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What is the end game like?


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I assume you have finished your story.


Crafting has no link with endgame. PvP is no different than before either.


If you are into raiding you'll be busy for a couple of days.


If you are into RP, you'll see that there is nothing to help you and no interaction possible with the world so you won't do that.


Dailies will keep you busy for about a week and a half.


Then you'll stop logging in and start waiting to see if BioWare care about the future of the game.

Edited by Dreossk
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I wanted some insight as to how the end game is. Is there plenty to keep you busy (Raids, PVP, Dailies, crafting, etc...)?


this game is the most stripped down game i have ever played. the put a ton of time into story cutscenes and VO. those things are great, but when you get to the end game you realize how rudimentary and shallow tor actual is thgame is in rerolling for story , the problem is you have to do the same content to expierence the single player story . there is zero flexibility in the leveling process. Its all on rails.

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I assume you have finished your story.


Crafting has no link with endgame. PvP is no different than before either.


If you are into raiding you'll be busy for a couple of days.


If you are into RP, you'll see that there is nothing to help you and no interaction possible with the world so you won't do that.


Dailies will keep you busy for about a week and a half.


Then you'll stop logging in and start waiting to see if BioWare care about the future of the game.



I really hate to say this, but Dreossk sums the end game up perfectly. The worst part is if you roll another character, unless you switch factions your replay experience will be 95% identical to what you just played.


I am quickly becoming disillusioned with SWTOR, however I will give BioWare time to adjust the end game.

Edited by Razyr
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I've found revisiting planets on an alt so painful I just try to minimize the amount of questing I have to do on them. Only thing I'm interested is the class story and not rehashing the same old quests/zones.


Even if you switch factions the amount of quest and zone overlap is too much.

Edited by grueber
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I've found revisiting planets on an alt so painful I just try to minimize the amount of questing I have to do on them. Only thing I'm interested is the class story and not rehashing the same old quests/zones.


Yeah, I'm feeling a bit misled by BioWare with the whole sales pitch of "over 200 hours of unique gameplay for each class". That's not exactly true, is it? You get maybe 3-4 hours of UNIQUE game play per class.


I used to defend the game using this argument against people saying there wasn't much to do. I was wrong.

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You will split time between standing around on Fleet staring at walls or Ilum, where you can kill trade for valor.


Or Warzones where you may or may not get credit for wins.


Or Belsavis where you do the same daily quests every day for the rest of your life.

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I really hate to say this, but Dreossk sums the end game up perfectly. The worst part is if you roll another character, unless you switch factions your replay experience will be 95% identical to what you just played.


I am quickly becoming disillusioned with SWTOR, however I will give BioWare time to adjust the end game.


While I'll agree that they could have done a little more in regards to what's available after you wrap up leveling, there's still a decent amount of "end-game" content compared to other MMO launches, most of it is just typical though. And I will say that 95% isn't necessarily accurate considering you can make different choices in your regular missions which can actually have a different effect on your experience, significantly at different points. Plus different class quests and such for the different classes...So 95% is an exaggeration.

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I really hate to say this, but Dreossk sums the end game up perfectly. The worst part is if you roll another character, unless you switch factions your replay experience will be 95% identical to what you just played.


I am quickly becoming disillusioned with SWTOR, however I will give BioWare time to adjust the end game.


*Hug* It's ok...


I quit my sub awhile ago (jan 23... yes I got sucked for one more month. :( ) and I kept saying there was nothing to do at end-gam. People kept saiyng "ROLL AN ALT! There's a lot more to this game then you know if you just roll an alt!" yeah... no... I hate going through the same planets the 2ed around. I thought the convos would help that, but no they just make it more painful.

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There is really plenty of end game content. The problem is Bioware has decided that it is better to give everyone the same quality gear regardless of the difficulty of what you are doing. Thus HM FPs drop the same gear as Easy Operations. If you run HMs daily like I did, then you most likely have most, if not all of your Columi Armor set before you ever step foot into an Operation, thus making Operations almost pointless. No BW, raids are not just for the enjoyment of killing things. If we aren't being rewarded for our effort, then why put the effort in, in the first place.


Bioware doesn't understand what keeps people playing a game after they reach max level. People need to have a goal. If you feel like you already have everything, or have done everything, then the game loses interest and appeal.


Also, the fact that they seem to want to resist merging servers for a population boost (which is desperately needed at this point) and haven't placed a suitable LFG tool in the game yet is really getting quite sad. People spend more time shouting in frustration looking for groups than actually grouping.

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Why do people keep making the excuse that the game is new and endgame isn't needed? Rift was created by a much, much smaller studio in less time and it had better end game at release. Folks like to say WoW had no endgame--but WOW's endgame was massive and extremely challenging compared to TOR. Sure MC was the only raid, but the encounters had mechanics that made it extremely difficult for most guilds to clear before the release of the 2nd major raid. By comparison, the first raid in TOR takes a novice group somewhere between four and six hours to clear. (Plus the WoW raids were 7 years ago--expectations where much different.)


So maybe WOW and TOR had the same amount at release. The difference was the WOW endgame kept you engaged for three to four months--not two days.


Blame the smaller raid sizes, blame that folks whine when they are challenged too much, blame whoever. The bottom line is there isn't much to keep you logging onto the game after a week or two at 50.

Edited by Zhit
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My day is pretty damn full at 50...


HM/NM Flash points/Opperations, Daily PvE/PvP missions, Warzones, helping out guild mates level and get to end game..and I craft, when I have time. Thats a damn full day. I have two 50's now, shortly 3..im lucky if I get my dailys done on one of them


People are always gonna whine, complain, grumble, and think they know everything. The general forum is the WORST place to ask a question if you want a somewhat real answer. All you get here is opionated garbage...my response included. My opinion just happens to be good of the game, i would give a fwhk what other people think though, I make my own decisions and opinions of things I spend my time doing, rather than rely on random people to tell me what I should think.


Play the game. If you like it, play more. If you dont, dont.

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If PVP is your thing there is plenty to grind.

Getting to Valor 60 without exploting takes at least a month(if you have nolife).

After getting to Valor Rank 60 you can start collecting the Battlemaster gear, which is the best PVP gear right now, and that takes at least another month(again if you have nolife).


If your thing is PVE you can grind HM fp and do Operations(raids), which should take a couple months for most people to complete them all.


So there is plenty to do, dont listen to Trolls.

And in march more Endgame content is coming, so dont worry.

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