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Is Empire full of frustrated people like the one I met?


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After levelling a Jedi Guardian to 50, both by questing and by doing FPs, I decided to try a Sith Marauder, and today I did my first FP there (Black Talon).

We start in 4... 2 leave at half, without giving any reason and after needing on stuff they couldn't even use, but the "best" specimen of the group is the one that decided to finish the FP.

We did the whole run, with him continuously hurrying me to press space bar, even if I stated that this was my first time here and that I wanted to enjoy the story.

We arrived at the general, and I chose to spare his life and imprison him (light choice).

After that, he wrote to me "gay" on the chat... At which I replied him "finish the run by yourself, ******e", then I left...

I didn't know that the FP was over, and if I knew that, probably I would have swallowed my reply and just report him for being offensive after the run. Instead, he also mocked me because I left when the run was finished.

Obviously I added him immediately to the ignore list, but, just to know, is that the average level of the people rolling Empire side character? Because I never experienced something like that while levelling on the Republic side...

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I will say that they are all not like that, not even close. Just make sure you remember who you grouped with and do not group with them again. Both sides will have there players that are A#@hats. But they are far more great players out there who like the stories and running with others.
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I just started two Empire toons last night myself. The first one I left the server because someone was following me around. I mean, I'm a level 2, I kind of want to just play. So I went to my familiar server and just started a new toon there. Almost the same thing. So my observation is that they are overly friendly, LOL.


But the best groups I've found (and I don't group up too often I admit) are on European servers. No chatting goes on, because no one assumes you read English. Just nice playing with no condemnations.

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I've found much nicer people on the Republic, but many more people on the Empire side. Which makes it very hard to play the game as healer classes that rely on other groups. I've been wanting to do FPs and Heroics and group stories, but no one on the Empire side gives a damn, which makes it that much harder for me to enjoy the one thing I actually like about this game.
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Na people are people. When I was playing my BH, I've only met great Empire players. When I played republic, I've only met a bunch of nice people... a few bad apples here and there but aside from that, good people all around.


TIP: If you're doing a flashpoint and want people to be on the same page as you... look people without a legacy.

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I'm on Thana Vesh and the Empire crowd has been really good to me so far (have a lvl 50 sorc and a 39 op that i'm working on). I've only had one or two experiences where another imp was a jerk. Those experiences where griefers in Warzones which while I really didn't like it, I know that it comes with the territory while doing pvp. However, my PVE experience has been really great. Sorry to hear yours wasn't OP. :( Keep the faith! We have cookies! :p
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After levelling a Jedi Guardian to 50, both by questing and by doing FPs, I decided to try a Sith Marauder, and today I did my first FP there (Black Talon).

We start in 4... 2 leave at half, without giving any reason and after needing on stuff they couldn't even use, but the "best" specimen of the group is the one that decided to finish the FP.

We did the whole run, with him continuously hurrying me to press space bar, even if I stated that this was my first time here and that I wanted to enjoy the story.

We arrived at the general, and I chose to spare his life and imprison him (light choice).

After that, he wrote to me "gay" on the chat... At which I replied him "finish the run by yourself, ******e", then I left...

I didn't know that the FP was over, and if I knew that, probably I would have swallowed my reply and just report him for being offensive after the run. Instead, he also mocked me because I left when the run was finished.

Obviously I added him immediately to the ignore list, but, just to know, is that the average level of the people rolling Empire side character? Because I never experienced something like that while levelling on the Republic side...


Hehe, my BT run was the opposite... The Sith Warrior I had teamed up with was a great bloke, never spacebarred, was cool with whatever dialog choice and was an easy going chap in general... Guess you got unlucky :(

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From my limited runs with Empire, everyone seemed antisocial. I once did a black talon where NOBODY spoke a WORD. I'd ask questions, no response. I'd suggest strategies, nothing. It's so frustrating, I'd rather be in a group of jerks than something like that. Edited by Stenrik
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Thanks all for the feedback.

Yesterday did BT another time, with another player.

It was a funnier run, and that player was friendlier than the previous. However, he seemed surprised too by my "light" choices...

Is it so odd to choose a light path within the empire?

I can't understand why a Sith needs necessarily to kill unarmed and wounded people instead of capturing them if that's more useful to maintain the law.

Also, a light sided Sith can be seen as someone that wants a hard but honest form of government, not an evil tiranny that inevitably will spawn rebels... :rolleyes:

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Actually its pretty much the opposite on my server. Most people say things like 'don't press space please. I want to enjoy the story.' I have only seen one person commenting on my light/dark side choice and he only said he hasn't seen the opposite of that choice yet. Most poeple don't even greed on gear they can't use.


My server is The Harbinger. :cool:

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Thanks all for the feedback.

Yesterday did BT another time, with another player.

It was a funnier run, and that player was friendlier than the previous. However, he seemed surprised too by my "light" choices...

Is it so odd to choose a light path within the empire?

I can't understand why a Sith needs necessarily to kill unarmed and wounded people instead of capturing them if that's more useful to maintain the law.

Also, a light sided Sith can be seen as someone that wants a hard but honest form of government, not an evil tiranny that inevitably will spawn rebels... :rolleyes:


On my Agent I'm light side, neutral on my BH, and dark on my Inq (I love her voice combined with dark side choices)... Sw will either be neutral or dark. Just feels better that way to me.

