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Seriously...Ilum... all people do is ride in circles...


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This has to be up there in one of the worst designed pieces of crap I have ever come across. Seriously just went there for the first time both republic and imps just run around center looking for these boxes that are on a insane respawn...


Unacceptable that this is the goal of the whole zone...So you pretty much cut one daily and one weekly out of the equation for anyone that has anything remotely close to a life...good job...

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all you have to do is group up with a few people and go to center and kill and imps or reps that are riding in circles. they will then try to get more numbers and come back to kill your group. then your group will try to get more numbers to kill them and take the center back and before you know it youll have a giant 20+ vs 20+ battle.


but its easier to just go to ilum once then come on forums and complain i guess.

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This has to be up there in one of the worst designed pieces of crap I have ever come across. Seriously just went there for the first time both republic and imps just run around center looking for these boxes that are on a insane respawn...


Unacceptable that this is the goal of the whole zone...So you pretty much cut one daily and one weekly out of the equation for anyone that has anything remotely close to a life...good job...


Trade kills, BW supports it

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Wow you come up with that all by yourself?? I sure would kill them but killign them gives no credit either. Not to mention that its laggy a shell with 20 people on screen


oh i see, you dont actually want to pvp. you just want to farm rewards. ok, just do what the other guy said, trade kills or something.

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All BioWare needs to do to temporarily fix Ilum is to not just place these "Armaments" at the central assault where they can be easily overrun and guarded by a superior force, but set up the spawn seed for these items to show up at ALL the assault points in random numbers and in other various parts of the map.


This creates ranging behavior, separating large groups into smaller groups making it easier for actual....I dunno, world PvP to occur.


Essentially I get why "keep sieging" doesn't have a potential to work in TOR due to pop imbalances but, the armaments DO have a potential, but they're not currently employed in the Ilum PvP area correctly.


So, seed them around Ilum all over the map. And then make the respawn rate on them even longer. This forces people to hunt for them, and forces people to spread out, making it easier for winnable fights to occur.

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I'd say this is all QQ, except for that fact that it's pretty much correct.


1. More than 20 people on the sreen does turn most computers into a slideshow.


2. You don't get credit for kills half the time.


3. Faction imbalance means Imperials just ride in circles in Central Assault looking for crates, while Republics take all the other points which mean absolutely nothing. When Rebublics do group up and attack center they might catch maybe one or two circlers before the horde of Imperials buries them under the weight of their overwhelming numbers.

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the game is what you make of it. the truth is, the vast majority of people who claim to want pvp, dont. all they really want and care about is farming rewards and completing daily/weekly quest.


if you want pvp, its easy to find. i dont have any trouble finding pvp in ilum, even when im there solo. i just go and pvp without worrying about rewards. but i still manage to complete the quests while im having fun pvping.

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This has to be up there in one of the worst designed pieces of crap I have ever come across. Seriously just went there for the first time both republic and imps just run around center looking for these boxes that are on a insane respawn...


Unacceptable that this is the goal of the whole zone...So you pretty much cut one daily and one weekly out of the equation for anyone that has anything remotely close to a life...good job...


Probably has something to do with the fact that kills don't count toward the daily, nor do they award valor anymore on a lot of realms.

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oh i see, you dont actually want to pvp. you just want to farm rewards. ok, just do what the other guy said, trade kills or something.


I don't see how winning via having more numbers is really PvP. It's just zerging and really REALLY un-fun to me.


Ideally BW would implement goals and meaningful purposes for being all over the map in varying sized groups. This would increase the odds of solid small scale skirmishing and larger scale fights that aren't just a measure of which side can gang up the most players in center all day.


Currently this ongoing cycle of escelation of forces at center until one side is wiped is just boring...AND it's terrible gameplay given the SEVERE limitations of the game engine. 20v20 is nearly unplayable on even the best gaming machines.


