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Epic missions should not fail!!!


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Iam not trying to troll you here but how could a quest be epic if there is no challenged involved?


It is a purple level mission from a purple mission schematic. It yields nice returns and rare mats.


The only way to get these missions is off of the AH or looting them yourself through other mission skills.

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I'm so ticked right now!!! At least I didn't pay for the schematic, but still, a 340 mission down the drain, 2k credits and 2.5 hours later, it failed...


Seriously Bioware?


2k credits? You forgot the opportunity costs. Depending on the mission skill you could have made 10-50k just selling it.

Edited by Havocx
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I failed one once. It sucked.


Last time I send T7 out for crap. Should have known better. At least he still serves a purpose on the ship - right next to the captain's chair, for all my trash and empty soda cans.


Maybe next time he goes on a mission, he should actually do it if he doesn't want used tissues in his sensor ports!

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Iam not trying to troll you here but how could a quest be epic if there is no challenged involved?


How is it challenging sending a companion out on a mission? It's not a quest. They are supposed to gather materials.


I agree, crew skill missions should not fail if you have the appropriate skill level.

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I've had companions who specialize in the mission type fail several times after buying the mission. It's very frustrating indeed to wait a couple hours and pay a bunch of money for a skill mission that is useable at 340, and fail at 400 after all the investment. That being said, I'm not sure how I feel about no failure either. I'd certainly rather they don't, but it seems like they intended for there to be a risk in sending out missions. Edited by Choatley
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heh. I had this happen to me once. I blame myself. I should have waited until I had higher affection with my companions. Don't think I've failed a single mission of any variety since I started lavishing gifts upon my crew.


Though I will say that for the cost and time investment, it would be kind of nice to at least get modest level returns for a "failed" epic mission.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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heh. I had this happen to me once. I blame myself. I should have waited until I had higher affection with my companions. Don't think I've failed a single mission of any variety since I started lavishing gifts upon my crew.


Though I will say that for the cost and time investment, it would be kind of nice to at least get modest level returns for a "failed" epic mission.

You can still fail with a maxxed affection companion.


Heck, I've sent Vette (+5 Underworld Criticals bonus, 10000 affection and I married her) out on an Underworld Trading mission and had her fail. She doesn't fail a lot, but it's still always on the cards.

Edited by Tuhalu
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It’s called the roll of the dice. It’s the dominant "force" in how Bioware constructs things. Been in all their games from day one. Always a chance to roll the wrong number. I would guess their number randomizer algorithm is the most advanced on the planet.


It is old and tired design. What once seemed from the surface like an interesting and new system for gathering and crafting turns out to be one giant tired old RNG based grind.


Nothing about it is hard, challenging or in any way dependent upon the player's skill or commitment level.


It is just one giant crap shoot.


At a minimum, players should have ways to take failure out of the equation (companion affection / skill level / player level) as well as have ways to actually farm for items besides sending companions on missions over and over.


All this RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG is just stupid. I might get the mission I need, I might have the mission succeed, and I might actually get something useful.

Edited by DawnAskham
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How often is this happening to you that you have to stress out like this? I've done maybe 100 epic missions (maybe more, i haven't kept track, but definitely a huge amount), and have failed ONCE.


2.5K credits? What is that, like 1/5th of a mission reward? 2 hrs? It's not like you sat there and stared at your companion while they went to do the mission. You clicked on a button and in 2 hrs it was done.


Are you really this upset that a mission failed? Should you even be playing a game if you get this easily upset?

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How often is this happening to you that you have to stress out like this? I've done maybe 100 epic missions (maybe more, i haven't kept track, but definitely a huge amount), and have failed ONCE.


Then you've gotten lucky. I've failed at least 4 340 UT missions so far, with maxed companions and skill, of course.


The chance of failure is something that I know exists however, and I calculate it into the cost/benefit ratio of the missions. It happens.


That said, if they were changed so that they couldn't fail, I'd consider that an improvement to crafting.

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I only send Kira on my purple missions. She has 10k affection and a +1 to TH crit. I fail around 20 - 25% of the time. Considering it costs 17 - 20k for the mission on the GTN and 3k to run the mission, having it fail is really annoying. Plus, at this point there is nothing I can sell that makes up for the cost.


I just built a bunch of stuff for myself and have put the crew skills on the burner for when hopefully they have some use.

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