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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Meanwhile Tracer Missiles...


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Then it's pure conjecture. "I think my class should do the most damage so nerf bounty hunters" isn't a valkid reason to change game balance.


I was under the impression that BW wanted to keep all DPS specs within 5% DPS of each other.


A commando has the opposite of mobility - he sits there using induction & channel abilities, unable to move.


Buff sniper/gunslinger damage if that's the issue. Problem solved.

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The difference is noticeable when every % counts and you're being targeted by more than one player. Otherwise, why pick talents that negate 2%-3% incoming dmg. It all adds up in the long run, with everything put together.


I didn't say it makes no difference.


But it's not the huge "OMG HE GETS HEAVY ARMOUR *AND* DPS" issue which some make it out to be.


You're thinking of Blizzard. Even with all the years of practice they've had balancing classes they still can't achieve this goal. If you think Bioware is going to get it right on the first try, you're dreaming. The difference is without a combat log, players have no way to test or verify.


No, I'm thinking about BW. And I never said it was right now or will be soon. I am in fact one of the people who responds to "WAH DONT NERF" threads with "balance at release is not necessarily perfect, balance is an ongoing thing".


Buff sniper/gunslinger damage if that's the issue. Problem solved.


The issue is people assuming their class should be best and demanding balance changes because they don't win everything.

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A commando has the opposite of mobility - he sits there using induction & channel abilities, unable to move.


Still, a commando has a lot more mobility than a gunslinger.

At least, you have some instants you can use on the go. And they aren't bad, just not as awesome as your key abilities.

Gunslingers have autoshot and a dot.


Plus, they have to root themselves constantly to use their abilities. It's not time free. (Cover doesn't induce a gcd, but your abilities need server's confirmation of covering to become available. Around 0,5 s before skills are available)



You may be a turret. But gunslingers are entranched turrets.

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A commando has the opposite of mobility - he sits there using induction & channel abilities, unable to move.


Auto-facing sound pretty mobile to me. I say remove auto-facing from all classes in the game, and you've just leveled the playing field.


There ya go, peeps can start the flaming (wait for it)........






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Auto-facing sound pretty mobile to me. I say remove auto-facing from all classes in the game, and you've just leveled the playing field.


There ya go, peeps can start the flaming (wait for it)........







Not moving = mobile?


What definition of mobility are you using?



As for "melee classes run through ranged classes - combat now decided by who circle strafes best": I fail to see how it's an improvement.

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At least, you have some instants you can use on the go. And they aren't bad, just not as awesome as your key abilities.


What instants would you be talking about. You mean Impact Bolt and Demolition Round. The two instants commandos have that require them to stack Grav Round shots first otherwise they're utter garbage?


Or maybe you mean their one anytime use instant, sticky grande.

Edited by Cruxe
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A commando has the opposite of mobility - he sits there using induction & channel abilities, unable to move.


This. Anyone who claims otherwise must not have played class.


I do a lot of damage (with a lot of Grav Rounds!) :D but only when I'm left forgotten in the corner or on a ramp or something. As soon as someone gets in my face and starts smackin me around with their glow stick it's GG heavy armor and all.

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Ever since I geared up, I've never lost 1v1 a merc. Tracer is a joke. Even pyro is no issue, provided you know how or can cleanse dots.


People remain terrible -- big surprise.


true 1v1 they go down, speaking as a marauder, but unmolested they can just sit back and spam loldps all day and take far less damage and die fewer times than the melee deeps classes

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Still, a commando has a lot more mobility than a gunslinger.

At least, you have some instants you can use on the go. And they aren't bad, just not as awesome as your key abilities.

Gunslingers have autoshot and a dot.


Plus, they have to root themselves constantly to use their abilities. It's not time free. (Cover doesn't induce a gcd, but your abilities need server's confirmation of covering to become available. Around 0,5 s before skills are available)



You may be a turret. But gunslingers are entranched turrets.


^^This with regards to mobility.


And as a commando that has spent a week or more now in both assault spec and gunnery spec@50 I can say any mando's that want to be more mobile should go for assault the damage is good in PvP but does seem weak in PvE.(I think the grav debuffs are better than the assault DoT's on Elite mobs/bosses).


When I was assault spec'd I was having no trouble at all with tracer missiles attacking me because I knew what they were doing and how get out of site before the 3rd one landed (thats when they actually pull out their big damage skills) If I was attacking them I could just LoS and use my superior assault instant casts/DoT's (DoT's are beautiful in a LoS based battle for obvious reasons)


I would say there is actually an art in playing Grav/Tracer to its potential, positioning yourself well (where you will not get LoS'd or munched by a melee). They don't have the ability to backpedal while slowing and hurting their enemies badly.

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true 1v1 they go down, speaking as a marauder, but unmolested they can just sit back and spam loldps all day and take far less damage and die fewer times than the melee deeps classes


Any class, if left alone and not attacked / CCd / etc, can rack up loads of DPS.


The point is, bad players let them do so. Good players break LoS or "molest" them as you put it. :)

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What instants would you be talking about. You mean Impact Bolt and Demolition Round. The two instants commandos have that require them to stack Grav Round shots first otherwise they're utter garbage?


Or maybe you mean their one anytime use instant, sticky grande.


Gunslinger trying to run : vital shot + spam filler attack.

Commando trying to run : sticky grenade + Impact bolt + demolition round + spam filler attack.


Sure, your instant damaged aren't maxed out. It's still better than a filler attack no ?

And they may be very powerfull if you used some grav round before right ? So you can in some extent do good damage while running a little.


Gunslinger can't. You can't argue against the fact your mobility is better than their. It doesn't mean yours is good.

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Ever since I geared up, I've never lost 1v1 a merc. Tracer is a joke. Even pyro is no issue, provided you know how or can cleanse dots.


People remain terrible -- big surprise.


I agree with the tracer part, but pyro? No way. I'm not saying pyro is unbeatable, but to classify them as no issue?

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I didn't say it makes no difference.


But it's not the huge "OMG HE GETS HEAVY ARMOUR *AND* DPS" issue which some make it out to be.


I believe a lot of people mistaken the Heavy Armor mitigation with the Bubble on CD that Heavy Armor classes tend to have.

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Auto-facing sound pretty mobile to me. I say remove auto-facing from all classes in the game, and you've just leveled the playing field.


There ya go, peeps can start the flaming (wait for it)........







Auto-Facing does not even work very well if a melee is doin the dps dance in your face. I get a lot of "Target not in sight" or whatever it says.

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