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Datacrons I Give UP


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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.


I died 27 times trying to get the willpower one on Taris. That was my last one, I won't do them ever again. They can rot where they stand. I'm done playing mario bros.

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Datacrons only give a small attribute increase and it isn't necessary to get them in order to be able to play the game, obviously, but they do add up over time; This I can understand.


However, I have not found any of the solo-reachable Datacrons to be "too hard" to obtain. There definitely are some bothersome ones to get, but I would stop short of saying that some are impossible.


I truly believe that all players, regardless of skill level, can get every Datacron in the game. I know you can do this. You have to want the Datacrons more than you want to quit.


If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.

actually if you get them all they add up.
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I'm terrible at jumping. Any game I've ever played if jumping to get somewhere is involved i'm a big fail. I don't know why because I do really, really try. The long drawn out one in Tatooine where you have to jump alot to get there and the balloon one I was unable to do no matter how much I tried, how many days I'd go and try. While you might be able to jump right over there without alot of trouble I couldn't.


Finally I had a friend pull me up to the one in town and if he ever goes out to do the balloon one I'll do the same I guess. Its frustrating though when its something you want to do yet just can't get it. I'd like to do it on my own. Things like this, while are a side game and not a have to, are things that you want to participate in and enjoy doing not feel like after 50 tries in one sitting and still falling that you want to throw the computer out the window. I hear that it should be a challenge but geez have a heart and don't come down so hard on people that put forth alot of effort but are spazzy at jumping.

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The datacrons have begun to really get to me.


What I want out of a datacron hunting experience is exploring: finding windy side paths up to the tops of waterfalls, exploring mountaintops, and searching territory that you would never otherwise need to visit. I want to have to puzzle out the route to the datacron, so it's an interesting challenge. I want to be challenged to think, to problem-solve, and to explore and see the galaxy in new ways. But the key is that I want it to be an interesting challenge -- not an exercise in monotonous, obsessive-compulsive torture.


I agree that finding datacrons should be challenging. But to all those who boast of their immaculate ledging skills and belittle those who can't manage the same aerobatic feats, I'd like to point out that this is NOT an even playing field.


The big divider: lag.


My computer lags. I cranked the graphics settings as low as they'll go, I have a reasonably good computer, and I still lag. Not enough to make the game unplayable -- but definitely enough that I just don't have the ability to make fine-tuned jumps. I don't jump immediately when I hit the spacebar, and the lag between keydown and character response also varies, so there's no good way to learn to compensate for it. I actually like enjoy a challenging ledge jumping puzzle... but not when I can't control when my feet leave or hit the ground, or even precisely when I start or stop running.


The fact is that a lot of folks don't even have the fortune to have a machine as good as mine, and with the lag I have, datacron hunting -- as it stands now -- isn't a matter of skill. It's an issue of frustrating, joy-killing, dumb luck. And for those with older computers, or those with lighter hardware specs, what is nearly impossible for me must be sadly and completely impossible.


The fact of the matter is, the datacrons should be reasonably accessible for those whose computers can't handle SWTOR's notorious character responsiveness issues and just general lag. But they're just... not.


And to those who cry out for a challenge, let me pose a thought: is precision jumping the only way datacron hunting could be challenging? Or could they, perhaps, be just as challenging if they were to be more well-hidden, in more remote, but less jump-intensive locations? Why not mazes, or puzzles, or other challenges to access datacrons -- doesn't jumping on boxes seem like an awfully lazy way to make something difficult without adding any additional fun-factor? (If hopping up pipes and riding balloons is fun and exciting for you, more power to you -- I am not so lucky.) I'd much rather my character need to answer a riddle, scale a remote cliff with a windy path, solve a unique puzzle, navigate a tricky conversation with an NPC, or navigate a maze through steep cliffs and challenging foes, than I would have my character -- my hero in an epic space opera -- have to brave the dangers of... jumping from one platform to another.


TL:DR? Here's the bottom line: I say make the game fair: it's a fair challenge when the specs of your computer and the speed of your internet connection don't determine which players succeed while others fail.

