forget the name, concussion charge?) is all we got for an interrupt. They're slow to activate in hectic pvp. I'm training myself to use both sparingly so I can have an emergency interrupt. Usually forget and just pop 'em off though. D'oh!

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I don't agree. All versions of the trooper/bh have very good damage to survivability ratios. They are literally the hardest class to bring down because of the amount of damage reduction they can get and that is just the DPS specs. Their tanks are probably the epitome of what a tank should be but thier DPS and heal specs survivability is just plain nuts.
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Why don't people complain about full auto?

It is bugged, and only useful if noone is actively engaging you.



Well, in fact, start your rotation with a few grav rounds (debuff 20% armor), then sticky grenade, then full auto, then HiB / demo round after 2nd tick, BOOM HUGE BURST (sticky + HiB or demo round + 2nd tick of full auto all hitting almost at same time).


If you're under attack, you should be able to land 2 ticks of full auto and then use demo round / HiB or any other instant ability that'll land at same time. 2 ticks is good enough, that's what ? 4k dmg from full auto alone when you target is fully debuffed. I wouldn't be surprised if a fully geared commando, popping adrenals and relics, could pull a 10k burst rotation like that with the stars aligned. From RANGE. How is it bad ?

Edited by Faat
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This. By trooper I assume he means commando. And commando is arguably the weakest 1v1 class in the game. LoS issues, only AC with NO interrupts, pretty much immobile, no real usable CCs save a lame 25% dmg reducing shield for 10 sec every 2 min.


Vanguards on the other hand is one of the strongest 1v1 classes, up there with sentinels, shadows and sages.


Not being able to interrupt those glaring 2-3 sec cast abilities in my face is just pissing me off beyond belief. Never played a class with so pitiful little utility in any game before. I give it the devs used up all their good skillideas on sorcs so there were none left for commandos.


Ya I'm only lvl 39 but I can beat anything 1 on 1 on my vanguard, especially classes that have cast bars.


Grav rounders get lightning bolt marked and focused when I'm PvPing as I'm generally ops leader in a WZ.


Course you could put a great big KILL THIS PERSON sign over them and some people will never get the hint.


I spend a lot of my time making grav rounders and tracer missile spammers think about a respec. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


I make a point of harpooning them and pulling them to me, then interrupting the first tracer missle they try to cast.

Edited by wiggs
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As a healer commando, I can truthfully state that the Imps on my server are very good at picking me out of a crowd the second I get a couple medical probes out :D


And yes, 1v1 the only thing I can do is get a grav round out / cryo / pushback and then heal myself until the cavalry comes. Unless the other person is really weak.

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Well, in fact, start your rotation with a few grav rounds (debuff 20% armor), then sticky grenade, then full auto, then HiB / demo round after 2nd tick, BOOM HUGE BURST (sticky + HiB or demo round + 2nd tick of full auto all hitting almost at same time).

Believe me, I get a ton of use out of all of my abilities. That said I definitely do skip full auto at times due to the risk of losing essentially 1/3 of my damage if anyone thinks to hit me (even with an AE). But yep that's my point, after the two grav rounds all people know is that they were suddenly hit for "zomglots" of damage. Grav round is obvious and identifiable to people, our other attacks are not.


If you're under attack, you should be able to land 2 ticks of full auto and then use demo round / HiB or any other instant ability that'll land at same time. 2 ticks is good enough, that's what ? 4k dmg from full auto alone when you target is fully debuffed. I wouldn't be surprised if a fully geared commando, popping adrenals and relics, could pull a 10k burst rotation like that with the stars aligned. From RANGE. How is it bad ?

The issue with full auto (I'm not trying to say its trash, but it is not functioning as intended) is that often I might as well use something else if people are paying any attention whatsoever. In an unmolested fight (ie most of them since people seem to ignore commandos until it is too late) full auto is a good healthy chunk of your damage, when its output is 2/3 the usual not so much.

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As a CM commando, I've had other Aresenal Mercs say "I can't wait until you healers are nerfed" as I smash them 1v1. It's kinda funny.


If you leave them alone like a bad, they can hurt. Otherwise they are just terrible.


It can be annoying when a team leaves them alone, but often there are way more important targets (healer, sniper, etc). AoE is easy to dodge and on most maps, anyone they focus on can just LoS (as they usually focus on the healer, I've gotten pretty good at this while still healing).

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Well, in fact, start your rotation with a few grav rounds (debuff 20% armor), then sticky grenade, then full auto, then HiB / demo round after 2nd tick, BOOM HUGE BURST (sticky + HiB or demo round + 2nd tick of full auto all hitting almost at same time).


If you're under attack, you should be able to land 2 ticks of full auto and then use demo round / HiB or any other instant ability that'll land at same time. 2 ticks is good enough, that's what ? 4k dmg from full auto alone when you target is fully debuffed. I wouldn't be surprised if a fully geared commando, popping adrenals and relics, could pull a 10k burst rotation like that with the stars aligned. From RANGE. How is it bad ?


Full Auto isn't bad, it just isn't tuned right. The animation backloads all of the damage and even though Commandos have a talent that's supposed to mitigate pushback on the channel, it never works. Because the third tick of Full Auto falls outside the actual channel, any damage incurred during the channel is virtually guaranteed to push that damage off the table.


Compared to Bounty Hunter's equivalent Unload, this is weak, because the even spacing of their damage animation means that you often hit them two to three times in order to push a tick of damage off the channel.



As to why it's bad to lose that tick of Full Auto. Your cost to effectiveness ratio skyrockets. Noncrit Full Auto is only slgihtly more efficient than if I'd just cast Grav Round twice in the duration. The damage is comparable, and Grav Round introduces a wealth of other benefits because of how the talent tree is designed.


If we could get the same reliable 3 tick results that Bounty Hunters get Full Auto would be indispensable. It's already close, it's just inferior to it's Imperial cousin.

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My main beef as a commando healer is the big green HERE I AM KILL ME FIRST beam. I've heard it doesn't get much use at higher levels, but rolling a new toon, it's next to impossible to effectively heal without it.


Also... mortar volley... who doesn't love a 3-sec channel where the damage only begins after 2 secs have passed?

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