The entire nature of the zone is a mess. The reward structure rewards boring zergfests over actual skilled PvP engagements. The engine doesn't really support anything bordering on large scale. And the server populations are so low anyhow that the odds of 200v200 are ZERO even if the game COULD handle it (which it cannot).

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This has to be up there in one of the worst designed pieces of crap I have ever come across. Seriously just went there for the first time both republic and imps just run around center looking for these boxes that are on a insane respawn...


Unacceptable that this is the goal of the whole zone...So you pretty much cut one daily and one weekly out of the equation for anyone that has anything remotely close to a life...good job...


They may as well have remade Ilum into a Mario Kart racing mini-game. All that's missing are some banana peels, a few green and red shells, and a couple speed boosters placed along the neverending circular path.

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the game is what you make of it. the truth is, the vast majority of people who claim to want pvp, dont. all they really want and care about is farming rewards and completing daily/weekly quest.


if you want pvp, its easy to find. i dont have any trouble finding pvp in ilum, even when im there solo. i just go and pvp without worrying about rewards. but i still manage to complete the quests while im having fun pvping.


You must be on a VERY good server.


I solo/small group almost exclusively and it takes 4-5 hours (NOT queuing warzones) some nights to finish the daily quest.


It's a big zerpile at center and swarms of people moving to and from the zergpile. VERY hard to find any fights that aren't just a faceroll.

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To Fix Ilum


1. Make North and South drop crates, but center drops crates based on who owns center and how many control points in addition. This ensures movement, and small groups have the ability to farm SOMETHING.


2. Walkers drop crates on destruction... yet another way to keep the party moving. Small groups can hold points, and it reduces the zerg that occurs. gives single players SOMETHING TO DO.


3. MOVEMENT MOVEMENT MOVEMENT... you have a giant GDMF map.... and all we use is mid??? really??? tiny areas that produce a area buff that can be aquired by small groups or big groups... again... useful and allows for movement


4. Valor buff needs to go UP not DOWN... why??? because you want to people to COME not say... well WZ is better use of my time, i dont want to spend hours riding in circles.


this does a couple things... allows small groups of players to make an effective use of their time.... THEIR TIME BIOWARE IS IMPORTANT. Allows objectives to be useful and allows for large groups to break up into small groups to gaurd areas and farm somewhere other than center... TACTICS.... because the simple truth is... the current ilum model is boring... i am sick and tired of wasting hours of my life doing something that should take the same amount of time as winning 3 WZ... and does NOT.

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On my server, it's imps circling at central and you hardly get any rebels at all.

Sometimes we get some PvP going but the republic folks get tired of being outnumbered pretty fast and either log out or turtle into their base.

Sometimes they won't come out of their base even tho it's 15 of them vs 10 of us..


It's sad, I never thought SWTOR would have to deal with these problems and with extremely low population so soon :/

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oh i see, you dont actually want to pvp. you just want to farm rewards. ok, just do what the other guy said, trade kills or something.




First off... this game has no real PVP... if you want real pvp play games such as Shadowbane, Eve or even Daoc...anything with a death penalty.


And no I dont just want free gear or whatever... I want a game that works seriously if you have 20 peep on each side in ilum its close to unplayable. Further more killing peep doesnt give credit to begin with. So to sum it up...the daily goal encourages zerging yet the game cant even handle fights...

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I don't see how winning via having more numbers is really PvP. It's just zerging and really REALLY un-fun to me.


It's funny, I was in Illum, healing an outnumbered Op group and we were chatting about the game. Someone said they hope BW fixes the kills not counting soon, as it's making pvp not fun.


I kinda had an epiphany there -- nothing about Illum is fun. I'm only there to get my bags..so I can get the same gear everyone else is going for and look the same. There is no strategy in Illum (unless you count roping into turrets/groups strategy). Even in evenly based fights, it's not especially entertaining -- because of the high damage potentional, it's basically a quick focus fire exercise. Respawn, try again. If no one is around, you click boxes. The WZ's are ok, but there are only 3 of them and they are nothing complex.


