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Everything posted by Azranos

  1. How many incompetent devs does it take to change a light bulb? None, they couldn't work out how to fix it and painted it yellow instead.
  2. With that reasoning and with how buggy the content was and still is, my carrot was made of glass, it got smashed, was glued back together wrong and doesn't even look like a carrot. The same could be said for PvP, you get good gear there also.
  3. It does when your spending a hell of a lot without any coming back in. The same applies to PvP Deserter debuff would help a lot with that. It's an approximate from how much I got the last 4hours. There was also no money as a reward for PvP, which they added. I'm actually in a decent raiding guild already, and the wiping the mjority of our progress was due to bugs. PvP'ers can also do this, it doesn't negate anything They could easily scale it down a hell of a lot, they can do indiviual repairs already, so a single death in PvP doesnt have to amount to the same loss from a single death in PvE
  4. Does this not seem a little odd? Based on 4hours per day 4days a week under progress (so farming battlemaster / clearing new operation content) Day 1; PvP repairs 0 PvE repairs (clearing farmable content) 30K from trash / the odd wipe PvP money gained 80K PvE money gained (killing half the bosses) 5K Day 2; PvP repairs 0 PvE repairs (wipe night) 150K+ PvP money gained 80K PvE money gained 0 day 3 and 4 look the same as day 2, if the boss happens to be killed, add an extra 1K and move to the next boss. So to total it; PvP money gained total 320K PvP spent on repairs 0 PvE money gained total ~20K maximum (if your still bothering to clear normals, only 10K maximum if not) PvE money spent on repairs 470K+ Even under full farm you're in deficit on the raids if you happen to die 2-3 times or more through the entire clearing process.
  5. I have taped 3 pieces of cloth over my screen and I no longer get a headache! However as a marauder this has serious repercussions, it's impossible to remember a piano tune that has an infinite number of varying sequences and makes a non optimal tune when played wrong.
  6. I think they are discussing the physical loot chest like the one that spawns from NM Soa, we have never seen this chest either, if Soa is anything to go by, it should contain 2 mounts, 1 hard/NM, and 1 normal mount.
  7. Just so you know, at this point you are not against a timer, you can happily take a relaxed P2 end to get everyone into P3 alive and well. Not sure if they have adjusted this, but you can just split the raid and have them start from the sides, having them being pushed back towards the entrance for a smooth transition.
  8. Actually making changes to the SQL while the servers are still running is exactly what they do for some hotfixes, due to the way the databases work, it's the fastest and easiest way to roll out some of the needed fixes, and yes they get quickly internal tested before the database updates are imported, but they do that in batches, so this is still a very fast fix, they are not having to change the stats on the item, but just the 3 implanted #'s. The only reason they are still broken is because they want them to remain bad items for as long as possible it seems.
  9. A pretty disappointing response for a fix that doesn't even need a client side patch and depending on the database layout, even the cleaner could change 3 numbers per item from 22 to 25 in less than 10minutes.
  10. Bumping this, having to use lesser weapons with Rakata tokens sitting in my bags.
  11. The bags work like this: 200 of both comms for T1 tokens, these bags can contain items for T2 gear at a low%, they give 3 commendations per bag, you also get 3 of these bags for the weekly and 1 for the daily at level 50. Once you hit valor rank 60, you can get the T2 bags from the daily and weekly quest only and both quests only provide 1 bag each, these bags also contain 3 tier 2 tokens and a rare chance to obtain the T3 items.
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