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The +10 datacron requires a group of people that work well together and have a moderate level of coordination (twitch gamers will find this whole thing pretty damn easy).


I highly recommend Vent or TS for that one.


The balloon ride on Tat, however, is horrible. Just, f'ing horrible. Wait for a little under an hour for a balloon. Stand in said balloon and hover over the desert for another f'ing 30 minutes. Jump off the balloon onto a crawler. Loot a datacron.



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I agree, I don't think it was a good idea to put twitch gameplay in a game that doesn't actually have it, or mechanics or engine that wasn't built for it.




Nowhere else is the jump mechanic mandatory. No class quests that I've done require jumps at specific times, or in a certain way in order to complete the quest.


If there was, then the mechanics could be tweaked better than they currently exist. Instead, you have to make guesses as to where the best places to jump are, and hope your twitch doesn't result in you falling off a ledge/building/balloon, and having to redo 10-50 minutes worth of work to get back to that point to try again.


For me, most of them have just been dumb luck and glitches with collision detection.

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I'm kind of on the fence here.


On one hand, I'm a total fps / twitch so the datacrons were hilariously easy for me which makes me assume on some level, they should be kind of easy for everyone.


On the other, MMO gamers aren't really known for their fps / twitch backgrounds and it's rarely a requirement.


However, I'd argue that if you're using hotkeys, raiding, and playing PVP, jumping a few platforms or timing jumps / grapples really should not be that difficult.


The best PVPers in any MMO are total twitchbabies.

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My problem is controls, animation errors, and what looks like lag (but it's not because the connection is prefect.)


The game doesn't control like mario, so to ask for mario precision jumping is unreasonable.


^^^ This, they need to make slight changes based on size. The Cron in Alderan behind a door is not available if you have body type 3 or larger, thats just poop!

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I have most of them (including the 10+ and balloon ride ones) and loved every minute of it.


I am hoping they add more interesting and semi-hard to obtain items like this in the game.


Heck.. I kind of wish they did something like this for a purple crystal instead of a standard PVP grind.


Like... Run here, ride there, kill a World Boss with 16 guildies and everyone gets a special token, blow up a cave entrance, go behind a waterfall, speak with a NPC turn in token, get a special uncut crystal, run here, ride there, talk to a old jedi NPC and bingo... purple crystal.


You hearing me BW??? More of this please. :D

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Datacrons give +1-4 stat points. Most of your armor upgrades will give you +10 or more, each time you upgrade. By the time you're level 50, 1-4 bonus stats vs having 300-400 as a base stat means that each datacron is less than 1% of a difference.


They exist as a reward for exploring, and a reward for completionists. Also, they're something for max level players to do to go back and explore the lower level areas.


If you don't like datacrons, IGNORE THEM. It IS NOT A BIG DEAL.


Sheesh. People complain if EVERY LITTLE THING isn't tailor-made for them.

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I agree, I don't think it was a good idea to put twitch gameplay in a game that doesn't actually have it, or mechanics or engine that wasn't built for it.


Then ignore them. Seriously, it doesn't matter. Their existence is not going to ruin your game.

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I love these things. The jumping can get very very tedious as there is a delay between pressing forward and jumping. So, watch vids and try some tips out. Sometimes you have to turn sprint off or you might have to try various strategies. Hardest one for me so far was the Taris Willpower one. When you get it you feel quite accomplished. Good hunting!
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Some of the datacrons were very challenging to get but that was part of the fun. As a guild we put together groups and had a blast going through them. At times I wanted to smash my computer doing those jumps (Taris) but in the end it was a good challenge. If you get stuck walk away from the computer a few minutes and try again.
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What part of 90x2=increase to Stats dont you understand?


Sure, 90x2 total. But you're not really concerned about Aim, Willpower, and Cunning as a Sith Warrior are you? Heck, you may not even be all that concerned about Endurance if you're not tanking or PvPing. Now it's 90x2/5. So instead of 180 stats, you're actually only looking at 36 useful stat points. Not a big deal when you have 1200. It would be a 3% increase to that stat, which might translate to about a 0.5% increase to DPS. It will be lost in the noise.

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