I'll try to work up the motivation to log in to do daily's until my sub expires...but even that is waning. If you are here for the pvp (like me), I have no idea why you are enjoying it.



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All BioWare needs to do to temporarily fix Ilum is to not just place these "Armaments" at the central assault where they can be easily overrun and guarded by a superior force, but set up the spawn seed for these items to show up at ALL the assault points in random numbers and in other various parts of the map.


This creates ranging behavior, separating large groups into smaller groups making it easier for actual....I dunno, world PvP to occur.


Essentially I get why "keep sieging" doesn't have a potential to work in TOR due to pop imbalances but, the armaments DO have a potential, but they're not currently employed in the Ilum PvP area correctly.


So, seed them around Ilum all over the map. And then make the respawn rate on them even longer. This forces people to hunt for them, and forces people to spread out, making it easier for winnable fights to occur.


i agree

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oh i see, you dont actually want to pvp. you just want to farm rewards. ok, just do what the other guy said, trade kills or something.




First off... this game has no real PVP... if you want real pvp play games such as Shadowbane, Eve or even Daoc...anything with a death penalty.


And no I dont just want free gear or whatever... I want a game that works seriously if you have 20 peep on each side in ilum its close to unplayable. Further more killing peep doesnt give credit to begin with. So to sum it up...the daily goal encourages zerging yet the game cant even handle fights...

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What most people fail to see here is that the problem is not STAR WARS and it is not Bioware. The problem is the players of MMO games; exactly how do you expect Bioware to fix a bunch of cheating, exploiting, nascaring jerks who only really want a giant free loot button????
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the game is what you make of it. the truth is, the vast majority of people who claim to want pvp, dont. all they really want and care about is farming rewards and completing daily/weekly quest.


if you want pvp, its easy to find. i dont have any trouble finding pvp in ilum, even when im there solo. i just go and pvp without worrying about rewards. but i still manage to complete the quests while im having fun pvping.


how can you pvp on ilum with 2-5 fps? and as a melee class u have nothing to contribute with, its range vs range

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First off... this game has no real PVP... if you want real pvp play games such as Shadowbane, Eve or even Daoc...anything with a death penalty.


And no I dont just want free gear or whatever... I want a game that works seriously if you have 20 peep on each side in ilum its close to unplayable. Further more killing peep doesnt give credit to begin with. So to sum it up...the daily goal encourages zerging yet the game cant even handle fights...


the game does have real pvp. warzones are real pvp. games with death penelty have less pvp than games without, in case you didnt know. if tor had death penelty then you would never see any republic players setting foot in ilum.


killing "peeps", does give credit. just killing the same "peeps" 30 times in five minutes doesnt give credit.


look, all BW can or should do is give people are reason to show up in ilum. they do that with rewards and daily/weekly quests. what happens in ilum when people show up is 100% up to the players. the fact is, open world pvp is always the same no matter what the game. its either about what side has more numbers or its about ganking people. so without rewards on ilum, no one would show up. but having rewards means that people are just going to find the fastest easiest way to farm those rewards and compete quests, because as i said, most people dont give a hoot about pvp, only care about rewards and gear. thats why you always will see groups of people standing around without their gear on taking turns killing each other. and why you always see people in chat asking for people to joing their kill trading group on ilum to finish quests easy.


i keep saying the game is what you make of it because its the truth. if you want "real" pvp then do warzones because that is what real pvp is. if you want to have fun in ilum, then its not hard to do. but its really up to you to do it. although, you probably never will find a way to have fun if your main concern is rewards and finishing quests fast.

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If you're republic just stay at your base. The Imps will come to you, tag a couple for damage, pull them in and let the cannons finish them for you. Profit.


There is never a short supply of idiots Imps at the base(I'm Imperial.)


I spend most of my time in central though, being a vulture and listening to "Circles" by Soul Coughing.

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