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Everything posted by storwars

  1. Dear SWTOR Fiscally Responsible Parties, Even without freebie name changes I am a happy subscriber and consumer of Cartel Market paraphernalia. The perceived false-promises of subscriber entitlement is of no concern to me. However, the business-minded pragmatician within me is compelled to point out the logic that is being overlooked when the decision is repetitively made to dismiss the option of adding a consumable name change service to this game. We, the patient customers since game-launch, know through server mergers that the code has already been written that permits a user to rename their character without customer service supervision. Judging by the number of threads on this topic and pre-existing implementation in all competitive MMOs, your customers will eagerly buy this service through micro-transactions. It will obviously be a long term seller with replenishing demand. Very few products sold with micro-transactions can boast the player retention numbers of this necessary service. There are numerous reasons that a player may want to change their character's name and, almost all of them can be game-breaking for these individuals. After the exhilarating server mergers in which many players hastily moved to their new server to re-establish their communities and organizations, let's face it, we found ourselves with a large number of obsessive players disenchanted with something as simple as new character names. These lost souls have no other options but to: submit tickets, complain on forums, begrudgingly start over while abandoning their investments, or in the worst cases (when immersion is crippled through frustration), strangle the product of recurring cash entirely when a paying customer simply leaves the game. I struggle to understand the logic in stalling this objective for any other micro-transactional service. A negative path of questioning is haunting each of us with each passing week. Is prioritizing new fluff-driven cartel pack deployment going to save this game with quick income or ruin it with neglected objectives? Is the blatant abandonment of initiatives like player-driven name changes the answer to the previous question? Am I the only customer asking these questions? I trust we are in agreement that maintaining Character Names and/or providing a player-driven path to change Character Names is a forefront concern when considering player(customer) retention in an online community based game and, I look forward to the increased prioritization and swift implementation of this much needed service. Thank you for your attention to this matter,
  2. Eroticism isn't an RP thing at all. It's an adult thing. Adult entertainment is a private matter that has legal ramifications when it is exposed publicly. That's why 18+ Non-RP guilds exist too. If people are making you uncomfortable in videogame-land then you are welcome to report them for being stupid and not respecting your boundaries but, honestly /ignore works great. As a community service I'd personally recommend you put on your bigkid pants and remind them that there might be kids on the fleet and that they probably want to go somewhere more private. Report them only if they are buggers about it. I reckon it might be tough to roleplay a promiscuous, bloodthirsty, self-absorbedbbed, sadistic Sith lord without making folks uncomfortable. The darkside is not for everyone.
  3. Three questions: 1. Is there any reason to go neutral? 2. Is there any reason to not answer however you want? I mean it's not like you're giving anyone else the wrong factioned points. The worst thing you'll do is deprive someone of an opposing cutscene if you win the social roll but, they'll get the points for their own answers and scrumptious social points for being in a group? I played a lightside BH with my gal's darkside Inq and it was funny to see the conversation swings imo. I've found there is a lot more content if you go lightside in the empire and don't like playing my darkside toons... they're just boring and killing everyone makes the stories monotonously predictable. 3. Is there any reason to feel pressured when someone spacebars through dialog? I play tons of alts (altoholic4life tbh... especially in SWTOR) so, I spacebar most non-class missions nowadays. The storytelling content, voice over work, and lore in this game is it's strength in the MMO market so, I don't mind in the least if my PUG groupies take the time to immerse themselves in the story... just like I did my first time through. I spacebar so I can multitask without dialog in the background. When I hear dialog I know it's time to spacebar some more. I hope folks don't feel pressured.
  4. wait... OOOOOOOO YOU GUISE!!! YOOOOOUUUU SNEAKYSNEAKS! After re-reading question #16, I now understand that it was a trick question. Essentially you're asking if you want to be in a good guild, and nobody guild, or a horrible guild. I see what happened now. The words "Infamous" and "Dirty" magnetically pulled my clicker-finger in that direction. Well I suppose we'll need to be updated to "Famous". Thanks!
  5. AHhhhhhHAssssSSNAP! Who DAT!?! My top ranked suggestion when looking for an INFAMOUS imperial guild on Sanctum of the Exalted!
  6. I rarely post accolades to the interweb-spreadsheet-ninjas but, this is absolutely fantastic. Great work!
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