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from my and a few friends observations imp side appears to have more "bad" apples. but i think people take the evil aspect too far into that being obnoxous to fellow gamers. perhaps for the jerks in real life playing the evil side is just more of a "natural" choice for some of them. while for others it rationalizes becoming one.


as far as light and dark choices go the game is rather boring hitting the same option all the time. as a 50 sith only dark 3 i found hitting light changed some quest outcomes around alot. (the same with a 47 light 3 smuggler and a neutral 30 bh.) imho to be truly evil one must learn how to manipulate people to achieve your goals. this involves light choices.


there is a differance being evil and just an obnoxous muderous jerk. but its a game have fun just dont do it at other peoples expense. soon you will be playing all alone if you do. lfd wont get you a better reputation. it will just group you with people like yourself.

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I have noticed that on most of the servers I've tried, the imps outnumber pubs at least 2:1, that being said, more is the chance to run across the bad apples. I myself don't hurry people on any of the FP's, I'll ask if the group wants to spacebar and if someone hasn't seen the content, then no worries :D .


I do however understand that for many people this is their first MMO, needing on gear not for their class happens, especially in the case of Marauder/jugg. Many people miss the heavy armor/med armor reqs. , I try to be diplomatic about it asking them to please look at the gear before they roll. I myself have much more time to play than others so not such a big deal for me as I can just run the FP again. Though when doing a high level FP, a 49 Marauder rolling on Tank gear is just bad form, at that point you should know what you're doing. :)

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I kind of like the Republic side mor, the players there seem to only be there to have fun, they're nice and less stuck up. But the Empire has a few good eggs too, a guy who was helping me level up my first Sith character (I have a Bounty Hunter on a different server), gave me 20,000 credits, he's awesome.
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Thanks all for the feedback.

Yesterday did BT another time, with another player.

It was a funnier run, and that player was friendlier than the previous. However, he seemed surprised too by my "light" choices...

Is it so odd to choose a light path within the empire?

I can't understand why a Sith needs necessarily to kill unarmed and wounded people instead of capturing them if that's more useful to maintain the law.

Also, a light sided Sith can be seen as someone that wants a hard but honest form of government, not an evil tiranny that inevitably will spawn rebels... :rolleyes:


Thats what I am. A lightside Sith. It's an rp thing because I wanna be a good guy born into the wrong society.

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Three questions:


1. Is there any reason to go neutral?


2. Is there any reason to not answer however you want?


I mean it's not like you're giving anyone else the wrong factioned points. The worst thing you'll do is deprive someone of an opposing cutscene if you win the social roll but, they'll get the points for their own answers and scrumptious social points for being in a group?


I played a lightside BH with my gal's darkside Inq and it was funny to see the conversation swings imo. I've found there is a lot more content if you go lightside in the empire and don't like playing my darkside toons... they're just boring and killing everyone makes the stories monotonously predictable.


3. Is there any reason to feel pressured when someone spacebars through dialog?


I play tons of alts (altoholic4life tbh... especially in SWTOR) so, I spacebar most non-class missions nowadays. The storytelling content, voice over work, and lore in this game is it's strength in the MMO market so, I don't mind in the least if my PUG groupies take the time to immerse themselves in the story... just like I did my first time through.


I spacebar so I can multitask without dialog in the background. When I hear dialog I know it's time to spacebar some more. I hope folks don't feel pressured.

Edited by storwars
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I agree with the OP - there can be some bad apples in the group, but I guess this is part of the experience of a MMO.... Their perhaps should be jerks in a game too.


Another thing to think about is that not everyone has the same maturity level as you. Remember you may run into that 12 year old kid who thinks that he's being funny. And at 12, they are not the best at social interaction.




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Thanks all for the feedback.

Yesterday did BT another time, with another player.

It was a funnier run, and that player was friendlier than the previous. However, he seemed surprised too by my "light" choices...

Is it so odd to choose a light path within the empire?

I can't understand why a Sith needs necessarily to kill unarmed and wounded people instead of capturing them if that's more useful to maintain the law.

Also, a light sided Sith can be seen as someone that wants a hard but honest form of government, not an evil tiranny that inevitably will spawn rebels... :rolleyes:



OP, such a huge jerk I think it was just bad luck.


That said, I've seen in more than one occasion something like "hey, I found a gay Relic, anyone want it ?" (requires Light II)

A total retarded expression, but the problem I see is that people who say such things think that kind of garbage is well received on that side. That's what's bugs me.


As for LS siths I, for one, run around with my toon in the Sith capital with the title of "Honorable" on his head :D

I once was asked, "hey, how did you get that title?" lol


I don't know how many ppl play LS siths, but take a look a this thread about a companion for the SW. ( I don't say more b/c that contains spoilers )

I know I'm not the only one with a LS sith.

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OP, such a huge jerk I think it was just bad luck.


That said, I've seen in more than one occasion something like "hey, I found a gay Relic, anyone want it ?" (requires Light II)

A total retarded expression, but the problem I see is that people who say such things think that kind of garbage is well received on that side. That's what's bugs me.


As for LS siths I, for one, run around with my toon in the Sith capital with the title of "Honorable" on his head :D

I once was asked, "hey, how did you get that title?" lol


I don't know how many ppl play LS siths, but take a look a this thread about a companion for the SW. ( I don't say more b/c that contains spoilers )

I know I'm not the only one with a LS sith.


OMG you mean you guys actually EXIST :p *swoons and faints with shock*

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