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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Money difference PvP/PvE


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Does this not seem a little odd?


Based on 4hours per day 4days a week under progress (so farming battlemaster / clearing new operation content)


Day 1;

PvP repairs 0

PvE repairs (clearing farmable content) 30K from trash / the odd wipe


PvP money gained 80K

PvE money gained (killing half the bosses) 5K


Day 2;

PvP repairs 0

PvE repairs (wipe night) 150K+


PvP money gained 80K

PvE money gained 0


day 3 and 4 look the same as day 2, if the boss happens to be killed, add an extra 1K and move to the next boss.


So to total it;


PvP money gained total 320K

PvP spent on repairs 0


PvE money gained total ~20K maximum (if your still bothering to clear normals, only 10K maximum if not)

PvE money spent on repairs 470K+


Even under full farm you're in deficit on the raids if you happen to die 2-3 times or more through the entire clearing process.

Edited by Azranos
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People aren't going to PvP in this game if you take a durability hit on your gear...even if it was a fraction of the PvE death hit.


Why not? people pve with the repair bills. Maybe a pvp repair bill would give them an incentive to actually try and win!

Edited by harpuax
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Why not? people pve with the repair bills. Maybe a pvp repair bill would give them an incentive to actually try and win!


How many times do you die in 2 hours of PvP vs two hours of PvE? I almost never die in PvE and still get some scary repair bills. I don't do WZs because we can't queue for specific ones, but I'm guessing even good players die a lot in those.

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there was never durability in pvp so complaining about that is silly but of course BW among their random "improvements" the CAN do could change this..... ^^


and about pve...I dont understand surprise that players wiping on easy content have too pay reapir bills... you wanna raid, find good raiding guild, is there actually any ?if most hard core players already quited?

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if only money ment somthing in TOR...

It does when your spending a hell of a lot without any coming back in.


But you are there for a chance at some gear too right? Isn't that the whole point of progression and raiding besides being able to say that you did it?

The same applies to PvP



Or to quit the WZ even faster if they don't think it'll be an easy farm win for them.

Deserter debuff would help a lot with that.


how do u make that kinna money off pvp?


i get 3k from warzones and 4k from bags. maybe its the fact i can only do like 5 warzones before i give up on trying to win one.

It's an approximate from how much I got the last 4hours.


there was never durability in pvp so complaining about that is silly but of course BW among their random "improvements" the CAN do could change this..... ^^


and about pve...I dont understand surprise that players wiping on easy content have too pay reapir bills... you wanna raid, find good raiding guild, is there actually any ?if most hard core players already quited?

There was also no money as a reward for PvP, which they added.


I'm actually in a decent raiding guild already, and the wiping the mjority of our progress was due to bugs.


If you do the daily quests on Belsavis and Ilum, providing your 50, credits are not a problem, you can easily make over 100k in a few hours.

PvP'ers can also do this, it doesn't negate anything


How many times do you die in 2 hours of PvP vs two hours of PvE? I almost never die in PvE and still get some scary repair bills. I don't do WZs because we can't queue for specific ones, but I'm guessing even good players die a lot in those.

They could easily scale it down a hell of a lot, they can do indiviual repairs already, so a single death in PvP doesnt have to amount to the same loss from a single death in PvE

Edited by Azranos
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The problem with PvE is OPS and FP, they give very little credits. Killing a boss in OPS : 200 creds each. Woopididoo, a death is aprox 6-7k in columi. I end up having to farm dailies so I can raid because the boss don't give enough creds to even account for regular non-death encounters.


I think the bosses in OPS should drop something like 5-6k for each players, killing an elite is 700 creds and can be killed easily, why a boss requiring 8 person drops 1600 creds?


It makes no sense.

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Its crazy how easy it is to get credits in the game.


And its not like you have to use it to buy gems or enchants, so it just stays there.


MMM, I beg to differ, if you have a bad night of raid it can cost upward of 100k to raid. Not to include if you want to modify the end-game gear because BW don't know how to put stats on gear. So you end up paying 29k ripping off mods to replace them.


A good raiding night is when it cost me less than 40k. And well, if I am in full columi, why would I want to do the dailies?

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Does this not seem a little odd?


Based on 4hours per day 4days a week under progress (so farming battlemaster / clearing new operation content)


It's a good summary of why PvP is messed up.


In raiding you are progressing. Your carrot is the equipment to open the next operation - experience new content... "boldly go where no imp has been before" and all that.


In PvP you are simply grinding. You do the exact same thing over and over again, for a carrot that simply lets you perform that grind 2.5% better. There's no progression, nor any any real reason to ever do it.


-> Raiding is highly repetitive & expensive but at least the carrot isn't made of plastic.


Edit: PvP should be fun/enjoyable in it's own right. Let it earn a bit of cash, sure. But the 'carrots that make you better at PvP' make PvP less fun - ruining the whole point :(.

Edited by formulaic
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I always thought progression raiding wasn't designed to be profitable. It was designed to allow you to work out very hard to get (improved) gear.


I do agree Operation Bosses should give out major credits though. It need tuning upward.

Edited by islander
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It's a good summary of why PvP is messed up.


In raiding you are progressing. Your carrot is the equipment to open the next operation - experience new content... "boldly go where no imp has been before" and all that.


In PvP you are simply grinding. You do the exact same thing over and over again, for a carrot that simply lets you perform that grind 2.5% better. There's no progression, nor any any real reason to ever do it.


-> Raiding is highly repetitive & expensive but at least the carrot isn't made of plastic.


With that reasoning and with how buggy the content was and still is, my carrot was made of glass, it got smashed, was glued back together wrong and doesn't even look like a carrot.


I always thought progression raiding wasn't designed to be profitable. It was designed to allow you to work out very hard to get (improved) gear.

The same could be said for PvP, you get good gear there also.

Edited by Azranos
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funny thing, doing all pve dailys (taking around 2 hours, including space) nets you around 200k a day and afew nice items


Yes, but how incredibly boring they are to do? I literally fall asleep on belsavis, and can no longer bring myself to doing them no matter how much they give.

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I can't believe somebody is actualy complaining about credits. I get so many w/o even trying. I just droped like 500k on companion gifts and about 300k on gearing my alt in random epics just because i don't have anything better to do with them.


And im still on almost 2mil. That's w/o ever selling anything on the GTN or doing my daylies every day.


Credits just seem to float in from god knows where.

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